
Underworld: Mythological romance (BL)

After successful completion of the punishment imposed on him for being a traitor, which was to live with humans for three years, Strahd returned back to Jupiter. Few days subsequently, the witch that was mystically protecting their coven from enemies was assassinated by a traitor vampire, Therefore the realm guarding the vampires from the werewolves was breached and the werewolves began attacking the vampires and taking back some of them as hostages to do their hunt for them.... During the war, Strahd was sent on a quest to search for the witch that lives amongst the humans, so returning back to the human world the second time, there he met a werewolf he could not resist and fell in love with, despite their enimity and rivalry between both clans...

Ada_eze · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 04 : The final call

Strahd had a fuzzy memory of how he got back to his dorm last night, as he opened his eyes he yawned loudly then a long irritating burped escaped his mouth, then he remembered the event that had happened...

------- last night --------

I believe it when people said the darkest hour always come before the dawn, and this was my dark hour, as it was just a minute past twelve, I was in my hunting mode looking for a prey, the one that would taste nice and satisfy me as I was almost turning into a full bat.

I stood at the top of a guest house, as it was the highest building in that city and i kept glaring down with my cold red eyes at the quiet place. Searching for either an unlucky animal or human that would cross my path.

My lips curved into a sardonic smile as I heard screams, I saw a man grab a lady by the hair dragging her out from a vehicle trying to force her into his apartment.[is this how humans treat their ladies I thought, but no we were taught to always treat women with respect]. She broke free from his grip and ran to the middle of the road and began screaming.

"No one would hear you missy, just come in and be a good girl" I heard him tell her

A rapist! "bingo" I said through my fangs, just what I've been waiting for, I spread my arms wide and leaped from the high building feeling the wind in my face, it felt so good, then I landed down on his car, destroying his windscreen and side mirror in the process

"What the fuck man, this is not on my insurance" he said releasing his grip on the lady

"I don't know what that means, I told him, I looked at the lady, she was staring at me with her mouth agape, run" I told her and she took her purse and fled

I sped forward grabbed the man and slammed him on his car. My long claws penetrated his neck choking him he spluttered and began bleeding, I sniffed and tasted his blood, I perceived alcohol, he's drunk but he'll do, bending his neck a little, I dug my fangs inside his neck and began draining him...


------ male dorm ------

Strahd stood up and discovered he didn't even sleep on his own bed

"Seems we switched bed last night" he heard someone say, he turned and saw watt roll out if his bed and stood up rubbing his eyes

"Last night was a blast, he said energetically, he stretched and examined strahd's shirt, what's that on your shirt? are you alright he asked moving hastily to him, did you bleed last night?" He asked wrinkling his face

Fuck how can he be so careless, he had so much fun of his own that he forgot to change his blood stained shirt. Things were about to get sticky, but he had no intention of spilling to this squirrel in front of him

"Errr... I didn't bleed, I mean I did bleed but not much, he blinked his eyes and scratched his head thinking hard of what to tell his friend, he listened to watt's heart, it was beating faster, was he panicking?, Look I tripped and landed on something sharp, you know I was a little tipsy"

"You landed with your chest" watt asked looking frightened

"Errr yes"

"Let me have a look", he said lifting his shirt up

Strahd stopped him "it wasn't that deep, I didn't injure myself badly" he said frowning

"Seems like you lost a lot of blood to me, that's a chest wound, did you see a doctor, how are you still standing"

Watt didn't seem to want to let it slide, [if he ask me anymore question, I'll kiss his neck] Strahd swore, he was beginning to irritate the monster in him

"I did treat myself, as you can see, am alright, just let it slide, is past now"

"You look okay, watt nodded, serves you right though, you didn't want to wait for your friends"

Strahd breathed in relief and looked at the sheets, there was no blood stain on it, seems he healed preety fast

"Do help me wake up that bear would you, we need to eat before we start packing up"

Finally it was time to go, and he still hasn't heard his call, he sighed as he turned his attention to Leon.



It was few minutes past eight, all dorms on campus were noisy and in utter chaos as everyone were packing and rushing in and out of each others room, exchanging goodbye kisses and gifts.

Strahd sat comfortably on a sofa in the hallway, somewhat enjoying the scene, so this is what it feels like to be human, he thought suddenly irritated, they only enjoy every moment knowing they would die soon

[ Having fun?" ] He heard a voice speak

He turned but didn't see anyone speak to him, he rotated his head but didn't see anyone,he didn't want to use his mystical powers here, to avoid getting caught, who the heck was playing mind games with him?

[Seems you're having way too much fun with this humans] the voice spoke again

He looked around and noticed only him heard the voice, what the heck, he knew only three people in his clan that were telepathic, who the hell is this?

[Who are you?, Show yourself?]

[It doesn't matter who I am, am coming soon] with an evil laughter, the voice went dead

Leon popped his head out of their room,

"Hey bro, you think you can help us with our luggage?" He beckoned

"Sure" he stood up and took a gaze around, before entering inside



I had to make sure my findings were true, after I saw the corpse in the papers, I knew I wasn't the only cold blooded immortal living amongst the humans again, I had always suspected him since he spoke to me, he had a dark energy in him, from the way he talks and look. Hell he doesn't even need to read to pass his examination, only a mythical creatures could do that.

As I slipped inside the male dorm in a shadow form, there he was seated on a sofa, time to run my test. As I telepathed to him, he heard and replied, that means only one thing, he's telepathic, but he didn't see me so he wasn't who I was searching for, so fustrating

"It doesn't matter am coming soon" I said and went silent,damn so frustrating, who must have killed my mother?...



"Aren't you going yet?" Watt asked rolling up 5ge sleeves of his shirt

"Ohh am just waiting for my final call off, ermm..for my call from my ehh..."

"Chaffeur?" Leon said

"Err yes" if only he knows what that means??

Watt stared at him looking confused, making him look uncomfortable, then he laughed" you know, I wonder how you're so smart, but you don't know how to make a single sentence correctly"

"Yeah me too" Leon added laughing

Strahd exhaled, exhausted, he can't wait to get this moment over with, he'll never get used to this life, living with humans.

He helped them gather their luggage and made their way to the gate, where a host of taxi's waited to take them to the train station. They hugged themselves and Leon began faking a cry , then they finally began their journey to their destinations.


As Strahd made his way back to the dorm, he suddenly realized how hungry he was, the traumatic experience if going to college a second time coupled with living with humans nearly brought him to his rage phase.

As he got inside his dorm room, he cautiously locked the door behind him then floated and hung upside down on the ceiling with his eyes half closed. He has never had a real sleep since he came to this universe,he had to lay in a bed to sleep which was really strange for his body and so uncomfortable for him, most mornings he woke up to find himself floated hanging upside down and would hurriedly slip back to his bed to avoid getting caught.

He had never been able to hunt freely without the fear of getting seen, he had to live on their disgusting food, it had been terrible for him..

"How long are you going to hang up there like that?" A deep voice spoke to him, he opened his eyes then floated down

"Martin!, How did you get in here?"

"Guess you couldn't feel me from up there huh?" he grinned then hugged him

"Guess so, I've missed you so much"

Martin was tall, with broad shoulders, and was born by two demon vampire, so he had natural deep red eyes, pale skin and red lips which made him stunning, he was eighty years, twenty years when he was transformer to a vampire, but he already began displaying their abilities since he was three, he had been friends with Strahd since they were five.

"Bro your body feels a little warm are you okay?" He asked feeling his shoulder

"Nope, I haven't had sleep in like three years"

"Really, I was expecting you like an hour ago"

Strahd frowned his face" I've been waiting for you know who's call"

"He telepathed you"

"For real, since when?"

"Two hours ago" he replied indignantly

"Geez,am fine packing", he took a nostalgic glance around the room, the place that has been his home for three years,the most tragic years of his life

"You sure you need all these" Martin pointed at his luggage

"Not sure, but it won't do any good leaving then back here"

"That's true" Martin shrugged

"Race you home?" Strahd said with his fangs peeking out

"Why don't we just teleport, Martin said frown lines etching on his forehead, racing from here our journey would be two hours

"Where is the fun in that?, besides is been long, I haven't had any liberty to do so since"

"Alright, one, two.....

Curtains rustled, and chill winds blew and just like a flash of lightening, they were gone...