
Making Apprentices


"Kim Haein! Jeon Shian!"

I giggle behind my hand when they both look up in surprise. I knew that they'd get called out.

"I told you to stop messing around." I laugh when they come back soaked with a frown on their face.

Shian pouts.

"It's his fault. He keeps babying me, and I have higher scores than him."

"You do not."

"Do so." Shian says, sticking out his tongue. And I quickly warn them, worried that they were going to get caught for the second time.

But I hear them hiss back at each other the entire time Instructor Namhan explains the group activity.

"Do not."

"Do so."

"You freaking bunny-looking toddler. You still have chubby cheeks."

"And you have short legs!"

I sigh.

"Today your groups will be simulating a battle with paintball guns." Namhan says, an amused look in his eyes at the sighs of relief.

"But these paintball guns will hurt just as much as real bullets. They just won't kill you."'

Shian whimpers from behind me.