
Underworld’s Jinx

Since the start of Pech’s rather unfortunate life, he was always targeted by bad luck. It was as if bad luck was drawn towards him like a strong magnet. His parents lost their jobs, lost their family, and even their lives. The relatives that knew about Pech’s luck decided to avoid him all together and gave him away to a another unlucky batch of people. The place that took him away was unware of this any took him, but over time it was found out. The people who once made friends with him, now avoided him as if breathing the same air next to him would kill them. Years had passed and Pech had found a family that took him in while knowing about his luck.

Though_that_then · Book&Literature
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9 Chs

Chapter 9:Underworld’s City

Pech had been walking for a long time, if he had two guess he would say three days at the very least or at least that what it felt like to him. He feet started to hurt, even more so when the hot air invaded his shoes that now were covered in teeth mark from a certain old man.

Pech had seen no one since the old man. He started to feel lonely so he just conversed with himself and played out interactions with people in his mind.

He would have to get used to this feeling. The underworld was like a solo survival battle, it was everyone for themselves and people would only help you if they were naive or had something to gain.

Pech understood this even more so after seeing a Aswang pretending to be a helpess old man to devour the soul of any passing person who carried a fraction of empathy for the old and elderly.

Pech raised his head from the ground, he was watching his feet move his body as a sort of entertainment.

His eyes locked onto the structures like a auto lock missile. His pace began to pick up and he began to rush walk towards the structures like a person who couldn't run despite being in a hurry.

A faint smile appeared on his face as he got closer and closer to the structures. He stood meters away from the structure that seemed to be a city. He saw a little line of four people who seemed to be trying to enter the town. They all looked similar and looked a little hairy. One man, one women, one girl, and one boy. They seemed to be a family of four in the eyes of Pech, it kinda reminded him of his family that had a similar family order.

He looked up and hoped his parents would be alright, he looked down and hoped he would arrive in time to knock the lights out of the person attemping to forcefully marry his sister when she died.

He picked the soles of his feet of the burned grass and dirt and walked towards the entrance of the city. It was unguarded but seemed safe to enter despite its lack of protection. When he entered he kinda expected to be rushed from every angle by hundred of supernatural people, but that didn't happen. No one even looked in his direction or even whispered about him under their breathe, this didn't upset him at all and in fact made him breathe out in relief.

He passed many places and saw various things you would see in a popular place on earth. Their were food stalls but they sold teeth in bags, there where mannequins in shop windows with clothing however they were real and stood extremely still and only blinked with one out of two eyes, and there were little kids putting a black substance into a large glass and selling it like lemonade.

'Its the same as the humans with major differences hear and their' Pech thought to himself while he looked around while walking.

He decided to ask a person for directions to a store or place he could stay after he found a way to get money. He walked up to the first person he saw, they were male and were fixing their hair in the windows store reflection. He rubbed his tongue on his teeth and blew a kiss at himself while making a sizzle noise.

Pech greeted the man who seemed to be in love with himself

"Sir, can you tell me where I could possible find a place to sleep or a place I could buy some items?"

The man's head crinkled before he put his finger inside of his ears and twirled it then he gestured for Pech to speak again.

Pech nodded his head and spoke again. The man replied by tilting his head before speaking

"egaugnal nommoc eht kaeps uos oD?"[Do you speak the common language?]

Pech now understood why the man cleaned out his ears before speaking. He swifty excused himself and walked off with a sigh.

"Hmmm, I haven't seen a human in a few decades" A voice said from behind Pech said

Pech halted his steps and said while turning around and seeing a women with tightly closed eyes

"You can speak the human dialect?"

The women slowly nodded her head and said

"You understand me, do you not? Unless im speaking the wrong language"

She thumped her throat to indicate the change and said

"eno rehto eht ekil uoy od ro retteb siht sI?" [Is this better or do you like the other one?]

Pech sighed and said

"I have no clue what you said so, could you got back to the first one"

"eruS" [Sure]

She rubbed her throat and said

"Not every demon knows human dialect. Only people who have been taught human dialect or those who learned it for torturing humans learned it" She said with a smile

Pech's eyes narrowed before he said

"So which do you belong to"

She smiled brighter with a expression that seemed to expect this type of question

"Both" She said as he showed her sharp teeth.

Pech instantly got into his battle stance. The women raised her hands in surrender while shaking fakely and said.

"Forgive me great human for I have sinned. I have changed my life and turned to the life of a simple teacher" She said with hands raised in the air

Pech only shook his head and asked

" Can you tell me where I can find any stores or places to relax"

The women rubbed his nonexistent chin hair with a thinking expression

" You could relax at my store in my bed" a women said as if she had thought of the perfect plan

" I thought you were a teacher"

"I can buy a store with a bed you can relax in"

"Can you just tell me where the nearest store is"

"Of course, why didn't you say so in the first place instead of dragging the conversation" The women said with a helpless expression. She raised her pointing finger and pointed to a store in running distance behind Pech.

Pech glanced over his shoulder and turned back to thank the women only to find her gone.

Pech sighed and walked to the store.