

Both of them thought it was their dream and then their day went asusaul. But one thing suprisess them that's the button which was attached to body part of yodh. But when he press it nothing is happening. And rudh checked his room and home but he didn't found anything. Rudra and yodh goes to river side to check his button , they tried remove it but again the white smoke surrounded them and the next minute again they landed into the new world .This time the people living there were dead . The area was totally with full of corpses . When Rudra rotating his head suddenly a saw a child who was looking totally uneven he went closer to him and he is going touch him but suddenly a man take that child and run off , by seeing that Rudra becomes panic and call yodh"yeah! yodh come here!" Rudra following that man and yodh back of Rudra. The man stops at a place, where some group people are living there . By seeing that these two friends wants to what made them to stay here? .

Rudra goes closer to them , they were frightened to talk. Yodh slowly touches the hands of that men and ask them what happened?

He replied them in a terrific way "Dark world"....They kill us . They were brutal. Rudra Ask him ,Who are they ? , The man says "KINGS OF THE DARK WORLD" They are not humans " DEMON'S" , They killed our family and our loved ones and now our lives became directionless. The main king of Demons he was incredible , I can't explain him in my word's.He killed all of them with just a wave. His name was THE "DENDRITES" and he had a team under him .The great four Demon's work under him. The four directions under their control. THE " DRAKO" to the west . And "TIRON" to the east . "ABOUNDER" to the south . And "SARIGA" to the north. These four had different powers west king with the power of dark , East king with the power of time , South king was a bad magician and the north queen was a Brutal hunter with a great epic strengthen Axe. These four are under control of "DENDRITES" .

Rudra says to yodh , it's time to leave this place either we need to die . yodh says but how ?

The man asked them, who are you ? They said everything to him and the man said can you please take us to your world, he beg them please! please! yodh says ok we will take you . we need to know one thing can you tell us? oh sure! Rudra asked the man "Who was "ORION And "NOROK" ...

He replied them with a great excitement "they ! they are our saviors .But unfortunately they vanished , we don't know where they went but we believe that "DENDRITES" had done something to them . Yodh tells him , when we came here for the first time I think one old man he said by seeing these names after I transformed into a huge rock type body and Rudra got sword, Why we changed? What is the relation between you and us ?

From the back, a old man with a wheezy voice said Are you back my legends , please help us ORION AND NOROK , when old man says these words black sky changes into blue and changes into a great thunders suddenly a dark light falls on them and the sword gets into the hands of Rudra and button changes its colour on yodh's body. Both of them poses a question to old "Who are we "

The old is going to answer them but he refuses, suddenly a sound with some soldiers who were completely black dressed demon's.

One of the soldier threw a sword and with in a seconds that hits the old man . With a beleiveful laugh he collapse there , by seeing that NOROK transform into huge amd ORION catches old man and get up ! get up ! he shouts louder and with huge breathe he gets up and tells ORION I'm fine , help them .

NOROK already finishing one side with huge hands . By hitting a punch Demon's are becoming gray . He is enjoying to punch . But ORION had only sword , he had no idea what to do , Demon's had round up people to kill , ORION with a speed killed all the Demon's with one attack he suprised by seeing the power of the sword . I think the speed of ORION is speeder than speed of light and NOROK transformed to orginal size. ORION don't know about his powers .

people who are alive bow to them and says KINGS OF THE SUN RETURNED.

ORION and NOROK was still not able to understand who are they and they ask the old man again, he started telling their own story to them . KINGS OF THE SUN are not only

You both there were other two ...