
Underworld Intern

This is basically a tale of Hades and Persephone, but not quite like you know it. The love that blossomed between Hades and Persephone was never a mere coincidence like Greek mythology suggests, there are ancient truths that were buried, lies that were praised, and connections that were severed, never again to see the light of day… Until now. Persephone, a sheltered, home schooled sweet little girl finally gets the chance to see the world beyond her mother’s reach and enrolls in the most prestigious university in all the three realms. Will she fulfill her mother’s wishes of working hard and graduating collage so she can take over the business? Or will her encounter with the king of the underworld completely throw her off track? ***** “Lord Hades! Lord Hades!” “How many times have I told you not to scream in my office Thanatos?” Thanatos stopped in front of the large black table and slipped a piece of paper across to the dark haired man who was smoking a cigar at the other end of it. “You need to see this.” Hades picked up the paper and trailed his deep crimson eyes over each line, his brows knitting more and more as he read. “Is this a some kind of fluke?” “I followed it up sir,” Thanatos responded. His voice indicated both excitement and nervousness, how could he not be? This had never happened before in the history of the underworld. “It’s not a fluke sir, someone actually applied to intern in the underworld.” “Persephone….” Hades mumbled to himself as she gazed at the picture attached to the application letter. “What are you up to little dove?”

Bee1429 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 23 : Neda waterfall

Persephone held on to Tekos as they cruised past the many cars, it was impressive how the satyr zoomed through the city's traffic so skillfully and then out the highway into an open road. The further they went down the open road, there were less and less cars until Persephone couldn't see a single vehicle in sight. The tall buildings and city sounds slowly melted away into vast plains of lash grass and the sound of nature.

"it's so beautiful out here.." the goddess mumbled. The scenery reminded her a lot of the fields of grass and flowers back home in the mortal realm. She didn't realize she had actually missed the quite and calm until now.

Tekos turned the bike into a gravel road and slowed down, Persephone wondered where they were heading to until she heard the sound of water. Was there a river nearby?

The handsome satyr brought the bike to a stop and parked beside what looked like a safety railing. He hopped off and then helped Persephone down before helping her with her helmet.

"Have you ever heard of the Neda waterfall?"

Persephone nodded and slowly her eyes glimmered in excitement. Is that where they were? "Yes I read about it in the history books!" She answered excitedly, "when Zeus was born, his mother Rhea saved him from Kronos who wanted to devour him, by entrusting the baby to the nymphs of Neda…"

"Thissoa and Agno," Tekos added on and reached for Persephone. The goddess took his hand excitedly, she was practically jumping in place. "They nursed Zeus far from the watchful eyes of Kronos until he was of age. The waterfall was named Neda to pay homage to the nurses of Zeus."

Tekos led the beautiful goddess to the railing and stopped a few inches away. Persephone's eyes widened when the beautiful waterfall came into view, they where overlooking the magnificent attraction from a cliff above. The white veil of water poured beautifully from rock to rock down to a beautiful blue pool below. "It's even more beautiful in person," the goodness cooed.

"Yes she is.." Tekos mumbled and squeezed Persephone's hand while staring longingly at her.

Persephone turn to the satyr and gave him a questioning look.

"I mean the waterfall!" Tekos corrected himself, "the waterfall is very beautiful."

When Persephone trailed her blue eyes to their interlocking hands, Tekos immediately let go and took a step back. "I'm so sorry!" He yelled in embarrassment, "I didn't mean to, I was absent minded!"

Persephone chuckled and gave the panicking satyr a smile, "it's alright Tekos, no need to get worked up about it."

Tekos sighed in relief, he didn't want Persephone to push him away because he was coming in too strong. He really did like her, she was the first female who made him feel comfortable and calm. Around her, Tekos would almost forget about his little embarrassing distinction, and that made him want to be around her so much more.

The two leaned over the safety railing and watched the beautiful waterfall in silence. Tekos would steal glances at Persephone every once in a while and wondered how one could be so beautiful. He then pulled out his phone and took a picture of her while she was looking out at the waterfall.

Persephone heard the clicking sound of Tekos' phone and turned to him, "what was that?"

"I'm sorry I could help it," Tekos mumbled nervously and handed Persephone his phone, "it looked like it would be a really good shot and I was right."

The blue eyed goddess took the phone and looked at the picture, it was amazing. "Wow Tekos, have you thought of taking up photography? This is amazing!"

"Really? I could send it to you if you want," he offered before taking the phone back, "though you'd have to give me your number first."

"Oh.." Persephone pursed her lips and blushed, how was she going to tell Tekos she didn't have a cell phone? I mean who at her age didn't have a cellphone?! This was so embarrassing, he was going to think she was old fashioned and weird.

"You don't have to give your number if you're not comfortable Persephone-"

"No that's not it," Persephone responded. She looked to the side and wiggled around uncomfortably, "I'd love to give you my number.. it's just that.. well, I don't exactly have a cellphone."

Tekos went quiet which made Persephone feel really self conscious, he thought she was a village girl didn't he? He was about to laugh at her right now wasn't he?

"That explains why Eris wouldn't give me your phone number after the party.," Tekos mumbled. "But that's alright, I'm kind of glad actually, I thought maybe you just didn't want me to have your number."

The goddess looked up at Tekos' smiling face and gasped, so he didn't think she was weird and backwards?

"If you don't mind me asking, why don't you have a cellphone?"

"Well my mother never really let me have one," Persephone replied, "and even if I did, I wouldn't have anyone to call or text. All my friends back home were within reach and I never really had friends on the outside."

"Oh, strict parents, I totally understand you," Tekos mumbled. "My parents were strict on me too, so much so that they didn't even want me going to a school outside our town. But I had to put my foot down eventually and tell them I was old enough to make my own decisions, so I got into OU and never looked back."

"Wow that was so brave of you." Persephone admired Tekos even more now, he managed to do something that she had never been able to do, to stand up for herself. Even her coming to Olympus University was just because she guilt tripped her mother into honoring her promise. "But don't you miss your family?"

"Oh don't get me wrong I still keep in touch with my family," Tekos explained. He picked a small stone and threw it into the water before turning to the redhead. "The only difference is now I don't let them make decisions for me, my life is my own, I'll make my own mistakes and my own achievements on my terms."

Persephone nodded and looked out at the waterfall, "you know what you're right Tekos." She turned to the satyr with a look of determination on her face, "I have decided will get myself a cellphone! And we will take as many cool pictures as possible that I will keep on my very own cellphone!"

Tekos chuckled, that wasn't exactly what he had in mind but it was a start regardless. He was happy Persephone was standing for herself, even if it was over something as simple as getting a cellphone. "Well then, guess we should get started with those pictures." The satyr offered Persephone his arm before pulling her in for a selfie. He showed the goddess the picture and smiled "We look good don't we?.."

Persephone looked down at the phone and nodded , "yeah we look great."

"Well, onto our next destination then, many more pictures await."


Arethusa's phone vibrated and the nymph literally dove across the room for it. She looked at the screen and immediately shrieked in excitement.

"Holy Titan Arethusa could you keep it down?" Melia grumbled. She was sitting in front of the television in her pajamas eating her third tub of ice cream.

"I'm sorry.." Arethusa giggled happily before throwing herself on her bed. "I've just seen a notification saying Tekos just posted a new picture on his gramstar!"

Melia narrowed her eyes at the nymph, "why in the world are you getting notifications about Tekos posting pictures anyway?"

"I turned on the post notifications on his profile duh," Arethusa responded casually as if what she was saying wasn't incredibly creepy. This nymph had definitely taken her obsession to a whole new level.

The nymph giddily opened her gramstar app and clicked on Tekos' profile. She was getting excited just thinking about what kind of picture he had put up. Was it a juicy shirtless picture with his bike? A suave picture of him in his turtle neck and jeans? Oh she couldn't wait!

But unfortunately for Arethusa, the picture that she saw made her heart sink. There on her screen was a picture of Tekos with his arm over Persephone at Neda waterfall, they were both smiling and Tekos looked extremely cozy holding Persephone close. Tekos had never been so cozy holding Arethusa! What was it about this flowery little tramp that made men fall over themselves in her presence?!

Arethusa tossed her phone across the room and sunk into her seat infuriated. "We need to get rid of her Melia.. we have to get rid of that little bitch Persephone."

I know I’ve been slacking I’m sorry guys.. this month has been and will be so crazy for me please bare with me (⋟﹏⋞)

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