
Filler Arc 02 Confusion


Matt Gold


Fate Sans

Matt POV

I was shocked, confused and very scared.

Right in front of me was a Minotaur, a fucking Minotaur.

But I slowly calmed down with what he said.

He said that he was expecting me to be here to which I was very confused about.

But I didn't lower my guard considering I almost got killed by a flower.

Despite his friendly demeanor that didn't mean that he couldn't kill me right where I stand.

Right now I needed information so I'll play along.

"Hi I'm Matt Gold and you are?"

"Ah where are my manners. Hello there my young apprentice I am the great Vulcan the greatest Blacksmith in the Underverse!" He said with pride his voice echoing around the hallway.

A blacksmith? Well that did explain the weapons and armor hanging on the walls. Even the lava furnace and anvil behind him.


Did he he just call me his apprentice!?

"Apprentice!? What are you talking about!?" I screamed at him.

He laughed at me, "It's exactly what I said, from today onward you are now my apprentice. My good old friend Fate told me that you would one day come here and that day is today!"

Fate sans was involved in this! But he-I I don't even know how to deal with this situation.

"Do I even get a say in this?"

He looked disheartened by what I said.

"What are you saying! Anyone would be honored to be taught by me! I have created great weapons that could rival gods and destroy AUs! You would be a fool to refuse!"

His voice caused the ground to shake.

Well when he says it out loud I do look like a fool from an outside perspective.

But I don't want someone to make my decisions for me.

"Well I'm sorry, but I didn't consent to any of this."

Vulcan then frowned, but before he could say anything a portal opened near us.

We both looked to see an individual stepping out.

It was Fate Sans.

"Fate Sans?" I muttered.

"Ah Fate my good old friend it's been a long time since you've visited!" Said Vulcan.

Fate sans looked around the place until he looked at us.

He grew a grin, "You're right old friend it has been a long time."

I didn't like where this is going.

End Chapter