
Chapter 16

When Maxi did not move, Ursuline motioned with his head to urge her on.

She swallowed dryly and said, "A-Are you not… in charge of the castle while Riftan is away, Sir Ursuline? I could not burden you with such a task… when you're already so busy."

"I can spare a few days, my lady. And when I am unable to, Ulyseon here will oversee your training."

The young knight's head whipped to stare at Ursuline in surprise. "M-Me?"

"Will that be a problem?"

Ulyseon hastily shook his head, but Maxi could tell from the queasy look on his face that he was not entirely happy with the plan. Mortification prickled through her. He was likely recalling how he had bashed her on the forehead, as well as her complete lack of physical agility during her dagger training with Riftan.

Ursuline arched an eyebrow. "My lady, please, make haste and change into something more suited for physical activity."