
Underwater express

This is the story of a 15 years old teen who's name is Rod Brayn got a gift from his uncle on his 15th birthday and that was the ticket of Underwater express, India's first First class Luxury train which runs under the water from Arabian sea to Pacific Ocean through beautiful seamounts and seagrasses and Fishes!. It has 400 Rooms, 5 Restaurants and 1 special room and meeting rooms in every coaches, The train Starts from the Mumbai Underwater terminal to Underwater amusement which is the World's first amusement park which is under the water in Pacific Ocean and then it goes to a Secret Kingdom. When Rod enter in his room and there he mets with three teens David, Aryan and Ahsaan and then he knows that they are his room partners and then their Adventure starts!.

RZnovel22 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Snacks time

Then Rod Called the Waiter Mr. Watt.

Rod Brayn(Calling the Waiter): Waiter! Waiter!!.

Then he came there.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Yes sir... I am here sir... What do you need sir.....?.

Rod Brayn(Answering): 1 Mega thali 2 Super thali 1 Duper thali.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Ok sir...

Then gone from there, and then they started waiting for their foods, then 20 minutes later.

Aryan Raj(Angry): Aaaaaah when! My! Lunch will come!!!!.

Rod Brayn(Waiting): Thamba bhai thamba Amace duparace jevana yeIla phakta kahi minite thamba.

Aryan Raj(Angry): Ata mala kiti vel vat pahavi lage, he.

Then Suddenly Mr. Watt came there.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Here is your food.....

Then he started serving foods to Rod, Aryan, David and Ahsaan and then.

Rod Brayn(Happy): Thank you! So much....., see I told you.

Aryan Raj(Frustrating): Aaah whatever.

Rod Brayn(Happy): So let's.

Rod, Aryan, David and Ahsaan(Happy): Start!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy.

Then they started eating their lunch and then they came back in their room.

Rod brayn(Happy): The lunch was very delicious.

David, Ahsaan & Aryan(Happy): Yeah! Bro.....

David Jamwal(Happy): The Chef of here are very talented!!.

Rod Brayn(Happy): Yeah you are right.

Ahsaan Prajapat(Happy): By the way I am a chef.

Aryan Raj(Happy): What!! I can't believe!!!!!.

Then they all started laughing.

Rod, David, Ahsaan & Aryan(Laughing): Hahahahahaahahahahahaa.

After 2 hours later, they were slept at their bed, and then a waiter Mr. Watt came at their room with their snacks, but after entering he saw Rod and his friends were slept at their bed.

Mr. Watt(Happy & Confused): Here is your snacks sir....... Uuuuuuh, sir, sir, sir, sir......, Sir!!!!.

After listening his loud noise they woked up.

Rod, David, Ahsaan & Aryan(Scared): Aaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha who is here!!?.

Mr. Watt(Confused): Sir I am here.

Rod Brayn(Confused): You? That waiter, who served our lunch?.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Yes sir....

David Jamwal(Confused): What are you doing here?.

Mr. Watt(Happy): I have bring your snacks sir.... Because it is snacks time sir......

Ahsaan Prajapat(Happy): Phew, Ok.

Aryan Raj(Happy): Now serve our snacks.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Ok..... Sir.

Then he served their snacks to them and then when Mr. Watt was about to go outside of their room.

Rod Brayn(Eating): Hey! Waiter come here.

Mr. Watt(Scared): What happened sir?.

Rod Brayn(Eating): What is your name.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Phew, sir my name is Bobby Watt but everyone call me Mr. Watt.

Rod Brayn(Eating): Ooooooo, ok.

Mr. Watt(Happy): Ok sir now I have to serve another's snacks too so bye sir.

Rod, David, Ahsaan & Aryan(Eating): Bye!!.

Then he gone outside of their room.

Aryan Raj(Happy & Eating): He is so kind.

David Jamwal(Happy & Eating): Yeah! You are right.

Ahsaan Prajapat(Hurrying): Guys I have to go toilet so now please don't eat snacks.

Rod Brayn(Eating): Ok bro.

Ahsaan Prajapat(Hurrying): Ok now I am going, aaaaaaaah.

Then he gone outside of their room and then they started laughing.

Rod, David & Aryan(Laughing): Hahahahhahahaahhahaa.

David Jamwal(Laughing): Lol.

Then he flushed and came outside of the toilet, but then he hear something.