

Habiibah462 · Urban
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23 Chs


Adrian went back home and found Primera's phone on the dinning table, he opened and it was locjed, he got her number.

Maid....Hey, dinner is ready.

Adrian....You startled me.

Maid....Are you joining us?

Adrian....What about Prim?

Prim....What about me? Ofcourse am not eating because i already ate.

Adrian.....Wiith who?

Prim....Why do you care?

Adrian....I wont eat either, good night.

He went to his room.

Adrian.....Why is she always like that to me? She used to be calm and humble, but not anymore.This makes me shake whenever she is near me and its now difficult to confess to her.Let me text her and see.

Prim got her phone and went to her room, Adrian texted her.


Prim....Who is this?

Adrian.....A guy who has a huge crush on you.

Prim.....A crush on me? Is this a prank?

Adrian.....No, its not a prank, am clearly into you.

Prim.....Okay, who is this?

Adrian....Sorry but i cant tell who iam yet.

Prim.....Why? Because we know eachother?

Adrian.....Yes we do.

Prim.....(So this is Dante? Its obvious that his the one.)

As she was texting Adrian, Dante called her.

Dante.....Hi Prim.

Prim.....Hi, who is this?

Dante....Its Dante, i got your number from the coach.

Prim....I see, so, whats good?

Dante....We have a match soon so coach needs us at school early in the morning.

Prim....Got it.

Dante.....Also, about the kiss....

Prim.....No worries, its the in the past now, nights.

She ended the call.

Prim.....I thought it was him texting me, looks like its someone else.

Adrian texted her again.

Adrian....Can i be your lover?

Prim....Huh? Thats so soon for me to answer.

Adrian....I understand, do you like anyone?

Prim....Not really, no.

Adrian....So, can i be your suitor, please?!

Prim.....No, lets meet first.

Adrian.....I cant show my face to you yet, give me a chance please.

Prim.....Okay, we shall what youve got.

In the morning, Adrian was happy that he got to chat with her through texts, she went to school for training.Joana also went to there to see Dante, he went to her.

Joana....Dante, why is she here? 

Dante....Is that why your here?

Joana....No, am sorry babe.Youve never talked to me ever since that day.

Dante....You embarassed yourself and you dragged me down the train too.

Joana....I know and am sorry, please stop ignoring me because you know how much i love you.

Dante.....Its all good but lets take a break.

Joana.....What?? But why?

Dante.....Am off to training.

Joana left angrily and they continued training, they after finished.

Dante.....Gosh, am exhausted.

Prim....Me too, i should go and shower and head to class.

Dante.....Can we meet later?

Prim.....Why? Dante, just be straight with me.

Dante....Fine, you got me.I like you Prim ever since the day i....

Prim.....Dont finish it, the answer is a no.I dont want to fight with Joana, i want to live a peacefully and find my sister, thats all.

Dante.....I understand but....

Prim.....Dont worry, we are still friends and i like you dude, your a nice person.Dont ruin what we have, please, am off, byeee....

She went and took a bath and headed to class.

Teacher.....Who is...Primera Houdin?

Tong....Shut! What did you do this time girl?

Prim.....Its me sir.

Teacher.....Come infront.

She went and stood before everyone.

Teacher.....I want all of to give around applause to Primera because she passed the maths exam with an A+.


Lisa....How come? 

Tong....For real?

Teacher....And to that, she is going to lead us in the coming mathematics competition among all private schools in our country.

Prim.....What?? For real sir?

Teacher.....Ofcourse, you have to believe in yourself because the school is counting on you.

Students.....Queen card...queen card....

They all cheered for her.

Tong.....Girl, how did you do that?

Prim....Told ya, am a genius.

Tong....I wish you all the best girl, go and outshine all of them.

Prim.....You got it Tong.

In two days, it was the day of the match and she got ready, the match started but everyone was shocked to see a girl on the men's basketball team.Adrian was there to cheer for Dante and was also suprised to see her.

The match begun and they won, she hugged all her teammates and the coach, he was proud of her.

Crowd.....Queen card....queen card....queen card....

Joana went to talk to Dante but he walked away when he saw her.Prim went to him and Joana but they didnt see her.

Prim.....That was a great game dude.

Dante....I know, but thanks its all to you.

Prim....This calls for a celebration.

Dante....No, lets nit do it because i still have feelings for you Prim, it will hurt me more.

Prim....Come on, but its okay, if you say so, bye.

She left though Joana heard them.