
Valentines Day Special

Quick Author note befor I start the chapter. This chapter is not related to the full story so please don't be confused about the specials and the real stories because the specials are set in a alternat universe of sorts. Anyways thanks for reading this and have a happy Valentines Day and on with the special!


Alex glanced up at the man infront of him who was rather attractive, but Alex would never say that outloud to Zain. Zain stared down at Alex with the stare that said he was in charge of the project they were working on for they're jobs as bakers in the local bakery. The two men kept butting heads about what to do for two teen twins birthday cake. They knew they had to get it done but Alex kept getting distracted by wisps of Zains galaxy hair falling into his sharp icy blue eyes that pierced Alex and pinned him in place. "The cake needs to be a camera with a picture of the girl twin. The boy likes photography and the girl likes being the star of it all, it makes sense!" Zain claimed for the millionth time while Alex sighed. Zain growled annoyed with Alex and quickly moved around the table and pushed Alex enough to move him back but not enough to do real harm. Alex looked up at Zain shocked and hurt as he began yelling "what the hell Zain! I was thinking. Why do you keep loosing it on me? What have I done to you?!" Zain rolled his eyes and backed up with a chuckle. "You don't get it Alex! I love you, but you don't see that! All you see is someone who you can get Ideas from! Ok, of course I'm angry! I love you Alex Feild!" Zain screamed at a stunned Alex who suddenly hugs Zain tightly starting to cry and sob into his chest. Alex cried the small words into the taller mans chest without having to really think about the answer, he knew what to say. Zain sighed and picked up Alex and kissed him passionately before pushing him into the wall of his apartments kitchen. Zain and Alexs hands trailed all over eachother (I'll leave the rest to your brain ^v°, have fun dear readers.)