
Grillby Class:Caster (Info)

Servant Profile: Grillby was a powerful combat mage during the Monster war before being trapped in Mount Ebott with the rest of the monster kind. He is an elemental monster, a fire one to be exact. He is very proficient in using fire magic, especially in fire or lava terrain. He sadly cannot use any of the 7 soul trait magics only having fire magic to rely on. His proficiency in fire magic is said to be on par with Queen Toriel and the Wizard of Bravery though those are just rumors. He is mute for unknown reasons, but it seems that everyone that knows him can understand what he is saying.

War Veteran (C+)

Increase attack by 15% and increase critical damage by 20% for 3 turns.

Pyrokinesis (B)

For 3 turns whenever Grillby is attacked the attacker gains 1 burn for 5 turns. Increase fire magic by 30%

Grillby's Bar (B-)

Remove one burn, curse or poison from the party. Recover party's HP by 1000.