
Underneath A Destroyed World

The land above was overrun with monsters, thus humanity retreated underground. This story takes place more than 200 years in the future through the eyes of a small little boy named Toby. Follow Toby on his journey of meeting new people and creatures, and discovering what really happened to the land above.

DjCatnip · Sci-fi
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24 Chs

His New Book

Toby was dissatisfied but started to head toward the alleyway. He was interested in hearing what Eva had to say. He wondered if she would say the same things as the textbooks, or if he would learn something new. 

When he got to the alleyway, Eva was sitting down and leaning onto a wall. The creature was on the other side of the alleyway. Eva looked drowsy but this wouldn't stop Toby from exhausting all the information out of her. Toby sat next to her with a curious smile and Eva's face twisted in annoyance. Despite this Toby looked with evaluating eyes and Eva muttered "I can't believe I'm doing this.." then finally spoke.

"So first, the creature's name isn't creature. Its parrot, so stop calling it creature. And another name for it is a bird." Toby nodded, listening to her as if she was a book. 

"Next, this bird is hurt. Its wing is damaged." Eva said pointing to the birds right wing while Toby looked up in confusion.

"You mean its arm?"

"No, I mean its wing. That is a wing. If it was an arm, it would look like this." Eva said as she held up her arm. 

"Its a wing because it has feathers. Don't get them confused." Eva said sternly.

"Moving on, this parrot is red with blue and green feathers. But there could be other combinations of colors on a parrot such as: blue, green feathers, etc." After saying this Toby looked at her in awe, although the information was small, it was still something new.

"Next we need to construct a constant food source with something edible for the parrot. Parrots normally eat seeds, breadcrumbs, and worms. Anything else and their heart rate will escalate." 

"What happens if its heart rate escalates?" Toby asked the breathing book of knowledge curiously. 

"They die." Eva said trying to scare him and the sad thing was that it worked. Toby's face showed fear, he didn't want the parrot to die. For some reason Eva's anger calmed down a bit after seeing his terrified face. Eva then wrote down the list of foods that the parrot can eat, and when Toby looked at it, he couldn't read anything. Eva's handwriting was completely illegible. 

"No wonder everyone bullies you." Toby said quietly, despite being quiet Eva heard him and slowly cranked her head to him. Her eyes showed malice and a craving for violence. 

"Wait, you said that cause the others will make fun of you for bad handwriting, so you should fix it." Toby said putting up his hands as she glared at him. 

"I'm serious, some kid last year got picked on for it." Toby said then he rewrote the list and held it up to show her. 

"This is how you should write it." Eva had an annoyed look on her face. After a while of sitting in awkwardness and silence the two left and went home.

drowsy- tired; sleepy

exhausting- Tire up; use up

escalate- increase rapidly

illegible- unable to read