
Under the Oak Tree

The official English translation is finally here! A flawless love story of the flawed. Stuttering lady Maximilian is forced into a marriage with Sir Riftan, but he leaves on a campaign after their wedding night. 3 years later, he triumphantly returns, ready to cherish her. As life with her husband finally begins, she only has one question — does she deserve this love and happiness? [The first season's spin-off and the second season of "Under the Oak Tree" will resume in the last week of August. Thank you for your support and patience in the meanwhile.]

Suji Kim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
457 Chs

Chapter 122

Garrow and Ulyseon abandoned the drake carcass they were fussing over and hastened to her side.

A knight retrieving a heavy ball and chain looped around the leg of one of the monsters clicked his tongue loudly. "You two better get your heads on straight. Getting distracted from guarding her ladyship while those vultures are circling…"

"Our apologies, sir. This is the first time we've seen a drake up close…"

Ulyseon turned to Maxi apologetically, looking embarrassed as he scratched his head. Maxi smiled to reassure him. She did not think anything could have happened to her with so many knights around.

As if reading her thoughts, the knight who had admonished the squires grew grim. "We do not know what dangers might be lurking, my lady. A moment of carelessness can cost a life."

Maxi nodded stiffly, and even the squires' faces grew serious.

"Never take your eyes off of her ladyship from now on."