
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

8. Who is he?

Franklin got up and started walking away from the group.

"Come with me." I started following him until we were far from the others.

He sat on one of the stones there, invited me to sit down. Without looking me in the eye, but looking towards the river he finally broke the silence.

"You felt observed, do not try to deny it. I don't know this from the notes of the old doctor."

"Most of the time yes, how do you know?"

"Are you not curious to know who has been watching over you and taking care of you from afar?"

"Observed yes, I can not say 'cared'. Do you know him?"

"I was waiting for you to ask me if it was me."

"It's not you."

"How do you know?" He turned to look me in the eye.

"The feeling I have, I do not have it when I am with you. Then he / she must be very coward whoever he / she is. You have enough courage."

"Enough courage? "(He smiled) . "It's him, not her. He is the lover we discussed earlier. He did not die physically, but I can not tell you this story. It should be he who tells you everything about you two."

"Can you at least tell me who he is, is he among us?"

"You manage to perceive the energy between you two, you still don't understand?"

"I have not felt it for a long time. Especially here I do not feel it at all."

"Because you are used to feeling the energy between you without seeing it, without having it near you. Focus a little more."

"Are you saying that it could be among us?"

"You said that, I didn't say anything." He raised his hands up in surrender.

"Why should I be the one going after him? If he doesn't show himself, then it is his choice. I do not go after cowards. "

"There can be thousands of other reasons besides fear."

"Again , if we were so in love that it is supposed to break the spell and bring back my memory, I see every other reason as an excuse. You did not answer me what this excursion has to do with."

"To bring back your memory and powers." He got up and started to return to the group.


"You will find out when the time comes."

I sighed because I was not getting the right answer. My head was hurting a lot and I ended up on my knees. Franklin had walked so far he did not notice me. I had images of myself with someone, we were debating. We were in an enclosed space with lantern lights, he was walking behind me trying to convince me of something.

"You had no other choice, either you or she!" He grabbed my hands as I looked around with teary eyes.

"It's unjust to them, what a pity they are stuck there. There should be a plan B, C or D whatever it is." I walked to a round table where there were lots of books.

"Promise me that you will not go back there and will not act without talking to me first about any solution you find. Promise me?"

I could not see his face, only his white shirt and sun-shaped necklase with black strip he was wearing.

"Ahhh!" I cried out in pain as I was on my knees shaking my head with my hands.

Then other images from the books, written the legend of the trapped souls, I was excited that I had found a solution.

I had an headache, until I felt two hands on my hands resting my head on his chest. I heard 'Shshsh!' As he rubbed my head. Then he released me, I turned my head, there was no one it was just me. I was going crazy, in fact I had been crazy for a long time, sometimes I could feel his breathing in my neck before I woke up, but now he hugs me, his chest.

I got up and walked slowly towards the group who were watching me pretending not to embarrass me. After I approached, Gideon and Aurea came out on the other side, they should have been together.

Our second stop was in a small, outdated building, with no doors, no windows. Everyone entered one of the rooms following Franklin. I stayed a little behind, I needed to stay alone. Always when I was not feeling well I wanted to be alone, locked up somewhere, not in nature. I did not have to complain about Mr.Jefferson's clinic, I just felt like a parasite doing nothing, with a feeling that something I had to do but I could not achieve. I leaned into the walls of the narrow hallway and sighed trying to figure out if I did well following Franklin. Near my feet was a yellowed paper folded many times. When I was little I used to collect papers, candy, books, drawings, and even paid water and electricity bills. Wherever I found some letter I wanted to know what was inside.

I unfolded it, apparently it has been folded many times because it was wrinkled.

"It's very soon, but I have all this time that I've been waiting for you, along with my inspiration. I want to whisper to you that you are my 'Nirvana'. You are my 'Nirvana' expressed with warmth, with a hug, with a pause of seconds. Your eyes are beautifully scary because it seems as if they have stripped my soul and are writing stories in it. Your smile tickles my sense of well-being. Can you speak again? Speak, speak because your voice is capable of keeping me awake, your words are capable of giving me desire, courage and making me walk forward with my eyes closed. With my eyes closed I am able to follow your voice. I want to get stuck in your eyes, to cling to hugs, to get drunk on truths, to confess secrets.You became the muse of my inspiration. You became a beautiful inspiration for beautiful things. Let's run away together! Let's stare long into each other eyes, let's walk among the spirits, let's walk among humans. Teach me how to love life, teach me how to live among them, with you. Make me more knowledgeable, raise me up, improve me, love me. Leave me to love you, to make you laugh, explain to me, teach me. I feel so empty, an unfinished puzzle without you. I feel like I'm missing a part of myself, and I'm terrified of the idea that I'll probably never have it. You, are the place in which I feel I want to belong. I want to write about you, I want to paint your eyes. I want to dance with you, to dance for you. I want you to read me poetry, to dedicate words, time, smiles, looks to me. I miss you so much, as if I have loved you for life and I have not been able to show it. I can not tell you anything. But I know, I feel that you are the one I have waited so long with the windows of my heart open. But I can not say, and I do not know if I can ever say it. And it hurts me that we are under the same sky, in the same place, with steps away and we have not felt each other. You came! Now I understand. But I do not know if you came for me, if you came to stay with me? And I miss you now, when I think of escaping from this world, you are the one I will miss the most. I missed time spent with you, I would love to meet you before, again and again. To have more time with you, for you. It's stupid, I know. How can we be under the same sky and not know about each other? I doubt you know anything more than I do. But I fear the idea of ​​being wrong. Because maybe, nothing is as I think it is now. Or will you and I just stay under the same sky? "

It was a long and very felt letter. I felt the letter being pulled from my hand rudely without raising my eyes yet I heard the deep voice of the hard and harsh Gideon: "This is mine!"

When I raised my head I saw only his back as he left irritated.