
Under the same sky (Gideon)

"Liar! You're a liar! You lied to me, you cheated on me! You used me! You abandoned me!You ignored me!" "Well if we compare what we have done to each other, you brought me from death , you made me immortal, you abandoned me as well. And who the hell is Skansi?! " " I don't know! " I yelled back. " Now I should worry about a guy named Skansi, and oh you don't remember what you have done and you don't remember me. I guess you win this game. " " How do you know is a guy?" " The fake doctor told me. "

Grettel_27_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs

2. Mr Jefferson's death

"What are you looking for outside the window?" He approached near the window looking too, but did not open the window. Anyway we were on the 3rd floor.

"Nothing. I have to leave, I will play cards today with my imaginary friends."

I got up and hurried my steps smiling with regret. I felt a little sorry, maybe because of his age, but maybe curiosity might let him live long.

When I entered the room, those white colors were hurting my eyes, it seemed as if the light was always on. One of the nurse brought the medicine on the tray.

"It's the schedule. " She had a forced smile in her face . I was forced to take the medicine in their eyes after they caught me hiding it under the bed mattress. When I say I was forced I mean it literally, they held me physically and made me swallow it hard. This is what happened the first 3 times. After that I put my fingers in my throat and provoked vomiting, trying not to make noise. They no longer forced me physically but watched me swallow and checked my mouth.

The next morning there was noise and commotion in the hallway, but none of us was allowed to go out, we were locked in our rooms. During lunch I found out that Mr. Jefferson had passed away. The staff tried to keep going normally but it was obvious on their faces that they were confused, as if they had lost their shepherd. The nurse didn't even wait for me to swallow the medicine, she left as soon as she left them on the bed. Easier for me. I felt sorry for Mr. Jefferson, I also cried. It's not that we had any close relationship, but he died blind.

The next day at 10:00am they gathered us in the hallway and informed us that the new doctor of the hospital would come. Lori was busy with the flowers in her garden, James was catching invisible sparklers in the air. Ben and Nick had gone fishing. Arsu, as always, hit the furniture and fought with the air. As I mentioned at the beginning, my neighbors were special in their way.

I hoped the new doctor would not open patient files and deal with me. Surely it would be some other old man who would be found lifeless in the office after two weeks.

We were not waiting for the new doctor, they just gathered us to announce the news.

I did not see the new doctor when he came just looking in and out of Mr. Jefferson's office, let's say the former office. In addition to the nurses being enthusiastic, there were furniture changes. Apparently he feared that Mr. Jefferson's ghost would continue to sleep in that office.

I felt his presence even closer. As if he was inside the building.

Two days passed. On the third day I noticed the new guy had started interviewing patients one by one in the office. It would be my turn soon. This time I was going really crazy I felt his presence closer than ever.

That same day I was escorted to his office, I would finally have the honor of meeting his majesty. What if he did not give up, with all that information Mr. Jefferson must have left about me. I took a deep breath, why was I so tense ?!

The nurse knocked then nodded: " Doctor, Tara Butlo."

She opened the door further and let me enter in the office. Many things had changed inside that office.

Mr. Jefferson's presence was hardly felt at all. Without seeing the person in front of me at all, I turned my head and was looking out the window. I could no longer feel his presence outside of it. Had he left me?

"Why are you worried?"

"Hmm? "I turned my head in front of the person who was supposed to be the new psychiatrist. He was not that old. At least not that close to physical death.