
90. Back In My Arms Again

Thanks for the reviews, I appreciate them. Hope you guys like this chapter.

Also, I dropped the ball on the phone sex thing. I didn't know so many of you would actually want to read that. My bad.

I think the end of this chapter will make up for it.

M at the end. So you can skip it if it's not for you.


One Month Later

Adam opened the car door, easing Jackson out of the seat as he lifted him in his arms, hiking him up as he sleepily draped him arms around him and rested his head on his shoulder. He crossed the dark, dew-covered lawn and went into the building before he climbed the creaking wooden steps to the apartment, the door opening before he reached it.

"Is he asleep?" Kim whispered as she held the door open for him to enter.

"Almost." He replied, bending his knees slightly to assist her in transferring Jackson into her waiting arms.

Jackson whined, protesting softly as Kim turned to carry him down the hall and glanced at Adam over her shoulder. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." Adam sighed, chewing on the inside of his lower lip as he watched them disappear into Jackson's room. He heard a low grunt sound come from the living room and the smile spread across his face as he saw his daughter in her swing.

"Hey, chunky monkey." He reached down to lift Abby out of her swing and he kissed her on the cheek as he cradled her against him. "DId you have fun with mommy today? I bet you did. Daddy and Jack missed you a whole lot. I know your brother will try to say he didn't, but he did"

Adam turned towards the hall as he saw Kim walking towards him.

She crossed her arms across her chest, still speaking in a hushed tone. "So…did he love it?" She smiled.

"Yeah." Adam chuckled softly and nodded. "I don't think I've ever heard him go without saying anything for that long. He was mesmerized."

"Oh..." Kim sighed and smiled. "I would have loved to have seen his face."

"I've been thinking, it might be time for us to finally look for a place of our own. I mean as much as I love living here, we're slowly running out of room" Adam said as he looked around the apartment at the toys that were scattered everywhere.

"I think you're right" Kim said with a smile "This has been such a great place to live though. I just think about all our firsts here"

Adam nodded as he adjusted Abby in his arms. "Yeah, we had a lot of good firsts"

Kim stepped closer to Adam and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Erin is leaving for Virginia in the morning. I told her that we'd take Evie and the twins until Hank got off of work to pick them up. He and Olivia are taking Noah to the beach and they're going to just drive Evie and the twins down to Virginia so that Erin isn't flying with three kids by herself"

"So she and Jay are going to have a good half day of alone time before their kids join them? She's gonna come back pregnant" Adam joked.

"Adam..." Kim said shaking her head as she walked over to the kitchen as Adam followed behind her.

"Wait a minute...We're taking on three extra kids? So, tomorrow when we go to Build a Bear...we're going to have our two, Noah and The Halstead brood? That's six kids, darlin" Adam sighed. "Six is more than three"

"I know Adam, I went to first grade" Kim teased as she poured formula into Abby's bottle and shook it up.

"I hope they're gonna give us money for all of these bears we're supposed to build. That shit's expensive" Adam explained.

"Adam, it's already taken care of" Kim explained as she took Abby from her husband and kissed her daughter's chubby cheek.

Adam watched as Max rolled around on his dog bed as he tried to find a comfortable sleeping position. "Let's take Max to the park tomorrow. We're going to need it along with a kick in the ass for taking six kids under four to Build A Bear"

"Whatever you say, Adam" Kim said as she took a seat in the glider and started to feed Abby.


Erin walked out of the security area and looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jay. The airport was crowded and the swarms of people around her made it difficult for her to locate him. She walked at little farther into the terminal, her eyes scanning the crowd but she had no luck.

She sighed a heavy, disappointed sigh and her shoulders slumped. That was when she heard it. It was the voice she would never forget, the voice that brought her to her knees.

"Erin!" Jay said as he saw her amidst the mass of people surrounding him.

Erin looked around frantically. She knew she'd heard him. He'd said her name. But she couldn't see him. She hiked her bag higher on her shoulder as she looked from left to right, desperate to locate her husband.

"Erin! Over here!" Jay yelled again over the roaring sound of the terminal as he waved his hand, trying desperately to get her attention.

And that's when she saw him and took off.

Jay stopped when he saw her running towards him, her hair flowing softly behind her, a soft smile covering her face. His heart stopped at the sight of her, her beauty overwhelming him and his breath caught in his throat.

She dropped her bag at her feet, not caring for a second if someone picked it up and walked away with it at that very moment. All that mattered was him.

He opened his arms and she flung herself into them, their lips fusing together instantly in a kiss that brought them both to their knees.

Erin flung herself into Jay's arms and kissed him as if her life depended on it. Her arms slid up around his neck and he pulled her flush against his hard body, his throbbing and aching cock pressing insistently against her abdomen as her legs bent at the knee and her feet lifted off the floor. A rush of desire traveled straight to her core as Jay kissed her deeply.

Erin opened her mouth and Jay slid his tongue between her lips, seeking out the taste and texture of her that he had so desperately missed for the last six weeks. He groaned audibly at how incredibly soft her tongue was, how incredible sweet her mouth tasted, how incredibly inviting her body felt as it yielded softly against his.

Her breasts crushed against his chest, eliciting another groan of pure love, lust and desire all rolled into one. She felt wonderful, more wonderful than he remembered, and the urge to divest her of her clothing right then and there overwhelmed him. He continued to kiss her deeply as their tongues caressed and relearned each other after their long time apart.

Erin's feet eventually settled on the floor again and she pressed even closer to him, loving the feel of him against her. One of Jay's hands slid into her silky tresses and pressed her lips harder against him as his other hand lowered and cupped her ass gently, making sure she felt his desire for her.

A sultry moan escaped her lips and Jay swallowed it as his tongue continued to plunder her mouth relentlessly.

Everyone in that terminal disappeared for those long moments where husband and wife, true soul mates and lovers, were once again reunited.

Scott and Amy, who had been left behind in the crowd, finally approached to find Erin wrapped possessively in the massive arms of her husband.

Scott smiled as Amy slung her arm over his shoulder and she smiled.

"Mmmmm, mmmmm. She's even more yummy in person."

Scott slapped her on the arm as they waited for the reunited lovers to finally come up for air; but at the minutes ticked away, Scott looked over at Amy and raised his eyebrow.

He chuckled loudly and then whistled trying to get their attention. When that didn't work, he cleared his throat loudly.

When Jay and Erin didn't even flinch, Amy finally resorted to her best weapon. Her mouth.

"Hello! I know sex in public is commonplace here in in some parts of the world, but come on kids."

Amy boomed loudly behind them, but that still didn't penetrate the place where Jay and Erin had gone together, a place that only they existed in.

Amy turned to Scott and shrugged. "Well, I tried. What do you say we go sit over there and wait for this little sex show to end."

Scott laughed as he noticed Erin and Jay's mouths part for the first time since they had thrown themselves at each other.

Jay rested his forehead against Erin's as they both panted softly, trying desperately to fill their deprived lungs with oxygen. She remained wrapped in his strong arms as she felt tears sting the back of her eyes.

"God, Er, I've missed you so much," Jay whispered softly, his warm breath tickling her face as he spoke.

The tears she'd been fighting slipped down her cheeks as she smiled up at him, her eyes opening.

"I love you Jay. I'm so happy I'm here."

Jay reached up and cupped her face in his hands as he used the pads of his thumbs to gently wipe away her tears.

"Oh, baby. I love you too." Jay lowered his lips to hers again, this time the kiss gentle and soft. All the urgency of the last one was gone and he took gentle sips of her swollen lips as he murmured his love for her.

Erin tightened her arms around him and buried her face in his neck once their lips parted again. Jay buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent. A scent that made him lightheaded and dizzy and aroused and grateful and happy and overflowing with love for her all at once. A scent that he had missed desperately and knew he would never be able to live without. He let it envelop him and fill all his senses as he held her firmly against him.

Amy cleared her throat again and Erin's eyes widened as she remembered his friends.

"Oh, my God!" She gasped and pulled back but didn't step out of Jay's arms.

Jay turned slightly so he could smile sheepishly at his friends. Erin looked up at the two strangers standing a few feet away from them.

"I'm sorry guys." Jay looked back at Erin, his eyes shining. "Erin, this is Scott and Amy." Hhe looked back at his friends. "This is Erin."

Erin slid her hand into Jay's left one and squeezed it as Scott shook her right hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you Erin." he smiled.

Erin smiled back warmly. "Same here Scott. Jay's told me so much about you I feel like I know you already."

Amy stepped closer as she held out her hand to Erin.

Her eyes travel blatantly over Erin's entire body as she looked at her.

Erin reached for Amy's hand and he noticed the intense stare of the two women. Jay swallowed and looked over at Erin who was giggling softly as her eyes twinkled.

"Erin, nice to meet you!" Amy smiled as she shook Erin's hand vigorously.

Erin's eyes widened but she remained composed.

"You must be Amy." Erin said as she tried to pull her hand away but Amy refused to release it.

"In the flesh. And so are you I see," Amy's eyes fell to the open collar of Jay's shirt and Jay looked down, noticing for the first time that two of his buttons had come unbuttoned.

Jay managed to maneuver his hand out of Erin's and re-buttoned the shirt while both Amy and Scott continued to giggle softly.

Amy knew she had made Jay sufficiently uncomfortable and decided to give him a break; for now anyway.

"Well now that we all know one another, why don't we head down to baggage claim so we can get the hell out of here. We're going to be late for brunch and I hate being late for meals."

Amy held her arm out to Scott as Jay turned to Erin, his eyes narrowing slightly. He pulled her into his arms again, needing to feel her against him again.

"Jay, you and Erin take your time. We'll head down and wait for your luggage." Scott smiled at Jay as he grabbed Amy by the arm and dragged her away.

Erin tilted her face up to look Jay in the eyes and what she saw there took her breath away. Jay's mouth descended on hers again as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth. Erin sighed softly as she let herself get lost in his kiss.

"I missed you so much." Jay murmured against her lips before he moved to her chin and began nibbling gently.

"You did?" She sighed again as he continued his ministrations along her jaw and to her ear. He dipped his tongue into the shell of her ear and it sent a shiver up her spine and her knees went weak.

"So much. And when we get back to my apartment, I'm going to show you how much." He growled against the soft skin beneath her ear and she started giggling again. Jay let the sound surround him. He had missed her beautiful laughter. Hearing it over the phone wasn't the same as hearing it and feeling it against his chest as he held her close.

"We'll see," Erin teased him innocently as she pulled out of his embrace gently and lifted her hands to his face. She caressed his cheeks gently and he closed his eyes for a moment, reveling in her soft touch.

Erin leaned up and kissed him softly again before she stepped away from him. Jay bent down and picked up her bag and slung it over his shoulder, his other hand sliding into Erin's.

"So, what is this about brunch?" Erin asked as they walked toward the escalators that would take them to baggage claim.

"We go to brunch every Sunday morning and I figured you'd be hungry and everyone is dying to meet you." Erin stopped walking and stepped closer to him. The need to be closer to him was overwhelming and she wanted nothing more than to go straight back to the apartment, pull him into the bedroom and ravish him. "I promise we won't be long and then we'll head back and we can have a proper reunion."

"Good, cause I want you to myself before the kids come tonight"

Jay's eyes darkened and his cock which had softened slightly was rock hard again in an instant. Erin's eyes reflected his own and she pressed herself against him. Jay's arms went around her again, pulling her flush against him.

The fact that they were in a public airport meant nothing to either or them. They had been apart for six weeks and nothing was going to keep them from touching and holding and kissing one another.

"As long as we're together Er, I don't care what we do." His voice lowered as it caressed her ear. "God, baby, you feel so good. I've missed feeling you against me like this."

Erin nodded her head silently, unable to speak over the emotions flooding through her body at that moment.

"So, let's go to this brunch thing and get it over with so we can get naked." Jay growled and kissed her again, the kiss a promise of what was to come.

He only pulled away when they were both breathless and then they walked down to meet Amy and Scott at baggage claim.


Kim and Adam walked along the park with Max trotting happily in front of them, his tail wagging frantically as he sniffed the ground. People on bikes and roller blades whizzed past them as they leisurely walked along the edge of the river.

Kim looked in the stroller at Abigail who was sound asleep from the movement of the stroller before looking at Jackson who was sitting on top of Adam's shoulders as the family spent their weekend together.

"So, how is working with Kev going?" Kim asked as she took a swig from her water bottle before setting it back down in the cup holder of the stroller.

"Really good actually. The house by the lake is really beautiful, darlin."

"So, he did buy it?"

"Yeah, he did and it's the best investment he could have ever made." Adam hesitated for a second and then continued. "He told me he's going to propose to April."

"Are you serious? I didn't think they wanted that?" Kim asked curiously.

"I guess they talked and he told me that he's going to propose to her at the end of Summer."

"Wow!" Kim sputtered slightly as Max came bounding up to them with a Frisbee in his mouth.

"Where did you get that Max?" Adam asked as he took the Frisbee from the dog's mouth and looked around for the owner.

Adam felt his smile fall as he looked at the person who walked up.


Kim stood still as the dark haired, beauty who was once engaged to her husband approached them.

"Hi Adam, long time no see" Wendy said as she looked at him.

"Um...uh...How...How have you been, Wendy?" Adam asked.

"I've been really good" Wendy said as she looked from Adam over to where Kim was standing. "I'd ask how you are, but I can see the answer...Hi Kim"

Kim slipped her hair behind her ear as she looked at Wendy "Hi Wendy. It's good to see you"

Wendy nodded silently and smiled as she looked at Kim before looking at Adam. "Congratulations on your children"

Adam tilted his head up to look at Jackson who was holding tight to his father's hair as he laughed at Max who was currently trying to catch a bee.

"I take it this is yours?" Adam held the Frisbee out to Wendy who laughed as she bent down and patted Max on the head.

"Yeah, it is. He's a fast one, isn't he?"

"Sorry about that." Adam offered apologetically.

"That's all right. I was just tossing it around with my nephew."

Kim looked down at Abby who grunted in her sleep and she pushed the stroller back and forth as she watched her husband and Wendy.

"I should probably get back" Wendy said as she looked back to where her nephew was sitting. "We should all do lunch together sometime. I'm back in town now. It would be good to catch up"

Adam looked at Wendy and nodded "Sure, we could work something out"

"Great" Wendy smiled and looked at Adam one last time before walking away.

Adam turned back to look at Kim who shook her head and walked past him pushing Abby's stroller.

"Burgess" Adam started.

"I don't even want to hear it, Adam" Kim said.

Adam sighed as he watched Kim walk away and he looked up at Jackson.

"And that's lesson one in how to not handle a situation with women, son"

Jackson laughed as he pulled on his father's hair


Erin stepped into the apartment with Jay, Scott and Amy in tow. Erin dropped her suitcase next to the couch and sat down, the jet lag finally catching up with her. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes as Scott grabbed a small bag that was resting next to the door.

"Jay, I'm going to spend the night across the hall with Amy."


"So you and Erin can have some time alone to get reacquainted. Don't tell me you forget what husbands and wives do when they're alone, Jay?" Amy teased him as she continued to eye Jay appreciatively. He was one hot specimen of a man and Amy had been fighting the urge to ogle him outright, but she knew Erin would slap him if she did.

Erin opened her eyes and saw Amy looking at her husband. She couldn't help it, but something inside her just didn't like this girl. But she was going to put on a nice front for her husband.

Erin looked at her phone and smiled at the pictures that Olivia had sent her of the twins and Everly. She couldn't wait for Hank and Olivia to drop them off in the morning. She missed her babies, but she was thankful to have a few hours with her husband before their kids joined them.

"I'll see you guys later" Scott said as he gave Erin and Jay one last look before following Amy out of the apartment.

After Scott left, Erin got settled in and took a shower while Jay went to get them dinner. Erin tied her robe around her body and joined Jay in the kitchen for dinner. The two ate and caught up on stories of the kids and everyone in Chicago and Jay told Erin about everything in Virginia.

Once they had finished eating and cleaned up, Jay finally pulled Erin into his arms and kissed her. The kiss quickly deepened and Jay picked her up and carried her down the hall to his room.

When Jay made it to his room, he gently laid her on the bed. His eyes roamed her body starting at her feet; going up as she untied her robe, and discarded it.

"God you're beautiful!" His eyes locked on hers with a smoldering look of desire.

Erin looked at him and smiled. How could he make her feel like she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on with just one look, by just saying those words. It was the sincerity in which he spoke them.

Erin climbed off the bed and stood before him naked. "I think you have too many clothes on."

"What ever shall we do Er?" He smiled down at her as she began unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh! I have a good idea." She rose on her tiptoes and placed a gently kiss on his lips.

As she finished the last button, she stepped back from his kiss and pushed his shirt off his shoulders. When her eyes roamed his torso, up his chest and to his face, she locked eyes with him. "You know, I think you're the one who's beautiful."

Jay chuckled at her. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

She looked at him and smiled as her fingers grazed his sides moving to his chest and sweeping over his nipples. "Men can be beautiful too Jay." Erin said in a breathy voice as she lowered her mouth to his nipple and bit down gently.

Jay growled from her nip. His nipples were always a sensitive spot for him, but with her it only intensified the feeling. Erin's hands lowered to his crotch, and slid up and down his length through the material as she moved her mouth from his chest to his neck.

Jay moaned from her light caress as he slid his hands from her back to her ass, and squeezed. Erin moaned against his neck as she moved her mouth to his ear. "No touching Jay." She removed his hands from her body, and placed them at his sides. Erin moved to his belt and pants to remove them.

"You're kidding right?" Jay asked her as he nibbled on her neck. She got his pants and boxers lowered as he stepped out of his shoes and his clothes.

"No I'm not kidding!" She said as she turned them so his back was to the bed. Erin pressed her body flush against his, and looked up into his eyes as they both moaned from the contact.

Erin ran her tongue along his lower lip as her hands snaked around his neck. Jay opened his mouth to her questioning tongue. Their kisses were just as passionate as before, but they were slower now. Taking more time to explore one another.

He had to touch her. There was no way he could keep his hands off of her. Jay slowly ran his hands up her hips, along her sides until he reached her breasts. He ran his thumbs over her stiff peaks, and she moaned into his mouth. Just the touch of his hands sent ripples of pleasure throughout her entire body.

Erin pulled her mouth away from his and pushed him backwards onto the bed. "I said no touching Jay. Be a good boy."

Jay smiled up at her, as her eyes roamed his body and she licked her lips. As her eyes moved across his body, he felt his cock twitch from the heat emanating from her eyes to his skin.

"I'm going to show you how much I missed you." Erin climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs.

"Er?" He asked her. She shrugged her shoulders at him, and smiled. "You know, you weren't the only…. Oh God!"

As Jay began speaking Erin lowered her head and licked the bubble of pre-cum forming on his tip. Erin licked the length of his cock, before taking him into her mouth. "Oh God. That feels so good."

Jay lifted his hands and entangled them into her hair. She released his cock and sat up straight. Jay groaned in protest of the absence of her moist hot mouth on his aching member.

"I told you Jay, no touching" she placed her hand at his base before wrapping her fingers around him and sliding up. "If you don't listen you'll only make it harder on yourself." She smiled up at him as he placed both hands behind his head. She released him, as her mouth went back to her previous spot.

Jay lifted his hips so she would take more of him into her mouth. She obliged his silent plea but only took half of him and began sucking. Her hot mouth on his cock was almost too much for him. She hadn't even taken him fully and he was ready to shoot off.

Erin's mouth slid back to his head and she swirled her tongue around his tip before taking all of him. "Mmmmm" Jay moaned.

She sucked hard and fast as her hand moved back to his balls. Jay knew he was close, he could feel it. As he lifted his head off the bed to look at Erin, that's all it took. Just the image of her head bobbing up and down on him sent him over the edge.

Erin could feel his balls tightening and moved faster. "Erin!" Tore from his lips as he shot into her mouth. His hands came from behind his head, and gripped the sheets as his body trembled from his orgasm. Erin continued to move softly on him as he softened in her mouth. She released him gently before licking her lips clean of him.

As she worked her way up his body with open mouthed kissed he could feel her excitement against his skin. When she got to his mouth she pushed her tongue in forcefully. Dancing with his as hers ran along his teeth and the roof of his mouth. When she finished with his mouth she moved to his ear. "Did you like that?" She asked him, but all she got was a nod.

As she nibbled on his lobe, she rocked her hips against him slowly. She wasn't done with him yet. She planned on using every condom she had brought with her from home. And if she could remember correctly, there were four.

It had been so long since she'd been with her husband and she'd missed him, and this man that lay beneath her opened something new in her tonight. It wasn't about being horny. It wasn't about just lust and desire. Or even passion. Although, that was all there. It was about need. She needed him. She needed that feeling again that he gave her before.

But what she didn't know was she already had. When he was buried inside of her, when she confessed her feelings for him too, he felt complete. It was like nothing he had ever felt before, and he was going to make sure nothing took that away from him. ever!

As she continued to move on him, her heat was causing him to harden again. She moved from his ear to his mouth again. This time going slower, just savoring the taste of him. She pulled back and smiled as she leaned over him to her nightstand.

When she did Jay moved his hand up to caress her ass. It was too tempting from him. Her ass was perfect; hell everything about her was perfect. She sat upright again and smacked his hand away.

"It seems Mr. Halstead doesn't follow instructions very well, and needs to be taught a lesson." She smiled down at him.

"I'm always up for a good teaching." Jay said as he smiled at her.

Erin climbed off him and the bed, and walked to his dresser. Jay rose up on his elbows watching her. "Whatcha doing Er?"

Erin walked back, climbed on the bed and straddled him again. She smiled seductively at him. "I'm teaching you your lesson." She said as she pushed him back down and raised his hands above his head. She tied them to the bed tightly with his uniform tie and placed a gentle kiss on his hands before moving back down to him.

Jay looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "You're tying me up? I like this lesson."

"We'll see about that one." Erin slid down his body again, as she grabbed the condom from beside her.

Erin placed the condom on him. She then moved her hands up his body, as her lower body slid up his till his cock was trapped between them. She leaned over him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm going to tease you so bad you'll be begging me for mercy." She nipped his ear and he growled in response. Before he could say anything to her, she claimed his mouth with a searing kiss.

As she plunged her tongue into his mouth she slid against him. Never letting him enter her. She wanted him to beg. Beg to be buried inside of her..

Continuing to slide against his length, his breathing as well as hers was becoming ragged. Erin released his mouth and moved down to his neck where she licked the sweat forming there. She slid up his length again till it reached her clit and she rotated her hips against him. This was exciting her as much as it was his. She could tell by the way he was moaning. As she moved up again, his cock rested at her entrance where she only allowed his tip to enter her.

Jay moaned louder this time, at the feeling. He tried bucking his hips up to enter her, but she rose on her knees so he slid from her. Jay groaned in protest from the lose. As his hips lowered back to the bed so did hers. She continued her ministrations on him, as her mouth moved to his again. Sweeping her tongue over his lip before biting into it.

Erin could feel Jay trying to get his arms free. She looked up at him and smiled. He was getting frustrated and she knew it. But he had to ask. She slid along is length again till his cock was at her entrance again. This time she took a little more of him. Knowing he would buck his hips up again, she allowed him this time.

He entered her completely, and they locked eyes as they moaned in unison. She let him and herself have that feeling before pulling back and he slid from her warmth.

"Erin" Jay groaned as he bucked his hips up to her again. She rose to her knees not giving him what he wanted. What she wanted. The teasing was getting to her more and more, but she wanted to win this. When his hips lowered again, so did hers

"Yes Jay?" She breathed into his ear.

"Let me be inside you?" God he was going to die soon if he wasn't inside of her. He couldn't take the feeling of her warmth around him, and then losing it. He needed that. He wanted that so badly.

She positioned herself above is cock again and slid down his head. Only allowing so much to go in. Jay moaned from the small contact. "Is that really what you want, Jay?" Erin said as she pulled off again, and nipped at his lower lip.

"Please, baby."

She smiled down at him as she took his full length into her heat. "Oh God." Erin moaned as he filled her. "That's all you had to say Jay." She captured his moan in her mouth as he began rocking against him. She let go of his mouth, and he moved his to her neck, running his tongue along it.

Her pace was slow, almost to the point she wasn't moving it seemed. Jay bucked his hips up to get her to go faster, but she was still playing her game with him. He knew it. And she was winning. He was going to have to beg for mercy.

"Please Erin?" He said as his eyes locked on hers again.

She smiled down at him, as she sat up and placed her hands on his thighs, moving faster. Jay closed his eyes. God she felt amazing. He'd missed her so much.

"Oh God…..You feel so good Erin." He wanted to touch her so badly, but his hands were still tied.

Erin's quickened her pace even more as she felt herself getting closer. Her head was thrown back with the pleasure that was bursting through her body.

"Mmmm….you feel so good Jay…. I'm so close."

"Let me touch you Erin?" Jay asked as he felt his own orgasm approaching. All Erin could do was shake her head as her orgasm seized her body full force.


Her calling out his name and the feeling of her walls clamping down on him was too much. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tightly as his own orgasm hit. He shot his seed into the condom as their bodies convulsed together.

Erin collapsed on top of him as they fought to catch their breath. She looked up at him with his eyes still closed and a smile on his face.

"You okay up there." She asked as he hand ran along his arm.

"I'm better than okay. You can teach me a lesson anytime you want to." Jay said as she slid from his body and removed the condom throwing it in the garbage beside the bed.

"I plan to in about twenty minutes."

Jay turned his head to her with wide eyes. "Twenty minutes? Are you trying to kill me or something Er?"

She chuckled as she leaned up and kissed him on the mouth. "Or something." She replied.

"Er, I'd like to be able to walk in the morning you know."

She leaned her head against his chest and sighed as her fingers made small circles on his torso. "Okay forty minutes."

Now it was Jay's turn to laugh. "Well maybe if you untie me and we rest for a bit, I'll be up for round three."

"And four?" She asked as she untied the tie.

"Don't press your luck Er." He said as he kissed her forehead when she settled into his arms.

"Okay I guess I'll have to settle for three." She pretended to pout.

"Don't even try it. Pouting won't work on me." He began rubbing small circles on her back.

"I'm not pouting. I guess you just no match for me." She said playfully.

"We'll see about that one. Give me time to recuperate, and I'll show you, I can handle you anytime."

"Good" Erin said as she placed a kiss over his heart.

Jay sighed at her actions. "What?" She asked him.

"I've just missed you so much."

"I missed you, too." She looked up at him, and smiled her lop-sided smile at him. "Now rest you've got another thirty minutes."

Jay chuckled as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips before settling back into his spot.

"I can't wait until our kids are here in the morning. There's so much I want to show them while you guys are here" Jay said.

"Evie's missed you so much, Hank said all she's done is talk about you" Erin said as she snuggled closer to him.

"I just hope the twins aren't afraid of me. They haven't seen me in over a month. I'm worried they're going to be upset" Jay sighed. His heart aching at the thought of his son and youngest daughter being afraid of him.

"They won't" Erin assured.

"I'm just so glad we're all going to be together again" Jay said as he pulled his arms tighter around his wife.

"Me too" Erin's eyes opened and she tilted her head up to kiss Jay long and slow. Erin laid her head on Jay's chest as she looked next to him on the nightstand at the pictures of her and the kids and her smile fell at the picture of Jay, Scott and Amy.

Erin tried to shake off the feeling of jealousy as she looked at Amy in the picture. Her fingers trailed over Jay's bare chest as she stared at Amy's face.

"I love you, Er" Jay whispered as he kissed her head.

"I love you too" Erin said back as she curled deeper in Jay's arms and closed her eyes.

They lie there together, legs intertwined. Both exhausted from the nights events. Erin drifted off to sleep within minutes and he was soon to follow. Smiles on both their faces.


Linstead and babies reunited for some family fun in the next chapter.

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