
The bloody revenge of the past

Kate and Stefan's new babies are born, hope is a girl child they named, and the first hybrid born of the corvin family, that is, the first hybrid of the corvin family is half vampire and half lycand. Not only that, but of course the hybrids are resistant to daylight Kate and brandon lycandir. If his brother, that is, his human brother, they send him to his brother, who is a human, together with taylor, the little vampire, to send their daughters hope.

Kris: Sir, there's something I have to tell you

Markus: tell me I'm listening to kris

Kris: Sir, you won't believe it, but for the first time, the first pure hybrid of your father's line was born.

Markus: (stands up on a nerve)

Why are you sure? This is impossible kris. So where is this hybrid?

Kris: Sir I'll tell you one more thing

Markus: If it's worse than that, say it quickly, angry (his nerves are gone)

Kris: Sir mother Kate and father


Markus: Well, this is someone I see an impossible person as my own daughter. How about this, kris?

Kris: Sir, you know two Lycans cannot marry, they are opposing death traders. I think both of them were unfair to you, sir.

Markus: find me kate and stefan hemeeeen kris you stay

Kris: welcome sir

Markus: what about them the mixed girl?

Kris: unfortunately they do not have it sir, it is unknown where it is now, what do you order let's do it sir

Markus: If necessary, on the stone, the stone will not be left alone, you will find me that hybrid.

Kate and Stefan hear 'markus' already in her ear and they start to run away until Markus finds them.

Kate: let's go quickly

Stefan: okay don't be afraid darling god we didn't do anything alone with us

Kate: dear, I'm scared, what do I do if Markus finds our daughter (hugs Stefan and cries)

Stefan: (caressing his head) nothing like that

Markus rushes in before they leave

Markus: Oh, like you're going somewhere where?

Kate: Even if we perish, our daughter would surely take our revenge, traitor

Markus: (holding his throat) keees sluggish you gonna destroy me me ha mulat neeerde where ooo

Stefan: You will never learn, you are spoiled like you, you will be embarrassed when you see the strength of the good

Markus: Wow wow you're not that slave with that dog. Shut up slave let's see your past and I can say split it when you see it (speaking with a slight grin.)

Markus: Take these treacherous dogs to disgrace, that hybrid will be found immediately. Have you heard me?

Soldiers: Yes, sir, it's clear, sir Markus.

Kate and Stefan get disgraced to find Markus Hop, in fact, they were caught in a war when they never expected it.