
Under The Alpha

The young woman Solance with a strange past is kidnapped and abused and nearly killed by a group of madmen. But she is saved by a pack of wolves, now she is forced to stay with them. It gets even more complicated as the Alpha’s son imprints on Solance, who is still fragile. What will happen to Solance now? can a relationship even begin under such conditions? and what secrets does the mark on her chest hold?

MielaNao · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Eating with the wolves

The house had an old and antique feeling to it, it had rafters and pillars of carved wood all over. The color scheme was earthy, all colors where one could find in nature. The hallway was green with wood panels and pillars and littered with heavy old English or maybe French-inspired furniture, it reminded Solance of home. She liked it, there was no mistaking that it was an old house, but it was well cared for. And though it had been modified, it still had its history and charm.

Dimitry could not help but find Solance's antics cute, she was taking in his home. Her blue eyes moved around as they headed to the staircase, "do you like it?,, he asked just as he started to go down the wide staircase. She meets his golden eyes, a small smile came on her face, "I do, it's a nice home,, she answered. Dimitry was happy that his mate liked the packhouse, it is also her home now.

Dimitry reached the end of the stairs, they were now in the entry hall. Here Solance could really see, how much care there had been in keeping the house original. The heavy carved wood door, the hardwood floors, the old carpets. And an old chandelier, though it had been modified with LED-light but it could still hold candles. It wasn't as big as the one back home, but that didn't make it any less impressive.

Solance could hear a large group of people, all happily talking. Was it coming from the kitchen? Dimitry walked with a smirk on his face, he would introduce his mate to the pack. He would become the alpha and Solance their Luna, he was confident. Solance didn't share his excitement or confidence, she only knew a handful of people from this family, no wait this pack. Oh right, she is the only human among werewolves, her first month here had been so easy. She didn't even realize how screwed she was, should they turn on her. Suddenly she wasn't that hungry anymore, having felt his mate's shift in emotion. He stopped outside the dining room, he nuzzled his head against his mate. "it's okay, I will be right beside you,, he whispered, Solance met his eyes. "what if they do not like me?,, she whispered. She felt so shy and frightened suddenly, she wasn't normally a shy or an easily frightened person. But this situation was so out of her comfort zone, she did not quite know which leg to stand on. If she could stand that is. Dimitry chuckled, who wouldn't like his mate? Maybe that was just the mate in him, but hadn't she already charmed the twins, Sarah heck even his parents, the present alpha and Luna seemed to like his mate even before she was his mate.

"foolish mate,, he said biting her nose softly, Solance pushed his face out of hers, a frown on her face, but a laugh in her eye. "they will like you, beside you have the alpha and Luna on your side. And the future alpha is your mate, you have nothing to fear,, he finished with a soft kiss on Solance's forehead.

It felt nice, Solance worries didn't seem as important. She didn't get everything, but she would learn it at some point. Dimitry looked to the door and then back at her, she knew he was asking if she were ready to meet his pack. She took a soft breath and gave him a nod, and then they entered the room. All talking stopped and all eyes flew to them, maybe I wasn't ready for this. Solance felt locked in place, like a deer caught in headlights. Maybe the knowledge that everyone in the room except her was a werewolf, was getting to her. That's when Adele came to her rescue, the younger twin had a bright smile on her face, her freckles seemed to be dancing. "you can sit here,, She said as she pulled two chairs out. Dimitry quickly sat his treasure down in the chair closet to Adele, but he didn't sit. Instead, he asked what Solance wanted to eat. The food wasn't placed on the table, so he had to go to the kitchen to get it. Solance took a quick look around, trying to get an idea of what there was to choose from. "some pancakes?,, she asked, the male nodded and then left her to the wolves, quite literally. It was still silent in the room, Adele was to her left. Aywa and a dark-haired male beside her, must be her partner. It seemed like all the adults were seated at the head of the table, furthest from the entrees. At least they all looked to be older than all the teenagers, and Clyde, Lavenda, and Sarah were there.

This is getting awkward, Solance though. She had no idea how to break the ice and make the wolves stop watching her, not only that it looked like some of them were trying to sniff her from their seats. It felt rather rude. Then someone cleared their throat right across from her, Solance saw Adele flinch beside her, as a feminine voice sounded. "How very rude we all most seem,, the female across from her said, her hair beach blond, in a fashionable curly bob. Her brown eyes were like a hawk on her, but her voice was kind. But something didn't seem right with Solance, who was the girl? The girl held her hand out in greeting, not wanting to be rude, Solance took it. "I'm Angie ,, the girl said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. So, this is the one that bullied the twins, Solance thought as she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Solance,, she answered kindly, the greeting ended. But Angie's eyes didn't leave Solance's blue, it seemed like Angie was planning what to do next.

So, this is the low human who is supposedly my Dimitry's mate, preposterous! She is not even near my league, the only thing good about her is her eyes. But for heaven's sake, she is human! My dimmy can not become the next alpha with someone like her by his side. She is weak! She stinks and she is nothing to look at, but she knew she had to act carefully. This human vermin had already charmed Dimmy, the twins, the crazy doctor heck even the alpha, and Luna seemed to like this weak thing. First let's get to know this human, earn her trust, and then get rid of her. "so, you are the human everyone is whispering about? My, my, I'm happy to finally meet you,, Angie said with a bright smile on her face. The human girl looked a little flustered but seemed to regain her cool, as Dimitry placed a plate stacked with food in front of her. It should have been me being doted on like that, she thought angrily. The human turned her annoyingly blue eyes to her dimmy, thanked him but then said she couldn't possibly eat all that. At this the table laughed, it was a rather large helping of food.

"You need plenty of food, your body needs the energy and nutrition to heal quickly,, Dimitry said, as a matter of fact, Solance just gave him a deadpan look. "I may need nutrition and energy, yes. But eight pancakes, two pieces of watermelon, ten strawberries, an orange, two pieces of toast with butter and jam and eggs! That seems like a little too much, don't you think?,, Solance said her arms crossed as she held her mate's eyes. He only tilted his head to the side, again the table laughed. While Adele looked at Solance's plate, it was indeed as Solance said, that is exactly what is on the plate. "Wow, that is a lot of food,, Adele agreed, Solance nodded as Dimitry frowned, but his mate needed it, his mate was far too skinny. "But… where is the beacon?,, Adele asked still starring at the plate, at this Dimitry peaked up and started to stand, his mate needed beacon. Solance quickly reached out a hand to clutch his shirt, to stop him from leaving. At the same time, she whipped her head to her friend. "Don't encourage him Adele!,, she whined. Once more the table laughed at the antics. Dimitry sat down again and watched as Solance interacted with the pack, he smiled, life is good.

"If that's how he feeds her now, what about when she gets pregnant?,, A male voice said further down the table, Solance eyes turned to the male who spoke. He looked genially thoughtful, but at the same time, he seemed to enjoy her panic. She really wanted to throw something at him, maybe the orange, she wasn't that fond of them. "well he wants her to eat for two now, so would it be for three then?,, Aywa added. Solance covered her face, how could her friend do this to her? Dimitry only sneaked an arm around her waist and feed her some watermelon, Solance didn't like the pleased look on his face. Why was she the one who had to be all flustered? She would get back on him, one day. "Actually, wouldn't it be for four then?,, The dark-haired male beside Aywa said, he had a smirk on his face as he looked at Dimitry. "indeed, it would, since he thinks one potion is the equal of two, so two portions would be the equal of four,, Sarah finished a smile on her face. Solance pouted and turned her head away, she didn't want to eat anymore. She was so embarrassed as if being carried around all the time wasn't mortifying enough.

Dimitry started to fuss, his mate wouldn't eat, and his pack only laughed. It was nice that his pack was so accepting, but it wouldn't do if his mate didn't want to eat. He wanted his mate healthy, so eat she will. "come on now Sol, you are worrying Dimitry,, Adele said. Solance peeked at Dimitry, he did seem flustered. Well, she was hungry, maybe she should indolence him a little, just this one.

Angie really wanted to jump over the table and end that girl's life. She sat there being hand feed by her dimmy, every female in this house knew he was off limits! Dimitry was hers! But here was that tiny little human, being waited on and cared for. And no one was questioning her presence here, there was something here that wasn't right. The young males seemed to know, the damn omegas too. She would have to ask her father, she wouldn't course a scene here. She needs all the facts and then, she needed to be alone with the little human.

"So, what are your plans today Solance?,, Angie asked nicely. Solance looked a bit lost at the question, she didn't really have any plans. She looked to Dimitry, his eyes looked at Angie. Solance got a feeling that he was wary of her, maybe he too didn't like her. "Solance and I are spending some time in the basement today, I was hoping to introduce her to my friends,, Dimitry said giving Solance another piece of pancake. "How nice, I hope we too can become good friends Solance, after all, we're going to be pack sisters soon,, Angie said with a smile, no one seemed to feel the shift in the room. But Solance did, being alone with Angie was something to be avoided at all times. Angie gave her a bad feeling, but then again maybe she was just overly sensitive? She didn't remember having felt like this when…when those men.. what had happened to her again? How come I can't remember? Solance gave a brief nod, with this Angie left the table another female followed her silently even though her plate was still half full. "that was Gwen, Angie's shadow,, Adele answered Solance's unasked question.

Breakfast continued without any more fuss, the boys took to clearing the table. Lavenda sat down beside Solance, she gave the girl a soft smile. "I finally reached miss Josef yesterday,, She said at this Solance sat straight. "I gave her a rough description of what has happened to you, though I have altered the story a little bit,, Lavenda said, Solance understood, she couldn't really tell the truth either. Oh yes I was kidnapped, made to wear a ballgown, then play a deadly game of hide and go seek, I lost and then…why can't I remember that part? I remember the knife in my hand, the pain and the wolves. What was wrong with her memory? Maybe she should see Sarah about it. "what did she say?,, Solance finally asked. "well she sounded upset, and we agreed that she would come to visit tomorrow. She understands that you are a bit indisposed at the moment,, Lavenda said not wanting to add how rude miss Josef was. Miss Josef had been very demanding and ruthless, especially for someone who hadn't checked up on her charge for at least a month. Especially given how the charge was a minor, Lavender couldn't help but wonder how miss Josef became Solance's guardian. "Mind if I take my mate now mother?,, her son asked, Lavenda smiled, she will worry about this some other time. "of course not son, you, young people go out and have some fun. We can talk later,, Lavenda sends them off with a smile.

In the basement Solance is being introduced to all of Dimitry's friends, Aywa's mate was the dark-haired Matthew, who was sharp and smart, then there was Alexx he seemed friendly enough. There was also Cole who was a prankster, given how he liked to laugh and mess with people. He had been so impertinent, that he had kissed her cheek right in front of Dimitry. When asked why he simply wanted to see how Dimitry would act. Cole was crazy and a prankster, and finally there was Zetrich. The one who made the pregnant joke at breakfast, she still wanted to hit him. But they all seemed nice, and they talked to her and genially wanted to get to know her.

"Hey, you were raised by your grandfather right?,, Alexx asked, at this, she nodded. "but why then was this miss Josef contacted and not him?,, Adele added having caught on to Alexx's thought. "Well he suddenly fell ill and had to be taken to the hospital, so Margaret was hired to watch out for me,, Dimitry tightened his hold on her waist burying his head in her neck. "You don't like this woman very much do you?,, Matthew asked Solance shook her head no. She didn't like Josef, she was always so, so demeaning and controlling. "she is rather unpleasant,, she said. "what about your grandfather?,, Zetrich asked. "he adopted me when I was small, he is the kindest man I know,, Solance said. Dimitry was happy that Solances family treated her well, but at the same time, he felt jealous. At Dimitry's sullen face Zetrich laughed, "hahaha feeling jealous over an old man,, He laughed. If Dimitry hadn't had Solance in his lap he would have kicked that smile off his face.

"Well at least Dimitry's destined mate doesn't treat him like dirt,, Cole said, Zetrich face fell. He sends a pout Cole's way, "that was below the belt Cole and you know it!,, Cole only laughed as did Dimitry. "you have a mate too?,, Solance asked, who could that be? Zetrich looked at the human girl, Dimitry only smirked at him as the smug male kissed his mate's neck. Zetrich frowned "I have though she doesn't want me,, he said shagging. "well, who is it?,, she asked again. "it's Sarah's daughter, Zoey,, he finished. "Zoey? Sarah had a daughter?,, Solance asked surprised. She didn't know that "well they had a falling out before you arrived Sol,, Adele said. Solance suddenly felt sad for Sarah, her daughter treated her like a stranger. Sarah had treated her like a daughter, and now she was ignoring her too. Sarah must be lonely, she needed to talk to Sarah, soon.

The rest of the afternoon the group grew closer, Dimitry was pleased that his Luna and his betas were getting along. His friends supported his choice and had his back, Solance was happy to have more people in her life. Dinner was easier for Solance since she now knew the people around the table, even the other adults. She felt at ease and Dimitry didn't do the servings this time, though he did make an effort to add things to her plate and even remove pieces he didn't find good enough. But all in all, it was a pleasant dinner, after dinner Dimitry sat with Solance in their room. He had picked a book he then read to her, the evening passed pleasantly for the two.

At the other end of the house, Lavenda and Sarah sat. they were both worried about the day to come. "Miss Josef hadn't seemed truly worried,, Lavenda had told about the phone call with miss Josef to Sarah. They had both concluded that something was wrong, both had their motherly instincts rearing up. "I'm worried about this meeting tomorrow,, Sarah said. Solance had surprised her, yes, but Solance still couldn't remember. Those memories could break her, and this Margaret Josef, if one trusted Lavenda, their Luna. Then this woman could be a danger to Solance, the two women had come to care for the human girl. The girl who walked among the wolves, without an ounce of fear. The girl they both saw as a daughter, "I feel the same way Sarah, that woman had no clue that Solance was missing. Which I find very strange, the school would have contacted her at least. Shouldn't it?,, Lavenda asked. Their own youngsters had to keep up with school, though most of them only took tests and exams and did the rest of their studies at home. It gave their young more free time and freedom, besides schools could be mixed territory, so avoiding any marking of such a venue, could avoid unneeded fights and even pack wars. But if they missed a test, they were notified. Solance had been missing for at least a month, the school must have been concerned?

"I guess we will have to see what tomorrow will bring,, Sarah said looking down into her coffee cup, Solance may not want anything to do with her, but she would not forsake her cub, never. "How bad could it possibly be? She obviously doesn't care,, Lavenda said also looking into her cup. Each woman dreading the coming day, both wishing for the best. Neither could know how unbelievably bad things would go.