
underworld king of mekrene

julianalilydemine · Fantasy
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34 Chs

old friend

boy:- what are you saying, don't play with me, are you serious, tell something. what are you witnessing, if you see something, tell me it is good news or bad?

ariel:- you can't see her because you didn't drink poison, this is the only way to see her, even I don't know, how that possible but that the reality.

blue soul explain to Ariel, that those who drink poison only can see her because that position is magical, it increases mana inside the body, it purifies mind and soul, for 30 min, which means ariel can only see her for only 30 min before his mana energy gets to normal.

blue soul also tells him that, she is the goddess of life and death who permit you to reincarnate as a prince instead of going to hell or haven and be reborn on earth again.

goddess:- so you successfully open the door of forbidden power, long time no see, everything is true what he says, I am the one who sends him with you, didn't expect to see you again.

ariel:- kid mix that lake water with position and drink it, if you do that you can also see her, even tho it reveals my secrets but it's alright if it you.

boy do the same as Ariel said, he was surprised to see the goddess in front of him, he was angry on her, why she didn't do anything when he was suffering alone.

boy:- so you are god, you are really beautiful, can you explain to me why you didn't help me when I was suffering alone and when I was about to die, why didn't you let me die when I was suffering, explain you are the goddess of death, why didn't you something, why didn't you kill me so I don't have to suffer, after all, you are the goddess of death, why I am alive and keep suffering.

goddess:- you kid, all humans are just behaving like idiots, do you think that we hate you or do you think we have only you to fill your life with happiness, no we have to do complex and superior work, but because of your selfish nation you suffer because you want to guarantee to have everything and go everything smoothes you waste your time on God what happen you something, use your head and body to get what you want, but you are begging like poor soul, you choose to stay weak it, not my fault, you waste you're like adjusting with the thing, but you can also grow stronger and achieve anything you want but you didn't, why that, who stop you, God, human the real answer is only you stop you, God only has the power to control your soul after death, but when you are alive and living you can do anything and becomes anything.

boy:- sorry I understand, but you give me very big lectures, I know now I am good in the world because if I live in the light it is worth living.

ariel:- you still have to learn so much think and you have to do so much think like have girlfriend, so don't give up on life.

boy:- you are a bastard, but you have to give me advice and suggestions about it.

ariel:- so you know how to act happy, that good, now, I am surprised, now let ask some questions to my goddess.

goddess:- what you want to say, it loves confessor, you want to sleep with me.

ariel:- no I am not worthy enough for that, can you make my wish come true, can you fill this lake with a beautiful girl, I want to take bath.

goddess:- of course, you are something else.

like he said goddess fill the lake with 20 hot and beautiful women, they are calling for Ariel and seduce him to take shower with him.

boy:- I think you are going to ask something serious, but you are just a pervert bastard after all.

Ariel explains to him, how he sees the goddess in front of him.

ariel:- do you something.

boy:- what

ariel:- when you drink this poison it increases mana in your soul and lake water increases purity in your heart, all those factors are the result of why you witnessing the goddess in front of you.

boy:- that meaning if your a pervert then it impossible for you to witness her anymore, tell me are you see her or not, if there is any possibility that you can see her then you are not a pervert, but you wish something pervert, who are you.

ariel:- can you disappear that girl, now

goddess erase all the girls from the lake, now nobody in the lake.

ariel:- you are confused the real answer is that I am acting like a pervert because it makes me happy, I am not a pervert, in reality, I can see her, that the prove, are you satisfied.

boy:- you are sharing useless information, I am not interested if you are a pervert or not, I don't care if you sleep with a woman, I know you are not that kind of person who broke someone heart, you are good.

ariel:- don't be like this you make me sick.

boy:- did I say something wrong, or did I hurt your feelings.

ariel:- nothing, goddess why are you here are you waiting all this time her or you came here when we open this door.

goddess:- well, I come here when you open this door, do you want to left weight from your heart, I can help you.

ariel:- no if you turn me into a monster then I am not interested, I don't want you to kill someone else.

goddess:- if you talk like this I might fall for you, just kidding, now spell time before it gets too late.

boy:- what are you talking about, what kind of burden are you carrying in your heart, you didn't share any information about it with me, what is she talking about.

a goddess put some kind of spell on ariel, he becomes unconscious, his eyes are closed but he is still on his feet, the boy keeps asking questions, but soon he realized something is wrong.

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