
Chapter 58

About 30 minutes later, Mettaton finally finished applying the final touches to Frisk's makeup.

"There, you go," Mettaton said in annoyance while turning Frisk towards the mirror of the vanity. "That wasn't so bad. Was it? Was that really worth all that fuss?"

Frisk looked at himself in the mirror. He did not look like a girl, but he still looked and felt weird.

"It's so think," Frisk said attempting to touch his face with his finger before Mettaton caught his hand.

"Don't touch it," Mettaton said sternly before letting go and switching back to his cheerful tone. "Glamorous? Isn't it?"

"It feels weird," Frisk said while grimacing.

"That's stage makeup for you, darling, but don't worry," Mettaton said as he took the sheet of his young co-star. "You'll forget it's even there before too long."

"Why would anyone put themselves through that on purpose?" Frisk said hopping off the chair.

"You can't be serious. It makes you feel gorgeous! Didn't you ever see your mother put on her makeup?"

"Not really. She did it when she went on dates with my Dad or for the holy place sometimes, but she usually didn't like putting on makeup. She said it was too much work."

"Explains a lot about your personal style," Mettaton muttered under his breath as he found a dustpan and mini-broom to clean up the hair on the floor.

"Excuse me?" Frisk replied.

"Nothing, dear," Mettaton said cheerfully.

"Sure," Frisk said rolling his eyes and walking to the bathroom.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Oh, okay," Mettaton said before he flew up to him with a packaged toothbrush and toothpaste. "Brush your teeth while you're in there. And please don't wash off your makeup, or I will scream."

"Got it," Frisk said taking the package and shutting himself in the bathroom.

As soon as the door was shut, Frisk sent a text message to Undyne and Papyrus telling them what had just happened between him and Mettaton. He also sent one to Napstablook to let him know he was on the show with his cousin. He anxiously waited for their replies as he used the toilet and washed his hands afterwards.

The first reply came from Undyne. When Frisk saw it, he left the water running as he learned to on the surface to confuse people who were stalking him, shook his hands dry, and looked at the message.

"Damn ghost!" Undyne said. "Where does he get off threatening you like that? You're a kid! Of course, you don't like makeup. What a creep! You can still walk out of this whenever you want. If I were you, I would leave in a heartbeat."

"Maybe he's just stressed out," Papyrus replied on the group message. "But Undyne's right. You don't have to go on TV if you don't want to, Frisk. We don't need the money that badly. You're not useless if you don't get the money. ?"

Frisk thought for a second before he responded, "I still want to help you guys out. I think we'll be okay. He just wants to do a talk show, but if he's lying and everything goes wrong, you guys can beat him up for me."

"True," Undyne replied. "Just be careful and tell us the moment he starts acting more suspicious than usual."

"Got it," Frisk said.

After he sent his reply, Frisk received a reply from Napstablook.

"I'll watch you on the show today," Napstablook said. "Tell my cousin I said hi. Break a leg! Not literally, uh, you know what I mean."

As soon as Frisk sent back a smiley face emoji in reply, he heard a knock on the door.

"Frisk, are you alright?" Mettaton asked. "What's taking you so long?"

Frisk quickly put his toothbrush under the running faucet, put toothpaste on it, and started brushing his teeth.

"I'll be just a minute," Frisk said with the toothbrush in his mouth.

Mettaton impatiently opened the door revealing that he was back in his robot body. Frisk looked back at him as innocently as he could while he was brushing his teeth.

"What's the problem?" Frisk asked.

Mettaton looked at him suspiciously while turning off the faucet and asked, "Do you always leave the faucet running for this long, dear?"

"Yeah, when I'm brushing my teeth."

"That is quite wasteful. Don't you care about the environment? My audience does."

"Yeah, of course, I'm sorry," Frisk said before he spat, rinsed off his toothbrush, and wiped his lips off with the towel he hung up.

Frisk felt Mettaton's metallic hands twist him around.

Mettaton studied his face for a moment before he said, "Okay, good. I was afraid you were washing off your makeup. Now, for the final touch…"

Mettaton pulled out his brand of lip balm and put it on Frisk's lips.

When Mettaton was done, he rolled backwards and said, "Perfect. I figured you wouldn't like lipstick, so I got you the next best thing. How do you like it, dear?"

Frisk had not used any lip balm since he had fallen, so despite himself, he had to admit that having it on his lips again felt great, like another step towards normalcy, like the frequent meals, warm beds, and toothbrushes.

"Thanks," Frisk said genuinely. "Can I keep it?"

"Of course, you can, dear," Mettaton said handing the lip balm to Frisk. "You can carry it in your pocket until the show's over."

Frisk smiled gently while he stuffed the lip balm in the pocket of his pants.

No sooner had he done that, then did Mettaton grab his right hand and start rolling out of the bathroom and towards the dressing room door with Frisk in tow.

"Come on, Frisk," Mettaton said opening the door and rolling out with Frisk behind him. "It's time to go."

"Go where?" Frisk asked nervously.

"Oh, it's time for the show, dear," Mettaton replied while opening the door. "We're going on stage. Don't worry. All you have to do is answer a few questions, and everyone can go home!"

Frisk felt his heart skip a beat. He had been so preoccupied with the attention he had been receiving that he didn't even think about what he would be doing once he got on stage. His mind tuned out everything else that was going on as his nervousness grew