
Under the Surface a Storm Awaits

Val is a relatively normal thief, you know, looking for the next job to fill her purse. But life seems to take a turn when she meets an unusual pair of siblings. There is something that they are hiding, but she tries to keep her nose out of it. Somehow though, their paths continue to cross. Before she know sit, adventure is at her doorstep, and she must decide whose side she's on. -- Just putting this out there, I'm shooting from the hip here, so there might be some plot holes and whatnot. Please leave reviews or comments with your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)

Shona_Gillard · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Introduction to a New World

Celeste took Val around the temple. Celeste explained that this was a water temple, and one of the few temples still fully intact. It was rather sizeable. They walked for a couple of hours, but still didn't see all that there was too offer.

The people who attended to and lives in the temple were fairly diverse. Though they looked human, one could see that some had markings. Others had unusual eye and hair colors. But everyone seemed to be living a harmonious lifestyle. Some seemed to chant to wells. Some practice manipulating the water.

Val was in awe. Though she had seen much and experienced her share of the world, she had never seen such dazzling sights. She had seen a few cheap tricks with what relics were left from the time of wizards and witches. But none of that compared to what those in the temple could do. She realized that the world was much bigger than she thought.

Celeste continued to explain every sight with great enthusiasm, but Val was quite overloaded and couldn't process much more. Before long, they took a break. They joined several families in a common lounge that was full of fruit and drinks.

"What do you think of my home?" Celeste prodded

"Wow..." Val was at a loss. "This place is another world entirely. In the last while, I've learned that myths and legends are real. I've never seen anything more beautiful!"

Celeste grabbed into Val's arm and rested her head on Val's shoulder. "I am so happy that you are enjoying yourself."

They sat there, enjoying each other's company. Some children noticed the newcomer. They all of were eager to introduce themselves to her. A crowd gathered around her quickly.

Soon, Val was overwhelmed with the chatter of snap children. They all asked her about herself. Before she could even answer one, anotger one would come at her. Val had never felt so popular in her life. She did her best to answer them, and the children looked at her in awe.

"Settle down, children." A soothing voice rang above the noise. When the children saw the owner of the voice, they instantly scattered.

"Mother!" Celeste's face brightened up as she rushed towards the woman.

Val looked up towards the direction Celeste ran. She saw the woman from before, the one with silver hair and blue eyes. Now that she was more conscious, she could see the resemblance. Of course, the eyes that were blue like the sea matched. But there were other features that caught her attention, like their face shape and bone structure. Val had no idea what Celeste and Cosmo's father looked like, but judging by the features on both, he just also a handsome fellow.

"Val, is it?" Celeste's mother broke her out of her musings. Val nodded and stood up. "Come with me."

Val followed, leaving behind Celeste. She really didn't know what to make of her situation. The authority the woman emanated made it feel disrespectful to be on her level. Val chose to keep a few steps behind. They walked in silence for quite a while.

Since the woman wasn't speaking, Val took the chance to continue looking around. The temple never seemed to run out of beauty. But Val noticed that the area they were walking through continued to show signs of distress. It still held a charm, but it was quite obvious an attack happened at some point of time. There had been repairs. Cracks were filled, but their existence remained. It almost seemed like a memorial.

Finally, they reached a small, overgrown garden with an open view of the ocean. The woman motioned for Val to join her on a bench. Tentatively, Val say next to her.

"My name is Aglaope." The woman finally introduced herself. "I am Celeste's mother, and a wife of Draco."

"My name is Valerie, but I go by Val." Val formally introduced herself as well.

Aglaope nodded. She took a moment before continuing. "I am sure this must have come to be quite a shock for you. Celeste explained that you have very little experience with magic."

"You can say that." Val agreed. "All I know how to do are a few tricks. But I'm sure that it doesn't compare to what you can do."

Aglaope smiled. "But it is not what it once was." She paused again. "I have brought you here to show you our scars. I am sure you have noticed that our numbers seem somewhat low."

Val nodded in confirmation. She wasn't sure where this was going, but she was willing to hear Aglaope out.

"We used to be a prosperous people. The water temple was a place to heal and refresh. Magic in general was once abundant and thriving. Creatures who are now merely lore and legend roamed freely with humans."

"What happened? What changed?" Val asked. She has always wondered what happened. She had heard of witches and wizards, but had never seen one. People were deeply scared of magic, but would not elaborate on it. Perhaps she can get the answers she's been dying to hear.