
39. These Are The Days That We Must Savor

Thanks for the reviews for the last chapter. I am really glad you guys are liking Linstead as a little family. It really means a lot to me that you guys like this story and continue to support it at almost 40 chapters.


Jay looked down at Erin as she lay sprawled across the mattress, her hair fanned across the pillow, her eyes heavy-lidded and dark with desire, her nipples hard and moist from the ministrations of his tongue a minute earlier, her thighs parted, the juncture of her thighs glistening with her arousal.

His cock was rock hard and throbbing with wanting to be inside her, his heart was racing and his mouth watered as she crooked her finger at him, beckoning him. It had been so long. His entire body was shaking with anticipation.

With a groan, Jay knelt between her thighs, his cock resting at her entrance and his mouth crushed down on hers hungrily. Just as he began sliding slowly inside her, the piercing cry of a baby echoed through the house.


Jay's eyes bolted open and he shook his head against the pillow. He heard Everly crying in the living room and Jay looked over at Erin's side of the bed. It was empty, but when he ran his fingers over the sheets they were still warm. He heard Erin singing softly, her smooth voice soothing the wailing infant whom Jay assumed she was changing before her feeding.

Suddenly Jay realized his hand was inside his boxers and he was gripping his throbbing cock firmly. He groaned softly, realizing that it was just another dream.

He released his aching flesh and slid his hand out of his boxers. He placed his hands beneath his head and sighed, willing his body back into submission.

He was like a horny teenager again. The need to jerk off several times a day was consuming his every other thought. He couldn't concentrate on anything but the desire to take his wife and ravish her endlessly.

He missed her. He wanted her. He craved her.

It had been a little over a month since they'd brought Everly home from the hospital. They were both exhausted from the constant demands of their newborn daughter but they both loved every minute of it. Finally having her in their lives after nine months of waiting was a dream come true. It wasn't just the two of them any more. Now they were finally a true family.

But despite how much he treasured having Everly with them, it was wrecking havoc on his and Erin's sex life; leaving them no time at all for intimacy, what with Everly needing to be fed every few hours, both of their schedules and just life in general.

Erin's delivery had been a long one and she was still healing. Dr. Backus had told them that her recovery could take anywhere from two to six weeks and it was looking more and more like the latter.

Not that either of them had much time at all to think about sex, never mind do it. Erin and her body were in constant demand by their infant daughter and with her a baby and trying to keep up with everything around the house, she was utterly exhausted all the time. Jay tried to help her as best he could but starting back to work had taken it's toll on him as well.

But every single second he was not at work he was home helping Erin with Everly. He loved spending time with his daughter. Sometimes he felt like he was monopolizing the baby when he was there but Erin didn't seem to mind. It gave her time to herself to do her housework, catch up on her sleep, or just take a few minutes to go for a walk by herself to clear her head.

Jay looked down at the light sheet covering him and his arousal was more than obvious beneath the covers. He groaned again as he lost his internal struggle and slid his left hand beneath his boxers again. He gripped his aching flesh and began making long smooth strokes along his throbbing shaft. He used the silky liquid at the tip to smooth his motions. His breath quickened and he closed his eyes as images of Erin filled his mind.

He was almost there when he heard the soft squeak of the bedroom door as Erin and Everly entered the room again; the tiny baby's cries now not much more than soft whimpers as Erin rested her pinky finger against her lips.

Jay pulled his hand out of his boxers and turned on his side to hide his erection as Erin padded quietly to the glider and settled down on the soft cushions, lowering her nightgown as she settled Everly against her breast. Everly rooted and latched onto her nipple and began nursing hungrily.

"Somebody is a hungry girl" , Erin murmured softly as she bent her face to place a soft kiss on the top of Everly's head.

Jay smiled as he watched his wife and daughter and his heart fluttered softly at the beautiful sight before him. He raised himself up on his elbow and caught her eyes just as she looked up.

Her lips curved up in a soft smile. "Hey", she whispered as Everly gurgled softly around her nipple, her hand resting softly against the creamy white skin of her breast. "We didnt mean to wake you".

Jay winked at her as he watched her nourishing their daughter. "I love watching you two. You know that". He shifted slightly in an attempt to provide some additional relief for his aching flesh.

"You don't have to get up with us all the time" Erin assured

Jay rested his head back on the pillow but kept his eyes on her. "I know I don't. But its not really fair that you have to be the one to get hardly any sleep"

"Well, you dont exactly have the right equipment to feed her" Erin joked

"No, I don't. And thank God. Breasts are perfect on you but I just dont think they go with my build". He teased and Erin giggled softly.

Everly sighed as her lips loosened around Erin's nipple, a sign that she was almost finished.

"But even if you did, I'd probably fight you on it. I love this time with her". Erin stroked Everly's cheek gently.

"Spoken like a true mother", Jay whispered through a yawn.

"You should go back to sleep, Jay. You need your rest". Erin whispered.

Everly's lips slipped from Erins nipple and her eyes fluttered for the last time, sending the baby finally back into slumber.

Erin pulled her nightgown up and shifted Everly so she could stand. The small baby's body jerked softly at the movement but she didnt wake up.

Erin walked to the bassinet next to the bed and placed Everly's sleeping body on the soft mattress, covering her lightly with her blanket. Jay, who'd been watching her every movement held the covers up so she could climb back into bed. She settled on her side and Jay wrapped his arm around her stomach, cuddling her close to his body.

Erin felt his erection immediately and unconsciously pressed her bottom against him. Jay groaned softly in her ear as he nuzzled her hair.

"Er, have mercy will you? You know what I'm like. He can't help himself when you're this close". Erin giggled softly as she pressed her bottom against him again.

Jay tightened his arm around her as his lips sucked softly on her neck.

"Go to sleep" Jay growled and Erin sighed.

"I love you, Jay".

"Love you too".


Jay carried the wet baby out of the bathroom and over to the changing table, cuddling her against his chest as Everly shivered softly beneath the cotton towel. Jay laid her down on the changing table and used the towel to gently dry her skin.

Everly blinked her eyes as she watched her father intently. She was just starting to make eye contact and Jay felt a tug at his heartstrings as he and his daughter bonded silently. Everly's shivering stopped as Jay's hands gently dried her small body.

"How's daddy's girl? Did you enjoy your bath?" Jay cooed as he reached down beneath the table for a small diaper. Jay lifted Everly up off of the damp towel as he prepared to put the diaper on her.

Erin walked out of the bathroom at that moment on her way to the living room. "Jay, be careful. She's been in the habit of peeing right after her bath and I don't want you to get..."

Jay sighed and laid Everly back down on the changing table. His dark blue shirt wet from his daughter peeing down the front of it.

"...pee on you". Erin finished and she laughed softly as she walked into over to Jay and the baby. Erin reached out and laid a gentle hand on Everly's stomach.

"She got me the other day". Erin continued to giggle as Everly kicked her legs gently.

"You two planned this against me" Jay frowned as he pulled his wet shirt up and over his head as Erin took over and put the diaper on Everly.

"We have to do something while daddy's at work, isn't that right?" Erin cooed down at her daughter.

"Funny" Jay sighed.

"I'm sorry, Jay. The cold hits her and if she's got to go, it just happens. Teddy did it to me at least a dozen times when he was a baby...Just be glad she's a girl". Erin slid Everly's legs and arms into a onesie that said "I Wear Bows & My Daddy Wears a Badge" she'd grabbed while Jay made silly faces at his daughter.

"My daughter should have better control than that". Jay tickled Everly's tummy and the baby kicked her little legs again in response, her only way of communicating.

"Your daughter is normal, Jay. Now why dont you go get changed? Kim and Adam are going to be here in a few minutes" Erin made a face down at Everly as she grabbed a headband and slipped it around Everly's head.

"I think after that another shower is in order" Jay gently ran his finger down Everly's cheek lovingly.

"Well you better hurry" Erin said looking at her shirtless husband.

Erin lifted Everly into her arms and rested him against her breasts. She nuzzled the top of her head gently before placing a soft kiss on her forehead as she cradled Everly against her body.

Jay watched them in awe. "Have I told you lately how incredibly beautiful you are?" He whispered, and Erin looked up at him with a soft expression on her face. Her emotions were still out of whack and just the soft, sincere tone of his voice brought tears to her eyes.

"Jay, dont make me cry before we have company", Erin blinked back the tears as Everly began fussing in her arms. It was time for her dinner and she didnt like to be kept waiting.

Jay lifted his hand and caressed her cheek gently. "I love you, Erin."

"I love you, too" Erin smiled before she turned and walked over to the glider to feed Everly. Jay watched her get settled and then walked into the bathroom to shower again.


Jay stepped into the shower and sighed as the hot water cascaded over his body. Images of Erin's face flashed through his mind. As Jay soaped his body, the images in his mind expanded from just Erin's face to the rest of her body. And of course, Jays body reacted instantly. He took his shaft in his hand and used the soap as lubrication as Erin's name slipped softly from his lips.

Erin placed a sleeping Everly in her bassinet and covered her with her blanket before bending and kissing her softly. She adjusted her top and turned at the sound of the knocking on the door.

She hurried past the bathroom, when she heard Jay groan her name softly and she stopped, wondering if everything was alright. The knocking turned her attention away from her husband's groaning and she walked to the door and pulled it open, coming face to face with her friends.

"Hey", Kim smiled and looked at Erin"You look nice"

Erin looked down she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a red tank top with a plaid 3/4 length shirt over it.

"Thanks" Erin said as she stepped out of the door so Kim and Adam could come in.

"Looking good, Erin", Adam stepped up and wrapped Erin in a fierce hug. "You need to hurry back to work. Atwater doesn't look as good as you"

"Standing right here" Kim folded her arms over her chest as she looked at her boyfriend and best friend.

"Believe it or not, I miss you, Ruzek" , Erin stepped back chuckling softly.

"You look great. I know I tell you that all the time, but you do" Kim assured. Her gaze scanning the apartment for Everly.

"An advantage of breast feeding. You lose the baby fat faster" Erin covered her mouth as she yawned.

"And speaking of breasts, nice rack. Bet Halstead's loving those" Adam wriggled his eyebrows and Kim smacked him upside the arm.

"Would you stop" Kim glared at Adam and shook her head.

"What?" Ruzek scoffed as he put on his most innocent face. I compliment her and you get mad. What was all that talk at Babies R Us? "It's not sexual it's feeding a baby" talk?"

Burgess rolled her eyes and looked at Adam. "You're an idiot"

Adam shook his head and walked over to the couch and sat down "Where's Jay?"

At that moment, Jay walked into the living room wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Er, where is my gray sweater?" He stopped when he saw Kim and Adam gawking at him.

"Hey...guys" Jay said awkwardly

"Mmmmm" Adam purred as his eyes swept over Jays bare chest. He licked his lips and winked at Jay seductively.

"Not even in your dreams, Ruzek" Jay said walking towards the bedroom.

"It's in the top drawer" Erin answered. "Please dont wake Everly. She just went to sleep"

"She's asleep? I've been waiting all day to get my hands on her. Not that I don't want to hang out with you guys too" Burgess explained

Jay rolled his eyes in his best imitation of Erin and turned. "I'll be back in a minute"

"Are we going to watch the game?" Adam asked.

"You can watch anything you want" Erin said as she and Kim went and sat on the couch.

"Thanks" Ruzek said grabbing the remote and turning the TV on.0000000000000000

Erin stood in front of the counter, arranging desserts on a tray. Jay walked up behind her and slid his arms around her waist, pressing his body against her. His lips brushed the skin of her neck just above her collarbone

"Pretty sure our daughter is a hit" Jay murmured as he felt Erins body relax against his.

"I don't think Kim's put her down for more than five minutes". Erin closed her eyes and a soft smile formed on her lips.

Jay slid his hand beneath her tank top and he caressed the warm skin of her stomach. He was torturing himself, he knew, by letting his hands come in contact with her bare skin, but he couldn't help himself. He was missing her so much and wanting her so much that he couldn't even see straight. He'd take any contact he could get with her.

"Jay" Erin sighed softly and she tilted her head to the side, giving him better access to the tender skin beneath her ear. His tongue tickled her as it swirled over the sensitive skin before he took her earlobe between his lips.

She could feel his arousal against her bottom and she smiled, loving the way she affected him. Even when she was still carrying some of the weight from the baby.

His hand crept higher on her stomach, his fingers skimming the soft underside of her breast over the satin of her bra. His forefinger slid beneath the fabric and Erin's breath hitched just as Adam entered the kitchen with Everly in his arms.

"Will you look at that Evie-Bug? Mommy and daddy are already hard at work on making you a little brother or sister" Ruzek joked

Jay slid his hands out from beneath Erins sweater and he growled regrettably against her neck before he turned around and eyed Adam narrowly. Adam grinned as he walked over to the counter.

"Hey, those look good" Ruzek reached out and grabbed a cream puff from the plate as Everly began whimpering. "Oh, thats right. You were too busy about to have sex on the counter. Leaving me and my girlfriend alone with your baby"

"Oh please" Erin huffed as she reached out and took Everly from his arms.

"Is that a preview for Jay tonight?" Ruzek asked reaching down to grab a cookie.

"I take back what I said, I'm glad I don't have to see you on a daily basis" Erin swayed with Everly and placed a kiss on her baby girl's cheek.

"Erin, please. You couldn't make it without seeing me at least once. Burgess and I are all the fun you have" Ruzek explained.

Jay leaned against the counter and enjoyed the banter between his wife and Adam. Kim walked into the room and over to Erin.

"She's getting hungry, huh?" Kim reached out and gently caressed Everly's cheek. Shed fallen in love with the baby instantly and couldn't keep her hands off her anytime she was around her.

Erin nodded and bounced Everly as she began to whine "Yeah, I'm going to go into the bedroom and feed her. You guys take dessert into the living room and I'll be out as soon as I'm done"

Erin started to walk out of the kitchen."Don't go in there on our account. I mean...we're all adults here"

Jay frowned as Adam raised an eyebrow at Erin. He loved getting under Jay's skin.

Erin turned and looked at Adam."Ruzek, If you really want to watch you're going to have to follow me. We like to be in the glider when she's eating"

Kim laughed, knowing Erin was calling Adam's bluff. Erin walked out of the kitchen and Adam looked at Jay and then at Kim before he bolted out of the kitchen after her, sending Kim into a fit of giggles while Jay growled under his breath.

Adam stopped just in the doorway of the kitchen and looked at his best friend.

"I'm kidding, buddy" Ruzek laughed. "Let's go finish the game"

Jay shook his head and followed Adam into the living room.


Jay laid in bed with his arms behind his head as he waited for Erin to come out of the bathroom. Everly had finally fallen asleep right after Ruzek and Burgess left and Erin went to take a short shower. It had been a long night but one that was enjoyable as he and Erin caught up with their friends.

Jay knew how much Erin needed a night like tonight and it really brought joy to his heart to hear and see her so happy. He knew she was missing being at work with everyone and he made a mental note to make sure that they had more nights like this. Just because they were parents now, didn't meant that they couldn't still have a nice time with their friends.

Jay could see Erin step out of the shower through the gap in the bathroom door and he groaned as he watched her wrap a towel around her slender body.

Jay closed his eyes and groaned softly as he fought the urge to slide his hand into his boxers and relieve the pressure that seemed to be constantly in his balls.

Erin walked into the room, dressed in a silk slip and Jay watched her walk over to Everly's bassinet and check on her before she walked to the dresser and grabbed her hairbrush. She sprayed some detangler in her wet hair before running a brush through the wet locks.

When she was finished she walked over to the bed and climbed in quietly, knowing that Jay'd been watching her the entire time. She could always feel him watching her and it sent a small shiver up her spine. Erin pulled the covers up and turned on her side to face him.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" She asked softly as she reached out and caressed his cheek with her fingers.

Jay turned on his side, facing her, and pulled her into his arms. He bent his face and nuzzled her neck softly.

"I was waiting for you."

Erin slid her fingers into his hair and sighed softly. "Did you have fun tonight?"

"Up until you told Ruzek about that tape we made last year" Jay admitted as his tongue slipped out and traced the hollow of her throat.

Erin giggled softly. "Oh...that"

"Yeah, about that-" The tone of Jay's voice was very contrite and Erin smiled against the top of his head.

"Jay, it's not a big deal" Erin said "He'll never find it"

Jay rolled his eyes "And if he does, then what? He seemed like he was pretty adamant to know what was on it"

"It wouldn't surprise me if you don't watch it when I'm not around" Erin raised her eyebrow and ran her hand down Jay's back.

"I don't do that" Jay said against Erin's neck.

Erin sighed "I wouldn't blame you if you do. I know I haven't been giving you the attention I know you need."

Jay lifted his head from her neck and he pulled her closer. His cock, which was still hard from his earlier thoughts and her close proximity, twitched against her belly.

"Erin, we both have a lot going on. And I know you're still not feeling right. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself when I need to." Jay answered honestly

Erin's hand snaked down between their bodies and she slid her fingers into the waistband of his boxers. "Yes you're a very big boy, Jay." She gripped his throbbing flesh in her small hand and Jay's hips jerked as a deep groan escaped his lips.

"God, Erin," was all he was able to say before her hand started stroking him from base to tip. She used the silky liquid at the tip to smooth the movements of her hand over him.

Jay's body trembled beneath her ministrations. Erin peppered his face with soft kisses and Jay blindly sought her mouth with his own lips. He kissed her hungrily, not able to speak another word as she sped up the movements of her fingers on him. Jay was breathing heavily into her mouth as he was at a complete loss to do anything except enjoy what her hand was doing to him.

Jay felt his balls begin to tighten. A whimper escaped his lips and the sound disappeared into Erin's mouth as Everly's shrill cry filled the room at that moment. Erin's hand stilled on his aching flesh and Jay pulled his lips away from hers as he fought to catch his breath. Erin looked at him, regret crossing her beautiful features.

Jay opened his eyes and rolled onto his back as Erin's hand slipped out of his boxers. He willed his body into control as Everly's cries became louder and more insistent.

"Jay, I'm sorry." Erin whispered into the dark room.

"It's okay Er. Get her...she needs you." Jay said through gritted teeth as his cock throbbed against the cotton material of his boxers.

Erin nodded and climbed out of bed, walking the short distance to where Everly's small body was heaving with sobs.

"Shhhh, my love. Mommy's right here." Erin soothed in a soft voice as she lifted the baby up into her arms.

Erin walked out of the bedroom and down the hall where she gently bounced Everly in front of the bay window. She liked the twinkling of the street lights outside and it seemed to help calm her when she was upset.

When her cries finally calmed to soft whimpers, Erin walked to the sofa and sat down to feed her. When she finally made her way back into the bedroom with her sleeping daughter, she found Jay also sound asleep, one hand resting behind his head, the other resting softly on his stomach.

She placed Everly in her crib and then she climbed into bed beside Jay. She leaned over and kissed his forehead gently, whispering "I love you" against his skin before she settled her head on the pillow next to his. She placed her hand over his heart and felt it beating steadily beneath her fingers as she drifted off to sleep.


How cute was Linstead with their "Wisconsin" talk. I was about as happy as a school girl going to a Justin Bieber concert.

I want that for them so much, a cabin in Wisconsin with their babies and a room for "Papaw Hank" to come and visit them and fish with Jay. Could you even imagine?

Burgess was killing it last night, too. Although I don't know why she just didn't run to the police car and radio for backup there or even tell the store owner to call 911 before she went on a "Roman Rescue Mission" but, then we wouldn't have had the "Burzek" scene at the end and that was beautiful.

Please Review.