
Under the Surface a Storm Awaits

Val is a relatively normal thief, you know, looking for the next job to fill her purse. But life seems to take a turn when she meets an unusual pair of siblings. There is something that they are hiding, but she tries to keep her nose out of it. Somehow though, their paths continue to cross. Before she know sit, adventure is at her doorstep, and she must decide whose side she's on. -- Just putting this out there, I'm shooting from the hip here, so there might be some plot holes and whatnot. Please leave reviews or comments with your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to check it out :)

Shona_Gillard · Fantasy
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27 Chs

A Dream Fulfilled

Lycos hunted some game for the group to eat. Sparrow and Val looked over the map to see the best route to take. They made camp for the night. The group was too tired bicker or banter, so they rested well.

When morning came, they were back on their journey to the temple. Val fiddled with her new staff. She couldn't really see what was so special about it just yet.

"You treat it as though it's a toy." Sparrow spoke as Val continued to examine the staff. "If it was hidden away, it is more than likely a powerful artifact."

"I'm just trying to see what's so special. Don't wizards in stories have a staff or a wand or something?" Val asked.

"Many wizards did, but the staff itself is not complete without its crystal." Sparrow informed Val of this key fact.

"A crystal, huh?" Val thought for a moment. "So I can just stick any old crystal in here, and it should work?"

"No." Sparrow rolled her eyes. "You would need a large crystal that still has energy stored within it. Most wizards charge their crystals themselves, but the more powerful ones are the ones that have the energy from the life stream."

"So, I got half of a staff? What is so special about the staff then?" Val asked.

"A staff is usually imbued with a piece of each owner. Many pass them down for generations, and it gives the user strength in a particular type of magic." Sparrow answered.

Val nodded in understanding. She was at least beginning to appreciate that this new thing had a purpose. Though, it was still hard to understand why she would need it, or why she was supposed to have it.

They walked for a good while, so they took a break. They didn't intend to stop for long. Val plopped herself next to a tree. Sparrow sat next to her. Lycos roamed about for a bit.

As Val and Sparrow were waiting for Lycos, they heard a noise getting closer. It was too large for a wolf. There was some clomping. Both shot up to prepare for a sudden attack, but quick as lightning, Val felt herself fall over.

Instead of an attack, she was being nuzzled by a large snout. She looked above her to see a horse. The horse was pure white and beautiful. It could contend with the best thoroughbred. It was lean but strong. It was the most beautiful animal she had ever laid eyes on.

The beast snorted at her. She tentatively reached out her hand to give him a pet. The horse responded to her gesture by leaning into her hand.

"What a beautiful creature." Sparrow observed the interaction between the two. "Have you ever seen this horse before?"

"I can't recall." Val answered absent mindedly. "He seems to like me."

"I can feel the connection between you two. I believe he has come to reunite with his master." Sparrow gave her observations.

"How could I be his master?" Val was in disbelief. "I grew up with nothing. Much less my own horse."

"It is a curiosity." Sparrow returned.

Lycos returned to see what the fuss was about. The horse and Lycos were a bit standoffish, but soon, they went in for the sniff. After their greeting was fine, Lycos went back to Sparrow's side. The horse never left Val's side. It was as though he felt a need to protect her from everything.

"I think the horse is planning on sticking to us, so we should take him with us." Val suggested, and Sparrow agreed. "We still have a long way to go, so we can't really ride him at the same time. Maybe we could take turns."

"If he will let anyone other than you ride him, that is." Sparrow cocked a brow.

"I mean, a random horse shows up out of nowhere. Anything is worth a shot." Val shrugged.

"Do you even know how to ride a horse?" Sparrow began to gather her belongings as she questioned Val. "Much less bare back?"

"You know, it can't be that hard. You just sit and hold on." Val hopped into the horse and immediately fell off the other side.

Sparrow and Lycos merely looked on with mold amusement. The horse checked on Val with an affectionate sniff. Val scrunched up her face and rubbed her backside. Maybe there was a bit more to this than she thought.

"I might need a little practice." Val murmured as she got back up. She gathered up her things as well.

The group left now that they had rested. There was still a long journey ahead of them. And though there were no reigns on the horse, he followed behind as a loyal companion. Val felt a sense of belonging. She had many dreams of riding free on a horse sense childhood. And coincidentally, the horse in her dreams did look very similar to the one by her side.