
Underneath The Spotlight

Jade Gray is your so-called panoramic las. She finds herself fulfilling her passion & dreams of becoming an actress. She meets Ace Swift, an outstanding top actor .Who has gotten the actor of the year award for the past few years. He becomes her biggest rival on their first meeting. Again they are assigned as movie partners. Ace Swift finds himself falling for the naive Gray Jade he's been allied with. He settles on hiding his feelings, scared of denial. Little did he know that she likes him back. Will they ever unveil their real feelings for each other and finally be the lie that they were?

Kuziva_Rii · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


4 Years Ago...

There I was, sitting among the other contestants. I had finished college 6 months ago and I was now pursuing my dream job...acting. I have always been your so-called panoramic lass. Acting was my thing.

I still recall pretending to faint in class when the teacher had told me to come to present something in front of the class which I had not assembled. That day I was excused from all my classes for a week. Well yeah, I wasn't feeling well though, but fainting was the best idea.

Another time, my friends dared me to ignore my boyfriend, Chad, who broke up with me two months ago for my cousin. I put on an act that made him ignore me instead. It was priceless but I regretted it.

I patiently sit in the middle of rows of girls who had auditioned for a part in an upcoming movie that was being created. I was one of them. My mom had signed me up for the auditions. She believed in me and was always by my side supporting me with my goals, dream, and decisions.

My dad was the problem. He thought acting was a stupid thing and a waste of precious time. He wanted me to be a scientist like him. Now that was a waste of time. Researching chemicals that could kill you if not cautious. I am here today to prove to him that there is more to acting than what meets the eye.

One week ago we had been given all the information about the role. They were looking for the female lead in a romance movie. I hope I get the spot, it would be a dream come true. The road to my dream career.

The director walks in with a paper in his hands as he browsed through the crowd. When our eyes meet his mouth curves into a smile. A banana smile. He removes his gaze from me as he clears his throat. "It's good to meet you all once again. As you all know one of you will be going on the path of success, fame, and money. For those not chosen. I'm not saying you are not talented but the one chosen today has what it takes to join our company and work alongside us," he says and everyone nods in agreement, "The chosen one is Jade Gray," he says as I jump up in surprise.

That was me! I jump up and down as I scream with joy mixed with excitement. The other girls glared at me with a frown and a beam of jealousy in their eyes but who cared? Not me.

They made me sign a contract and told me to come back next week. I went back home with the exciting news and mom was so proud. She arranged a party for me and as for dad, let's just say he got over it and celebrated with us.

I was so glad I had finally gotten a chance to show off my skills and become what I wanted to become but...he had to be in my life. The male leader of the movie I'm in, Ace Swift. You could also say...my worst rival. He's just so rude, and cold and he has never smiled..except for the time we were underneath the spotlight and cameras.

Little did I know the universe wanted to make us something else and that, I do not regret becoming.

Present time...

I get out of the car changing into my heels. I was late. I had an interview with FD Industry. I'm sure Ace had arrived. I hurriedly walk into the building as everyone's attention turns to me. I go to the elevator and find Ace in it.

"Wait for me," I yell and I quickened my steps.

He sneers at me and as I arrive the door closes and he's gone. I bang the door as I cursed him.

"Bastard," I hiss as I clench my fist.

I wait for the next ride to arrive and I enter it. I was 10 minutes late. 'If I get my nails on him, I will kill him,' I think to myself. He's really hard to understand. Ace has been like that to me since the day we met.


I walk into the room. People were having photoshoots as lights blinked brightly. My eyes began to hurt and I started rubbing them. I was no more seeing where I was going and I bump into someone. I hear gasps as the room goes silent. 'What's wrong?' I ask myself as I open my eyes.

I look up to find myself staring at the most majestic eyes ever. The greyish silver color shined in the sunlight like glitter. "I've never seen an eye color like this," I say to the person, "Are they contacts?".

The person frowns at me and slowly shoves me with his big hands. The way he did it was as if he was...disgusted by me. Am I? I frown at his action and shove his hands off my shoulders, "You can just ask me to move," I snap. I don't wait for him to protest.

I walk past him as I bump him with my shoulder. I walk to the director who was looking at me in stupefaction.

"Shall we resume sir?" I say as I give him a delicate innocent smile. I notice that everyone else had the same reaction. "What? Did I do something?" I ask in confusion as I look at every one.

"Let's continue," the director says as he massages his temples.

We continue to a room where there was a stage surrounded by cameras. People walked up and down with files of papers as they yelled and passed some papers to other people who looked my age. I'm directed to a woman who smiled and greeted me heartedly. She told me everything I needed to know and handed me my script. She was impressed because in 30 minutes I had memorized the whole thing and I could also perform as perfectly as any other notable actresses. I felt so scornful of myself.

I'm sent on stage and there, that's when I found out Ace was my movie partner. Not in just one but in others too. Horror right? This was the outset of the crisis in my life.

Back to the Elevator...

I return from my trance as I find the elevator door opening. I sigh in relief and quickly get out. I rush to the room where I was having the interview. I enter and the room goes quiet as everyone looks at me with angry faces except for Ace of course who was enjoying the trouble he had caused for me.

"I'm sorry," I say as I bow to show my sincerity.

"Sit Miss Gray," the interviewer says to me gesturing to the free spot next to Ace.

I look at Ace and watched as his smile faded away. He must have seen how infuriated I was. I go and take a seat next to him.

We answered the questions that they were asking us happily like we were never foes from the beginning. I wish it was like this from the beginning but no, it's the total opposite. They then asked a question that caught me off-guard. I stared at Ace who was also as surprised as I.

"You guys look cute together. Have you ever thought of dating?" he asks smiling at us.

"Dating?" I say looking at Ace who was just smiling, "Him?" I chuckle, "Dating a weirdo like him? Naaahh, we can keep it as friends," I finally give them an answer.

"Friends with benefits," Ace says and I look at him.

"Never in a lifetime," I say.

"Oh come on Jade. How long are we gonna hide this," he says.

"Hide what?" I ask totally confused. What was he up to this time? "Us, our relationship. It's time for them to know," he says.

'This bastard sure knows how to act,' I tell myself in annoyance. "There's nothing between us Ace," I hiss.

"Oh come on babe," he says caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I felt my heart rate increase as my cheeks started to heat up. "S..stop it," I say shoving his hand away.

He puts his arm over my shoulder and announced the worst thing ever. "I and my sweet cake here are dating. We are a couple," he says.

Everyone in the room looks at us in shock as they begin to whisper.

The interview quickly ends and I drag Ace into a room and locked the door. "What was that?" I ask him. "

What was what?" he asks confused.

"Oh stop pretending Ace. What stupid act did you put up out there? Do you know what all this will cause? It's being broadcasted on the news. Do you understand what that means," I yell at him.

"Oh please, Gray...Jade," my name rolls out of his mouth.

He's always addressed me like that. "Don't act as if you didn't like me claiming you," he says.

"Like it? You think I liked it," I chuckle, "I did not enjoy that. Now, what do we do?" I start panicking.

What will my friends say, my parents, my manager? I was overthinking everything.

"Chill Gray Jade, nothing will happen. People will eventually forget," he says.

"You believe that they will forget about it as easy as that," I say.

"Look Jade," he slowly comes close and I was soon pinned to the wall. That is one of the few times he has called me by my first name. "Stop overreacting," he whispers next to my ear.

I hold my breath trying my best not to pass out. My heartbeat was the only thing I could hear. I try to walk away but I stumble...on air. I find myself in Ace's embrace as I looked into his dazzling silver-grey eyes. Still wondering how they are this beautiful, inferior to my azure ones. He gave me a small smile that looked sincere for once.

For the first time in like four years except for when he is giving me the, 'You're dead' smile or the 'You'll regret it' smile or his mischievous one.

We find ourselves in a world that was only for us. He slowly comes close to my face as my heart continues to beat fast. I close my eyes. Expecting him to put his lips on mine, he whispers, "Are you gonna move?" he asks. Right, why was I even thinking he would kiss me? I pull away slowly as he helps me to my feet.

"Thank you," I say.

I quickly rush to the door as I fixed my hair and dress. Ace follows later on fixing his tie and suit jacket. We wait for the car that's picking us up to arrive in silence. It later on arrives and I quickly enter the car.

I was dropped home first and as I enter the house I'm greeted by a familiar face. The blonde hair, piercing hazel eyes, glossy thin lips, and a beauty spot right beside the right eye, almost like mine. "Xavier!" I shout as I remove my heels and run to him. He opens his arms for me and we hug.