
Underwater express

This is the story of a 15 years old teen who's name is Rod Brayn got a gift from his uncle on his 15th birthday and that was the ticket of Underwater express, India's first First class Luxury train which runs under the water from Arabian sea to Pacific Ocean through beautiful seamounts and seagrasses and Fishes!. It has 400 Rooms, 5 Restaurants and 1 special room and meeting rooms in every coaches, The train Starts from the Mumbai Underwater terminal to Underwater amusement which is the World's first amusement park which is under the water in Pacific Ocean and then it goes to a Secret Kingdom. When Rod enter in his room and there he mets with three teens David, Aryan and Ahsaan and then he knows that they are his room partners and then their Adventure starts!.

RZnovel22 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

The Thailand trip ends

And then Rod got a notification from UDWTREXP app.

Notification: Dinner reminder!, your food is going to ready hurry up!.

Rod Brayn: What! No man.

Aryan Raj: What happened?.

Rod Brayn: I got a notification from UDWTREXP app which says our dinner is going to be ready.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Ooh noo man!!.

David Jammwal: Our stomach is already full, I am not able to eat anything else.

Aryan Raj: Yeah bro I also.

Ahsaan Prajapat: Me too.

Rod Brayn: Ok! So I am canceling the food for tonight.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Yeah! Do that.

Then Rod cancelled the dinner from the app.

Rod Brayn: Done!.

Ahsaan Prajapat: So what we will do now?.

Rod Brayn: Let's sit on that park where we were earlier.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Ok!.

Then they sit on a bench and talked to each other, and then after 50 minutes.

Aryan Raj: Uuh man, I am feeling asleep.

David Jammwal: Yeah guys! Me too.

Ahsaan Prajapat: Me also.

Rod Brayn: So let's go to our room!.

Aryan Raj: But we will not able to visit here.

David Jammwal: Broo, all passengers has gone to their room because it's time for sleep.

Aryan Raj: Ok then, let's go.

And then they gone to their room and slept, but after 8 hours Rod woke up.

Rod Brayn: Aaah, what time is it.

Then he check the time.

Rod Brayn: Oh my gosh!! It's 9:00 AM!!!!!.

From the voice of Rod everyone woke up.

David Jammwal: What happened broo!? Why are you shouting!!!??.

Rod Brayn: Broo it's 9:00 AM!!!!!.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Whaaat!!!!!!! 9:00 AM!!!!!!!.

Ahsaan Prajapat: We slept for 12 hours!!!!!.

But then Rod checked something.

Rod Brayn: Wait a minute, we slept for 10 hours not 12 hours because it's 8:00 AM at Thailand.

Aryan Raj: Wait a minute so why is the time showing 9:00 AM!!???.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Wait a minute!!!! It means!!.

Rod Brayn: We are in Malaysia!!!! We are crossing Malacca now!!!!!.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!! Woooohooooo!!!!!!.

And then they gone to the Dining coach and ate their breakfast, and then after 50 minutes they gone to their room.

Rod Brayn: So guys!, what we should.

Suddenly Rod's phone ring, it was his mummy's call. Then he picked up it.

Rod Brayn: Hello mom.

Rod's Mom: Hello beta, you are fine naa?.

Rod Brayn: Yeah! Mom I am fine.

Rod's Mom: ok beta, I am missing you so much. The whole house is lonely without you.

Rod Brayn: I am also missing you too mom, I am missing your hand made food also.

Rod's Mom: Hahaa, now you understand the specialty of my hand made food.

Rod Brayn: Yeah mom, by the way did you talked with dad?.

Rod's Mom: Yeah beta, he is still in Japan.

Rod Brayn: But mom, why dad is not calling me?.

Rod's Mom: Because he has not time, he can only talk once.

Rod Brayn: Oohh, I understand.

And then something announced.

Announcement: Passengers attention please, we are going to reach Singapore underwater central in 10 minutes.

Rod Brayn: Ok mom, now I have to go because we are going to reach Singapore in 10 minutes.

Rod's Mom: Ooh, but you have already visited Singapore naa.

Rod Brayn: Mom but my friends didn't so I have to go with them.

Rod's Mom: Ooh ok beta, so enjoy! Bye!!.

Rod Brayn: Bye!! Mom.

Then he cutted the call.

Rod Brayn: Hey guys! Sorry for the.

Aryan Raj: Noo bro! Don't say sorry it's ok!.

Rod Brayn: By the way.. Why your parents don't call you?.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan were silent.

Rod Brayn: What happened why are you.

Then suddenly Rod ran to the toilet.

David Jammwal: Phew, he is gone. But how can we tell him that our parents.

Aryan Raj: Stop!! I don't want to remember that tragedy again!.

Ahsaan Prajapat: Yeah!.

David Jammwal: Ok guys, but what we will say him?.

Ahsaan Prajapat: We will say him that we don't know.

Aryan Raj: Yeah! It's a good idea.

And then Rod came out of the toilet.

Rod Brayn: Sorry guys I had to gone, by the way I was asking that why your parents don't call you?.

Aryan Raj: We don't know.

Ahsaan Prajapat: Maybe they forgot us.

Aryan, David & Ahsaan: Hahahhaahaaaaa.

Rod Brayn: Ooh bro!, not this stupid jokes again!!.