
Under the Surface a Storm Awaits

Val is a relatively normal thief, you know, looking for the next job to fill her purse. But life seems to take a turn when she meets an unusual pair of siblings. There is something that they are hiding, but she tries to keep her nose out of it. Somehow though, their paths continue to cross. Before she know sit, adventure is at her doorstep, and she must decide whose side she's on. -- Just putting this out there, I'm shooting from the hip here, so there might be some plot holes and whatnot. Please leave reviews or comments with your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)

Shona_Gillard · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


Lycos came forward and howled. Though it was midday, it was eerily quiet. The howl rang in the silence that enveloped them. After a moment, Sparrow and Lycos moved towards the entry of the cave.

Val never classified herself as a scaredy cat, but she also wouldn't throw caution to the wind. Not to mention the fact that she was becoming fed up with this mysterious master. Sparrow seemed to trust him unconditionally, but no one held that place in Val's life.

"Why are we here?" Val nervously looked around. "Surely he gave you a reason for this detour."

Sparrow paused her steps. She took a moment before turning to face Val. "As I have said, he doesn't always share the details with me." Val was visibily annoyed. "But, he did mentioned that we needed to go through this cave because there is an item you will need hidden within it."

Since Val knew she wasn't going to get the answer she wanted, she followed Sparrow into the cave. It was against her better judgement, but she did feel a pull. Beyond the creepy aura the cave have off, there was that voice telling her to follow. She trusted the voice more than Sparrow's master.

On entering the cave, nothing too special could be seen. No markings were in the walls. No signs of encampments could be seen. Lycos took the lead, sniffing out the trail.

The trio took their time. Each was on edge, and lost in thought. Val took out her crystal, while Sparrow created a ball of green fire. Suddenly, a boulder covered the opening. No sunlight could reach them.

"Who's there?" Val called out. Her voice held her nerves. Her eyes darted all around.

Sparrow took Val's shoulder to help calm her. Her eyes also searched their surroundings. "We have come to retrieve what Bastian left behind."

Silence was the only response. The group stayed in place, not wanting to miss anything. Slowly, they noticed a trickle of water. It started small, but grew steadily.

With no other lead, they made their way towards the water. The noise let them to a smaller, room-like space. Water was leaking from above. A decent sized puddle was forming on the ground. As more water was collected, a figure started to form.

"You believe yourself worthy?" A distorted voice questioned. "Many have tried to retrieve what others have left behind. Many have failed."

Sparrow nodded her head in understanding. Val on the other hand was again feeling unsure of this endeavor. The figure sized them up with a knowing look.

"We will only retrieve what we have come for. We won't deviate from the path." Sparrow reaffirmed.

The water spirit stayed quiet. It didn't seem convinced, but eventually relented. Another boulder moved to show a new passage way into the cave. But it didn't release the travellers just yet.

"Remember your purpose, and keep to the path. The cave will decide your date now." The spirit gave its warning before becoming a puddle before them.

'Do not worry. I will tell you the way.'

The strange voice that haunts Val said this to her. It seemed clearer than before, and with this clarity came comfort. Val took a deep breath, prepping herself for an arduous path.

The trio cautiously entered the newly revealed entryway. It was still dark, but as they progressed, it slowly became more visible.

The light emanated from the known cavern was low. It seemed as though the light was bouncing around. Sparrow seemed unfazed by the spooky atmosphere. Val on the other hand was so on edge that kicking a pebble made her hair stand on end.

"Do you happen to know the way?" Val questioned.

"There are three stages. Each one with a different temptation." Sparrow explained. "Many have left their treasures behind here when they felt there were none worthy to wield then. The cave then becomes the one to deem someone worthy of such powerful items."

"How exactly is someone deemed worthy? And why couldn't we discuss this before strolling intro a scary, magic cave?" Val said incredulously.

"No one knows the trails. Those that fail either perish or become mad." Sparrow stopped to look at Val. "And I didn't tell you because you would've overreacted."

"Overreacted? Really? So, just because I have a few reasonable questions and a normal level of caution, I suddenly overreact?" Val nearly yelled at Sparrow. She was truly enraged to hear that she was knowingly lead into danger.

"See." Sparrow looked at her with a raised brow. "You're already startled, and nothing has happened."

"Yes, nothing has happened." Val fumed. "Other than the cryptic warning from a water spirit and an uncanny light spilling ahead."

"Calm down." Sparrow warned. "Working yourself up will do you no good. We must keep focus and stay on the path. Let all other thoughts go for now."

"I guess we are already here." Val conceded. "But I don't have a good feeling about this."

As the dispute concluded, they continued on their way. The ominous atmosphere threatened to suffocate them, but there was no way out besides going forward.