
Undertale: Reason to Live

In this AU, Frisk is suicidally depressed, and it's up to Sans and Papyrus to restore his will to live. Just a heads up. Frisk does try to take his own life. Things get dark, so I'm warning you in advance. Also, spiritual themes! Created by: InGodzHandz all rights belong to them

Sebastian0narvaez · Video Games
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103 Chs

Chapter 52

After Undyne convinced him to let her be another co-legal guardian, Sans short cut to Toriel's place. They exchanged numbers and started making plans. Today was a big day, so they had to do something special for Frisk.

In the meantime, Undyne brought the boat back to the boat rental place, and the group returned all the other items with only the wetsuits left.

Meanwhile, the Ferryman was still following at a distance behind them. Once the group started walking to the place they had gone to rent the wetsuits, he disembarked. All the preparations had been made, and it was time to make himself known.

The Ferryman followed them at a safe distance until they found the wetsuit rental place. Papyrus waited in front of the store while Undyne and Frisk went into the changing rooms in the bathrooms on the outer part of the store to put on their normal clothes.

The Ferryman went around to the back to change his form and then waited for Frisk to leave his changing room.

Frisk walked out of the bathroom with all his clothes on except for his sweater that he was tied around his waist. The bandages on his arms were soaking wet, and he needed to pull them off.

The wet suit rental store was on a boardwalk next to the river. The bathroom was facing the river. Frisk walked over next to the water and smiled. The rushing water flowing by and moving the shallow water plants could almost fill his soul with determination.

If it weren't for Flowey, doing that would be much easier. Frisk didn't know how to feel about him. Flowey still terrified him. Thinking about him for more than a second was enough to make Frisk breathe hard. Frisk was content to let Flowey become a distant memory, but on the other hand, he was still supposed to show him mercy, right? How could he do that if he never saw him again? How could he see Flowey again if just thinking about him was enough to send Frisk into a dark flashback?

Frisk sighed deeply, prayed for wisdom, and started pulling off the bandages until they were completely free from his arms. As he stood there with the bandages in his hands resting on top of the railing, Frisk heard a response for the first time that day.

"I'll help you deal with that in time, my son," He said. "What you need to focus on now is what's coming next. Don't be afraid. I'll be with you."

Frisk pondered for a second and was lost in thought while the Ferryman rolled up behind him and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"Hello there, darling," he said while Frisk's heart immediately stopped. "I've been trying to catch you alone all day. I just have to talk to you!"

Frisk knew that voice.

Frisk spun around, gave the still-cloaked figure a good kick in the torso, and scrambled away as quickly as he could while he rolled backwards.

Unfortunately, the one in the cloak was fast to recover and slid in front of Frisk before he could get too far.

"Hold up, gentle-beauty," the Ferryman said dramatically grabbing onto his cloak and throwing it off to reveal the robot underneath. "It's me. Mettaton! I doubt you haven't at least heard of me. You don't need to be afraid, human. I don't want to hurt you."

Frisk froze in his tracks and found himself to be speechless. Mettaton was the only monster he could never figure out how to spare. He could not fight him now, but wait…

"You don't want to hurt me?" Frisk asked curiously. "Then, what do you want? I need to get back to my friends."

"Just a moment, darling," Mettaton said. "I only wanted to ask you if…"

Mettaton's gaze finally caught sight of Frisk's uncovered arms and the bandages he was holding in his hands. It was the opportunity he was waited for. This day couldn't get any better.

"If I could see your arms," Mettaton replied.

"What?" Frisk said suspiciously folding his arms in response. "Why do you need to look at my arms?"

"Because, darling, every monster who's seen you has been asking about them," Mettaton said while rolling closer to Frisk. "Don't you want to satisfy their curiosity?!"

"Tough toenails," Frisk said trying to walk away from him. "I'm not showing you my arms. I don't know you. It's…weird. Just leave me alone."

"I'll give you 50,000G," Mettaton said suddenly stopping Frisk in his tracks.

"What?" Frisk said turning around to face him.

"It's no big deal to me, darling. I have plenty more money where that came from."

"Why? All I have to do is let you look at my arms? Nothing else?"

"Not unless you want there to be, darling."

"I don't know…"

"I know you're a smart boy. Those skeletons are taking care of you, but that takes money. Surely, you want to contribute to your new family. Don't you? You wouldn't be a millionaire, but I know it would help."

Frisk pondered for less than a second before he dropped his bandages and walked back towards Mettaton. He usually hated indulging bullies, but to help his new brothers, Frisk was willing to do anything.

Frisk held out his arms so Mettaton could examine them closely.

"Oh, good," Mettaton said turning one of his eye panels into a scanner. "We have a deal after all. I cannot thank you enough. I can't explain how happy this will make my audience."

Mettaton grabbed both of Frisk's arms and ran his scan over them. Very quickly, Mettaton identified the marks.

"These cuts are self-inflicted," Mettaton said slowly looking up. "Aren't they?"

Frisk looked away in shame before he shook his arms out of Mettaton's grip and started walking away without saying anything.

"Oh, you poor psychologically-disturbed thing," Mettaton said following behind him. "I had no idea you were a cutter. This is serious. When did you start?"

"I don't have to tell you anything," Frisk said defensively. "Give me the money or mail it to me later. I've gotta go…"

Before Frisk even had time to breathe, Mettaton was in front of Frisk with the 50,000G check in the checkbook. Frisk's mouth hung agape in surprise.

"Here's your money, dear," he said. "What was your name again?"

"F-Frisk," Frisk replied. "Frisk Fox."

"My, what an interesting name," Mettaton said adding the last few details to the check before handing it to Frisk. "I like it. Here, you go."

Frisk grabbed the check and stared at the money in awe. He had never been in that much money before in his life. It was overwhelming.

"Pleasure doing business with you, dear," Mettaton said pretending to leave. "Of course, there is more where that came from if you're interested."

Frisk was silent, but he looked back in his direction. It was the response Mettaton was hoping for.

"I could give you 1 million G, and that would just be the beginning, darling," Mettaton said. "When it's all over, you'd be getting a much bigger prize. How does that sound?"

"What would I have to do?" Frisk asked suspiciously.

"Oh, not much, just come on my show."

"What kind of show is it?"

"A talk show. I want to ask you questions about your life to satisfy the curiosity of my viewers. Nothing difficult."

"Will…will I get hurt?"

Mettaton pulled back like he was hurt and said, "Oh, darling. Why would you say such an awful thing? I could never…I promise not to hurt you, dear. You'll get home unharmed and in one piece."

"You really mean that?" Frisk asked skeptically.

"Yep. Come on my show, and you'll be home and richer before dinner. What do you say?"

Frisk pondered for a moment. He did not trust Mettaton or really even like him that much, but he wanted to help his new brothers. They had done so much for him. Frisk was tired of not being able to help them in return…

"Well?" Mettaton asked interrupting the silence.

"I'll do it," Frisk reluctantly agreed.

"Splendid!" Mettaton said rolling up to Frisk and wrapping his arms around him in a hug. "You will not regret this, Frisk! I promise!"