

After years of being sealed underground, monsters began suffering due to infertility, their numbers dwindling. Years later the King and Queen had a stillborn child, Soon a child fell. This child had the soul trait of LUST. They killed everyone who got in their way for their pleasure, Eventually, the human was killed and the soul was captured. After a while, the monsters used the soul to raise their fertility rate. Doctor Gaster started injecting every age with LUST including himself. It was never known whether it increased fertility for them, but every adult monster is always in a state of 'HEAT', needing sexual interaction. Year's later a human falls, wanting to show them what love is, wanting them to understand that is more to love than just LUST.

Elizabeth_Miles · Video Games
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3 Chs

Meeting Rosie and Napstablook

I sat up holding my head feeling petals under me, I look down seeing roses. I looked around seeing that I was in some sort of cave. I looked up seeing darkness, "H-hello?" "mm?" I look down hearing a voice then see a rose with a face "uh hi" "my name is Rosie the rose" "uh... are you a talking rose?" "uh, I guess so, anyway what is your name?" "Haley" "nice to meet you Haley" "so um where am I?" "you're in the underground" "the what?" "the underground, where monsters live..." Rosie looks down her words trailing off "yeah right..." I look up at a doorway with roses framing the door, then look up at the small hole projecting a small bit of light "I guess I can't go back..." suddenly I remember Tyler "TYLER!" a vine-covered my mouth and look at Rosie who was on my shoulder "please don't yell" I take a deep breath and look up at the hole. "My friend is up there, and I need to get back to him" "i-i'm sorry but you can't get to him unless you go through the underground but..." "but?" she sighs and looks at me "the adult monsters will ruin you" " ruin me how?" "I mean at least the male ones will, they will do things to you, especially those skeleton brothers" "what things?" "um... I am not comfortable talking about this" "that's fine, but I still need to get to my friend" "then let's go together, I can protect you with my thorns and vines!" I smile and pick Rosie up placing her on my shoulder, she wrapped her vine around the sleeve I had left. "By the way are there other talking flowers I should know about?" "uh, I am the only one actually" "so you have no family?" "no, not really, I just woke up here one day" "really?" "yeah," she looked down her petals drooping. "Hey come on now, I can be your family" "really?" "yeah, all I have are brothers so it would be nice to have a sister" Rosie smiles "then let's go!"

"So other than skeleton brothers what other monsters are here?" "I'm not sure actually" "how do you know about the so-called brothers?" "hey, a flower got to get air somehow, there isn't much breeze here, but there is another monster down here, not sure what she looks like" "well you're a bundle of help Rosie" I smile and look up seeing a smoking ghost? "hi!" he looks at us then I think he mumbles something, then comes up to me and sniffs me. "You don't smell like the other's" "uh what?" "I'll give you some advice being down here, weirdo, stay in the ruins or they will eat you alive" "uh thanks?" "and I thought my cousin and I were the only ones... mmmm?" "uh?" I look at Rosie and she looks at me "should we continue?" "I don't see why not" "also do you know what he meant by don't smell like the other's?" "I don't know, I don't have a nose."