
Under the rain of seduction

"Damn you, demon boy! Why did you have to get shot?" I rolled my eyes. "You know your kind doesn't heal quickly," he continued, but I managed to stand up. The commotion nearby grew louder. "Get them!" a voice shouted, pointing at us. "We have to run," Thane urged, and we took off. ** Now, with the spell book in Xeridia, I can smell the war brewing between witches and demons. And I'm certain the witches will emerge victorious, with our help, of course. You see, we demons have a secret: we'll be helping the witches steal the spell book. It's the perfect opportunity for us to rebel against our oppressors and join forces with the one species that's ever shown us kindness. Under the rain of seduction. New story alert

Adekoya_Esther4 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Human

Bruynhild POV:


"Bruynhild!" My mother's loud voice jolted me awake from my nap on the dining table. "Have you forgotten you're going to the library today?" she reminded me, her voice laced with a hint of urgency. Oh no! I quickly packed my books into my bag and rushed out of the house. I had an exam to write, and I hadn't even started studying yet. The pressure was on!

On my way to the library, I stumbled upon a group of children gathered around a storyteller. I was about to continue on my way, but when I heard the word "demon," my curiosity got the better of me. I stopped to listen, and the storyteller's animated gestures drew me in. "Then the demon girl slashed the bad guy with her sword," he said, mimicking the motion with his hand.

A little red-haired girl asked, "Sir, are witches real too?" The storyteller replied, "Yes, they do exist, just like vampires. They're not just fictional creatures." I smiled, knowing he had indirectly answered my own question.

Just as another child asked, "Are vampires among us now?" my elder brother, Kael, appeared out of nowhere, lifting me off the ground. "Bruynhild, what are you doing here?" he scolded, his voice firm but was concerned. "You haven't even started studying for your exam, and you're wasting time listening to stories?"

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bit embarrassed but also defensive. "I was just passing by, Ezekiel. I couldn't help but overhear." He sighed, setting me down but keeping a firm grip on my arm. "Come on, let's get you to the library. You need to focus." I nodded reluctantly, knowing he was right.

After he dropped me off at the library, I found a quiet spot at the far end of the library where I loved seating. I quickly sat down there and arranged my books. I suddenly remembered that I needed a book from the library so I went to the shelf to look for it. When I eventually saw what I was looking for I smiled but then at the bottom left of the shelf I saw another book it was the only book on the rack so I took it. The cover said "Demon"

My curiosity got the better of me, and I scanned the pages, searching for answers. The words danced before my eyes, telling tales of ancient rituals and forbidden knowledge. One passage caught my eye, speaking of demons and their secrets. I felt a shiver run down my spine as I read the words, and suddenly, I knew I had to have this book. I couldn't leave it here, hidden away in this dusty chamber.

Without thinking, I closed the book and tucked it under my arm, feeling a thrill of excitement mixed with a hint of guilt. I knew I was stealing something valuable, something that didn't belong to me. But I couldn't help myself; the secrets within these pages were too alluring to resist.

I turned to leave, but as I did, I heard a faint whisper in my ear. "You shouldn't have done that, Bruynhild." The voice was soft and menacing, sending shivers down my spine. I spun around, but there was no one there. The lantern flickered, casting eerie shadows on the walls as I hastened up the stairs, the book clutched tightly in my hand.

I swiftly tucked the book into my bag and made a hasty exit, leaving the library behind. I ran through the streets, my heart racing, until I reached the safety of my home. I slammed the door shut behind me, leaning against it to catch my breath. What had I just done?

I started practicing the spell, none worked. I was about to return the book back then I decided to try a simpler spell. Draining energy from a plant.

I chanted the spell and the once blossomed rose died. I was very happy, my love for the spell book drove me mad, that's right crazy.

As I watched the rose wither and die, a rush of excitement coursed through my veins. I felt a sense of power and control that I had never experienced before. The book's secrets were finally yielding to me, and I was eager for more. I flipped through its yellowed pages, searching for the next spell to try.

Flashback ends

"Mmmm... It's so good" Pleasure snapped me out of my self trance. "You better get those demons" He groaned as he increased his pace. "Yes.... Please don't stop... I'm .. coming..." Just when I got to the peak of pleasure he pulled out leaving me hanging. Wait, is he seriously going to leave me hanging.....

"Of course not" He replied... I forgot he could actually read minds.. every demon can.. I quickly chanted a spell to block him from doing so. He pulled my hair roughly flung me on the bed before he buried himself in me again.

After I found out Kael was a part demon part human I've decided to do the same. Give birth to a demon which is next to impossible if you aren't his mate. Curse that to hell, I tried severally so he'd at least mark me and activate a mating bond but no, he hasn't.

I can't go to another demon because I know they'll definitely get punished for that, I for one I'm a lost cause in the demon realm.

"Deeper..... Xirus" I moaned out and he held my boobs doing as requested. I wrapped my legs around his waist pinning him down as he drove me crazy with his member inside me.

After several hours, he withdrew from me, and I was left feeling drained but hopeful. "You had better find that book and those demons," he growled, his grip on my neck tightening. "I want them alive and weak, then I will grant you your desire to be a demon." With that, he stormed out, leaving me shaken but determined.

Finally, he had agreed to make me one of them, and I couldn't be happier. But my joy was short-lived, as I sensed another ominous presence behind me. I turned to face the newcomer, and my blood ran cold.

Astrid POV:

I woke up after an unknown period of time. I was sleeping on a soft, comfy bed, my head throbbing with a dull ache. I sat up slowly, looking around, trying to remember what had happened. I was in a small, dimly lit chamber, with stone walls and a low ceiling. A faint glow emanated from torches set into the walls, casting flickering shadows around the room. But where was I? And how did I get here? The next thing on my mind was to run out.

Who the hell was the guy I saw before I blacked out? How did I get here? Did he sedate me? I quickly checked my body to see if I was touched or raped. All those thoughts flew behind me when I saw someone enter the room.

He looked nothing like the guy I saw, unlike the guy I saw for a short period of time. He had red hair with a shade of black, which was a contrast to the silver-haired guy I saw under the rain.

Did I suddenly go blind because of the rain? "Where am I? Why did you bring me here?" I asked, trying to hide my fear. He smiled and walked closer to me; his presence was very dark and somewhat evil.

"You can see me?" He said, or was it supposed to be a question. "Who the hell are you?" He asked, his voice higher this time around. "I don't.... I don't know... Who the hell are you?" I yelled back at him, still moving backwards.

"What a feisty human you are? Aren't you?" He smirked, and I was finally pinned to the wall. "Where are you going to go now? Aren't you Gusty anymore, huh?" He muttered, his hot breath fanning my neck. "Don't scare her," I suddenly heard another voice, which rang a bell inside my head. It sounded like the guy I saw last night. When the guy before me looked back, I quickly ran out from his clutches.

"I thought you were pulling my legs when you said she can see you. I guess she can," the red-haired guy said. "Are you sure she isn't a witch?"

Witch? What are they talking about? Why am I here in the first place? I looked at the silver-haired guy, and my breath caught in my throat. He was even more handsome than I remembered from our encounter in the rain.

His hair, now styled perfectly, framed his chiseled face, and his broad shoulders were visible beneath his robe. His lips curved into a gentle smile, and I felt my heart race. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm in a strange place with two mysterious guys, and I'm admiring one of them?

"Astrid, why can you see me?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "How do you know my name? Are you a stalker?" I fired back, trying to sound braver than I felt.

He chuckled, and his smile grew wider. "I'm not a stalker, I assure you. And as for why you can see me... well, that's a mystery."

The red-haired guy spoke up from behind me, making me flinch. "Why can't I read her mind?" he asked, his voice tinged with frustration.

The silver-haired guy turned to him. "I don't know why you can't, but I can. And I see that she's... mesmerizing." He said the last word with a hint of a smile, and my face heated up with embarrassment.

How could he read my mind? What kind of creatures were they? I felt like my world was crashing down around me, and I didn't know how to escape.

"Demons," he said, his expression serious, and I froze for a moment before bursting into laughter. "Demons? Are you trying to play mind games on me?" I asked, my voice trembling with nervousness. But the silver haired guy's face remained stiff, his eyes unwavering. Wait, that's a universal gesture for "it's true." There's no way demons are real. They're just fantasies.

"We're not just a bunch of fantasies like you claim. We're real," the silver haired guy said, his voice firm, and I held my face, trying to process what I was being told. No, I'm dreaming! It has to be a dream. I slapped myself, and when I felt the pain, I knew it was true.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, trying to stall for time, and the silver haired guy unfolded his arms. "I went through your mind, but it's strange how you could see me. I made sure I wasn't visible to humans." He ran his fingers through his hair, and I noticed a hint of frustration in his voice. "That damn witch; she'll pay for cutting my hair," he muttered, and I could hear a chuckle from the red haired guy from behind.

"You brought this upon yourself," he said, his voice teasing, and the silver haired guy shot him a warning glance. "Anyway, Astrid, I'm Kael, and he's Thane," Kael introduced, his eyes never leaving mine. Thane, Kael - such unique names.

"What happened to me? Why am I here?" I asked, wanting to know why he brought me to this place. "Well, I mistakenly struck you with thunder, so you passed out, and I couldn't leave you alone in the cold woods," Kael explained calmly, and my heart warmed up at the thought of his concern.

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. We were in a dimly lit chamber, with stone walls and a low ceiling. The air was musty, and the only light came from flickering torches. It was like something out of a medieval fantasy, and I couldn't believe I was stuck in this strange world with two demons.

"You damn softie," Thane cursed, and I rolled my eyes. "So, I want to go home," I said, trying to sound firm, but my voice trembled. Thane's face darkened, and for a moment, I saw a glimpse of that intense look he gave me in the woods. I shivered, feeling a chill run down my spine.

"Who the hell are you?" Kael asked, his voice low and menacing. "Did the witches send you here? Is that why Thane can't read your mind?" He took a step closer, his eyes narrowing, and my heart raced even faster.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I cried, feeling overwhelmed. "I just want to go home." Tears streamed down my face as I squatted on the floor, hoping that I would snap out of this bad dream. But deep down, I knew this was all too real.

Thane sighed and crouched beside me. "Astrid, we can't let you go. Not yet. You're involved in something much bigger than you think." His voice was gentle, but his words sent a shiver down my spine. What did he mean? What was I involved in? And why couldn't I go home?

Fresh from the oven

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