
Under The Stars {Alice}

They both saw the end before it even began. Willow - a self centred and purposeful girl - meets Marcus - outgoing boy and the king of partying - at the library. They instantly felt something like a spark between each other, but after a while they realise that the spark they have cannot be turned into a light. Not only the age, but also their life goals are really different. Willow has to make a decision - career or her soulmate. At the end, something happened and it made her decision easier.

teenwriter212 · Teen
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9 Chs

October 7th

''I dare you to hook up with a guy until this week is over.'' She says.

''Not fair.'' I close my book and look up to my best friend Lily, who's staring at me, while sipping her latte. ''You know that I don't do stuff like that, because...''

''I have more important things.'' She finishes in my place, cutting me off. ''What is more important than smooching around in a bathroom than being in an important lecture?"

''Everything.'' I answer. ''Anyway, don't you have to prepare for midterms? I can lean you my notes if you want.''

''No, thanks. I got the notes from Kelsey. But, can you lean me your notes after the next lecture?'' Lily tucks her hands under her chin and looks at me with pleasing eyes.

''You're skipping? Again? You better get a medical passport, because the professor told us last time if you skip another lesson, you've to write an essay about all units and hand it to him by tomorrow's evening.''

''Alright, I'll do it.''

''What?'' I jump up from my chair in disbelief. ''You would rather write an essay than come to a forty minute lecture?''

''No, mother, I'm joking. See you then.'' Lily says and leaves my desk. She walks out of the library and turns around the corner.

I sit back down, ready to get back to my work, until I notice that my book is gone. I remember leaving it exactly on this spot, but it's missing. I know for damn sure, that Lily didn't took it, because she would rather hang herself than read a science book. I look around myself and notice a guy walking away with my book in his hands.

''Excuse me, I am still using it.'' I rush up to him.

''Yeah? I didn't notice.'' He says and continues to walk away.

''What? It was literally on my desk. Ain't no way you didn't notice.'' I try to catch up with him.

''Alright.'' He spins around. ''I saw you using it, but I need it more.'' He smirks at me and walks forward.

''No, you do not.'' I walk right in front of him to stop him from walking. He sighs and tries to go left, but I step in front of him. ''Give it back, please. I need it for my midterms.''

''Midterms? What grade are you in?'' He asks me, making an eye contact.

''I'm in 10th...'' I say.

''Oh, really? You look like in a 9th.'' He says and walks past me.

Is he for real now?

''Please give it back!'' I feel the change of my tone as I start to lose my patience.

''Alright. I need it and you need it. Why don't we use it both?''

''What do you mean?'' I'm more confused than annoyed.

''I can take my stuff and go to your desk and we both can use the book.''

''Alright.'' I say.

''Alright.'' He hands me the book and goes after his essentials.

I go over to my desk and place the book on it. I take away a few papers because the desk is really messy. Just as I sit down, the guy approaches me and places his stuff on my desk. I really don't want to get deep with him into talking, so I just scoot over to the side and open the book.

''Which pages do you need?'' He asks me.

''107 and 108.''

''Alrighty. What are you writing?'' He leans over and looks into my paper. It's a professor's given page to practice before midterms.

''I have to do it before midterms, so I could be better prepared.''

''You said that you needed the book for midterms, not for before midterms.'' He looks at me.

''Well, I thought it sounded more important and you would give it to me.'' Why am I explaining myself?

I start to go back to my work, but I notice that his work isn't even started. It has a title 'chemical structures of amino acids' and that's it. I assume, that he just started, so I don't ask more and just go back to my work. I start writing when I look a bit to his side and notice, that he's staring at his work and doesn't write anything. I hate, that I looked, because now I feel like I should ask him if he needs help.

''You need help?"

''Funny you asked that. I just thought of asking you for help.'' He turns his chair to be facing me and he presses his index finger to his temples and spreads his legs a little. That's when I start to feel a little bit weird - like I'm in a roller coaster.

I clear my throat. ''Okay, so in order to write a good essay, you should make at least three plan points...''

''Would you do it for me?'' He leans closer to me and looks me in the eyes.

''Absolutely no.'' I say.

''Thought you might say something like that.'' He mumbled. ''Listen, tonight I have to go to a friends funeral, so I don't really have much time to write that. And I am feeling sloppy and really out of motivation to write that essay, so could you at least write the prelude for it?''

''Oh, I'm sorry about your friend.'' I think for a moment. ''Alright, I'll write the prelude.''

''Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver.'' He sounds relieved. Then he picks up his bag and his laptop and leaves my table. Right after he leaves Lily approaches me.

''Who was that sexy looking guy you were talking to?'' She sits in front of me with a curious look.

''No idea. But he's going to his friends funeral this evening and I agreed to write a prelude for his essay.''

''Oh, amazing. Soon you'll be smooching in a bathroom with this guy.'' She smirks. ''Anyway, will you come to a party this evening? Please, please, please!'' Lily begs.


''Willow, please! Just one party. This evening. I checked your schedule and you're off early today! Please, please!''

''I don't have a dress.''

''I have one for you.''

''I don't have shoes.''

''Yes, you do. The black ones.''

''I don't know how to do my makeup.''

''I'll do it for you.''

''Crap, Lily. Alright. I'll go.'' I sigh as I pick up the rest of my stuff. I guess your prelude will have to wait until tomorrow.

* * *

We entered the house where the party was hosted. Normally, at this time I would be in comfy pj's and eating popcorn and watching TV. The music was so loud, that I recognized the song before we reached the door. I was having a little anxiety, because this was my second party this semester. And nothing like the first one, which was my grandma's 80th birthday party.

I decided to follow around and stick to Lily, because she was the only person I knew there. We walked past a group of guys doing shots and screaming loudly like wild animals, who just escaped the zoo.

''Lily, I don't like this.'' I turn around to face her. ''Lily?''

She's gone.

I spin around to see her, but she's not anywhere. So I don't move and stand in my corner, when to my surprise the library guy is now standing on his arms upside down and chugging beer out of a can. Liar.

I wait for him to finish chugging and then I approach him.

''Hey. I thought you were supposed to be at a funeral of your friend.'' I see as he jumps a little, not expecting to hear from me at a party.

''Heyyyy, you...the funeral ended bit quike than I expecten.'' He sounds drunk. He is drunk.

''Your mouth stinks and you smell like alcohol and cigarettes.''

''Do you want to tahsthe meee?''

''Excuse me?''

''My head hurrrtsss...'' He places his palm to his head and stumbles across the hall.

I follow him.

''You need to take aspirin. And for sure stop drinking.'' I say as I catch up with him.

He nods, but doesn't say anything. He takes me by my wrist and leads me upstairs. We walk in a bathroom and he points towards to one of the under sink drawers. I open the first one, but there's bunch of condoms. I immediately close the drawer and feel my skin go red.

''Whoops...'' He chuckles.

I open the second drawer and find an aspirin and take out one pill. I fill the glass and hand it to him. He hiccups, but drinks the pill. He drinks the water and bursts into laughing, while the water splashes on my dress out of his mouth. He falls down to the floor, laughing. Normally, I would be mad, but for some reason I just can't. I chuckle and try to help him up, when he pulls my wrist and I fall near him.

''I likee youuuu.'' He points towards me. Damn, that feels good.