
Under the Surface a Storm Awaits

Val is a relatively normal thief, you know, looking for the next job to fill her purse. But life seems to take a turn when she meets an unusual pair of siblings. There is something that they are hiding, but she tries to keep her nose out of it. Somehow though, their paths continue to cross. Before she know sit, adventure is at her doorstep, and she must decide whose side she's on. -- Just putting this out there, I'm shooting from the hip here, so there might be some plot holes and whatnot. Please leave reviews or comments with your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)

Shona_Gillard · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Disrupting the Hum

Val and Sparrow combined their talents, and Sparrow, being the more proficient, began to use the surroundings to create a ripple. The best way to disrupt the hum was to create a noise so loud, they couldn't hear each other. The only resources available were the rocks in the cave, so the plan was to vibrate the rocks as much as possible.

Since sounds in the cave reverberated, as the small movements continued, their sounds grew beyond their original levels. Both of them became more in sync over time as well.

They were so focused on combining efforts, that they did not truly take in their surroundings. Their rhythm was continuous, and soon, practically every rock that could move, was moving. The creatures became distressed. Slowly, the grip that was held on the party became intense.

The intensity of the grip threw the focus of both women. Before they could recover, a large pulse of power radiated from them, causing a cascading effect. A rock slide had formed, and was coming their way. The creatures could no longer hold on, and retreated.

The mental link was broken, but none of the party could move. They were still infected with the paralytic agent, and would need time to recover.

"Uugghh," Val moaned. "Move..."

"Hmmm," Sparrow responded in kind.

Trying desperately with all their might, they did what they could to move. Yelping could be heard from Lycos as he also started to come to. They were pelted by smaller pebbles and stones, but the wave of larger rocks were on the way. The anxiety made it hard for them to focus.

Val did her best focus on moving even just a limb. The most she could do was move a few fingers and toes. As the rumbling thundered forward, her whole body began to tense up. Her breath was quick, and her mind did its best to give signals to her limbs.

Val could feel that there was nothing she could do, and the thought terrified her. She was consumed by the overwhelming fear, and it seemed that there was no one currently beside her. Would she die like this? She had always been so good at getting out of tight places, but perhaps, her luck had run dry. Her thoughts continued along those lines, until she felt something peculiar.

Val's body was moving, but not of her own accord. She in fact was being dragged by her collar. Something wet was at the nape of her neck. She was unprepared for this sudden development, and assumed that she was being once again taken by one of those creatures. She did her best to flail her arms and legs, but her efforts didn't hinder her movement.

When her body was no longer being dragged, she was finally able to open her eyes, and see what was waiting for her. To her surprise, instead of some fearsome beast, she was met with the most wonderful sight! Her rescuer was actually Lycos. He had actually dragged Sparrow first, and then Val to a small, enclosed space to escape the rock slide.

"I don't think I've ever been more happy to see your face!" Val exclaimed as she kissed his snout. Lycos merely shook his head, and moved closer to Sparrow.

"You seem quite lively." Sparrow mused. "Do you think you could drag yourself from here?"

"I think so." Val answered.

Taking it slowly, all three slowly moved within what seemed like a tunnel connected to their hiding spot. They didn't have much of an option, as the previous opening was completely blocked. The only hope that they could cling to, was that a slight, damp breeze would go past them from time to time. The trio did their best to follow it.

After a long crawl, they finally made it to an opening. Sparrow led the way, and pushed a few rocks out of the way to create a larger opening. She made her way through, and then helped Val and Lycos to do the same.

The room, which was dark, suddenly sprang to life. The contents were a mix of treasures. It looked to hold jewels, artifacts, and other magical items. Of course, every item asked to be touched. Except for a few meticulously placed items, the rest seemed to be piled as high as they could go. There were puddles all around. In fact, droplets of water began to rise up and form an image.

"You have done well travelers." The spirit from before once again showed itself. "You have proven yourself worthy of retrieving that which you seek. I warn you of the last of the trials. Take only what you came here to retrieve, and leave all else behind. Once you have your item, the way out will make itself known."

With that message, the spirit disappeared again. For a long moment, no one moved. It has been a tiring experience overall, and they just needed to gather their thoughts.

"Do you know what we were meant to pick up?" Val asked as she looked around the room. Every piece spoke to her. She had to fight her urges to pocketing everything in sight.

"I am not entirely sure." Sparrow also looked around. "My master only mentioned that it was meant for you. Perhaps if we move through the room, the item will make itself known."

Val was too tired to retort. She still felt like this master was a bit of a scam. Why send someone on an errand, but not say what to pick up? But the only choice currently was to move forward, so they did as Sparrow suggested.