

Bakugo's POV

When I wake up from the amazing sex induced mini coma I just want to lay there. Why do we need to go anywhere at all? We should be able to do whatever we want, stay home, eat, sleep, go on dates. My eyes flashed open. Dates! We can actually go on real dates now! 

I pry myself from Deku and hobble to the shower and turn on the hot water to get it going. I go back to Deku and see the clothes he had pulled out yesterday and smile. Yes, he is excited to go out with me. The thought that he didn't actually want to be with me was terrifying. I love him, I need him more than I do air to breathe. But the old hag had me do some really fucked up things to him growing up and even knowing that I didn't want to do it, well, I couldn't blame him if he didn't want anything to do with me. But somehow he only wants me, the way he looks at me with those big green eyes made me want to swoon under their persistent gaze. 

Fuck, I'm starting to get turned on again. "Deku, let's take a shower before our date!" I shook his shoulder, kissing him as I did. 

"Date?" He popped up at the word, almost knocking into me when he did. I can't help smiling at his reaction to the word alone. 

"Yeah, let's go on a date, but first we both need a shower," I teased, kissing his ear and I feel his arms circle around me and I chuckle at the fact he wants to be carried to the shower but I do it anyway. I know being the giver is hell on the legs sometimes and he did not take it easy on my ass. 

We quickly shower and get dressed in what is our nicer of three sets of clothes. That's not saying much though. We walk to the door picking up our wallets and keys before opening the door. Damn it's dark out, fuck our date might be canceled because it's the middle of the fucking night. 

"Oh no you don't. We are going even if all we are doing is going to the park. I'll grab the cell phone and then at least Eraserhead will be able to get a hold of us if he needs to. We should get new phones anyway." I hear Deku as he pushes me out the door and I wince a little at the pressure the contact caused. 

"You got me good," I purred the words and turned my head to try and see his reaction in the dark. "Deku~" I crooned and I felt his fingers flex into my back scratching it a little. I couldn't help the light moan that came out. His touch is always so good. 

"Date," he ground out, but I could hear his voice darkening as lust was starting to set in. Now would be a great time to back off if I wanted to go out, but then I remember the feel of his lips on me and I can't help the goosebumps running up my arms. 

"Date," I moaned without meaning to. I tried to back away, I tried to take deep breaths and calm the fuck down. I failed. Deku dragged me back into the bedroom and slammed the door shut before stripping me of my clothes. 


This time I'm determined to go on our date. Dawn was just a little ways away and the thought of going to our old park from when we were kids and watching the sunrise sounded fucking amazing. I drag myself out of bed and start the shower again and this time I just pick Deku up and walk right into the shower. I was quick and we got dressed quickly and I pulled him in for a sweet kiss. 

"Date?" I asked and saw him smile happily before we gathered our things again and locked the room behind us. The dorms are always so quiet this time of night it was really kind of creepy but I ignored it. 

It's finally time for our date! We quickly go down the stairs and out the front door and before we could do anything too stupid we were at the UA gates. We hurried down the street and found an all night coffee shop and cafe and decided to have a breakfast date there. 

We order our drinks and food only too happy to finally be out and about, even if it is the middle of the night. Fuck I am a sap now arn't I? But does that really matter now that we are free? I don't have to be tough anymore. I don't have to push people away. I can just enjoy life as a hero now. 

I held Deku's hand as we sipped our coffees and waited on our food, only too happy when they brought it out. We talked and chatted about anything and everything but nothing all at the same time. 

"Fuck, I love this. We need to do this more," I whisper smiling while reaching out to hold his hand again now that we are done eating. 

"I love you Kacchan," he smiled at me with what I can only describe as the brightest smile on earth. "We can totally do this again!" I can't help laughing and squeezing his hand at his excitement. 

"We have really missed out on a lot. Haven't we?" I asked, my voice dropping as I started to think about the life we should have had. The life of just growing up as normal teenagers. 

"We have our whole lives together now. Kacchan I will do everything I can to help you forget her," I hear him whisper before reaching over to caress my face with his other hand. 

"You really are the world's number one hero, without you I... I might have given up. What would I have done without you?" I could feel myself starting to tear up at the thought of doing anything to an innocent. The idea of becoming someone's villain. 

"Shh, we are together. That's all that matters now. And," I look up to see his eyes light up at what he was about to say, "We are on a date." I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me and his laughter joined in as we finished our coffees. 

"I have missed good coffee so much!" I practically purred, finally swallowing the last bit. "A cup to go?" I grinned at my lover who nodded just as happily before we went to order again. 

When we left this time I could see the sun lighting up the horizon, crap we will miss the sunrise if we don't hurry! "Come on, I have the perfect idea!" I called out pulling on his hand and started to run holding my coffee in the other. We ran through the streets laughing like it was the middle of the day instead of the predawn hours. But I just don't care. We ran and ran and I looked back only to see him laughing, with his eyes shining, the stars still reflecting in those dark green irises. 

I led him to the old park and found the perfect place to relax facing the sunrise. We were out of breath and laughing more than anyone had a right to at this time of day, but it was worth it when that first glimmer of sun broke over the trees lighting the world. I heard Deku gasp and turn to see him not looking at the sunrise but at me. 

"Hey we're here for the sunrise!" I pouted and I heard him giggle even more. 

"But the sunrise in your eyes is more beautiful," he whined trying to get me to turn so he could see it again, I smiled. 

"I will admit the stars look better in yours," I grin, turning back towards him. We both laugh at how corny the other is being but we can't stop. I pull him into my arms and kiss his forehead. 

"Our first real date is going great if I do say so myself," I beam as I nuzzle into his soft curly green hair. 

"Our first of many!" He cheered and I felt him wrap his arms around me. 

"We are free," I smile as I realise that we said that together and pull away just enough that he could turn and kiss me. 

The sun was up and it was time for us to move on. It was still way too early to do things like going to a movie but we could now go to the mall and get started on the shopping we needed to get done. 

We raced and flirted and played through the store ignoring the surprised or indignant huffs and stares we got in return. I really don't give a flying fuck about what any of these extra's think of us. So long as Deku loved me, no one else really mattered. 

The thought of our classmates came to mind. Well okay almost no one else mattered. Our class seems to have wormed their way into my explosive heart to stay. 

We went to an amusement park after making arrangements to have our things delivered later today. We spent hours going from ride to ride and eating weird foods. Laughing and having a good time, but Deku was acting a little off and when I was ready to call it a day he asked if we could go on just one last ride on the faris wheel. 

"Yes! Come on let's get in line," I held his hand pulling him with me ready to see the way his face was going to light up at seeing so much of both the park and the city from so high up in the air. I will do anything to see the look on his face at how amazing the world can be. 

We chatted and goofed off in line and when we were getting on Deku wanted to ask the worker a couple questions so he had me get on first by the time I was comfortable he was already climbing in. I guess he only had one or two easy questions then. I shrugged the thought off when he started telling me about how amazing ferris wheels were and when we were about half way up he started telling me about me? 

"Kacchan you know I think you are the most amazing person in the world?" Oh my All Might! There's always a but, did I do something wrong? Is he breaking up with me? Why didn't I see it coming? I thought he really loved me. 

"The way your red eyes light up when you're excited is like a fire burning inside of you and I just can't get enough. I love how your explosions go off like fireworks, always so pretty! And when you think I'm not looking, how your face relaxes when you're looking up at the stars. You have no idea just how it made me feel when you told me the stars looked better in my eyes." He was rambling and I was starting to relax again. He isn't going to break up with me, he is fan-boying harder about the stars in his own eyes than he did when All Might walked into our classroom the first time. 

"Kacchan what I'm trying to say is that I love you, more than anything in the world," He stood up in our little carriage and kneeled in front of me. That caught my attention real quick, I sat up straight trying to figure out where this was going but I was drawing a blank. 

"Kacchan, Katsuki Bakugo, I love you more than life itself and I can't imagine a day without you. Will you make me the most starry eyed nerd in the world and marry me?" He held out a little red velvet box and opened it. Inside was what looked like a little silver chain with a small charm on the end that looked like an explosion. 

When did I start crying? I tried to wipe away the tears to answer him properly but I just couldn't so even with tears still streaming down my face, I just pulled him to me and kissed him. Fuck! If my voice won't work then I'll just show him. I smashed my lips to his and he eagerly returned it. When we finally separated he smirked at me. The cheeky wonderful nerdy bastard actually smirked at me. 

"So is that a yes?" He asked, being cheeky. 

"For fucks sake of course it's a fucking yes. It's a FUCKING HELL YES, let's go do it today because I love you so fucking much it hurts, yes." Now I can speak, just great. But honestly I don't care. I'm too happy to care and I pull him in for another sappy loving kiss knowing that the man I love, actually loves me too. 

"We should probably wait until school is almost done before announcing it but I wanted to get you something and this necklace was just too perfect. I've been waiting for the perfect time to give it to you," Deku added and I asked him to help me put it on. 

"We should wait until my old man's execution so we can be totally sure that we are free," I frown at the thought but shake my head ridding myself of the thoughts. "But that should be before Halloween so it still works out."

"Okay, but even if they put it off for whatever unknown reason or he gets life instead, I will love you forever. I will make you mine and I will tell the world that you are mine," How the literal fuck did he just make that both the sexist and most romantic thing I have ever heard before in my life?

"I said yes, I'll say I do. Fuck I'll happily go today and we can be married before we even go home?" I snuggle into him and feel the carriage jerk and notice for the first time that we had just been sitting at the top throughout all of this. 

"I was wanting a big wedding," Deku pouted a little and I laughed. 

"Then let's have a big wedding," I crooned and I kissed him again. How can I actually be this happy? Is this even allowed?

"It is going to be hell keeping this a secret though," Deku lifted an eyebrow at me and I laughed. That it will be because even though I wanted to wait to announce it I also wanted to scream it from the rooftops or on live TV or some bullshit so the whole world knows that Deku is mine.