
Under The Alpha's Shadow

Selena Riley's life seemed perfect, until her home was attacked by werewolves. She soon learns that her father is a werewolf, and she is a hybrid with special powers. With her life in danger, her father makes a deal with the mysterious and powerful alpha, Kelvin Benjamin. Selena is thrust into a world of danger and magic, where she must learn to control her powers and navigate the treacherous waters of the supernatural world.

DaoistZpct2F · Urban
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67 Chs

Chapter 2: Appointment

Selena, seated in her seat with a buzz of excitement, waited patiently and after minutes passed by, the door opened again. This time it was a lady that came in.

The lady looked about the same age as Selena. She was wearing a pink suit with a matching skirt. Her blonde hair was neatly styled in a bun and her sweet smile gave her a friendly Aura. The sound of her heels filled the room. She walked towards Selena,

"Good morning, I'm Lauren. Mr Grahams said I should assist you with today's work."

Selena stood up from her seat and smiled politely,

"Thank you! I'm Selena."

"Let's go, I'll show you round the company."

Leading the way, Selena followed Lauren as they walked through the company floors while entering different rooms.

Lauren showed Selena the conference room meant for only board members. Each floor they went to, Selena took notes of the use of the room. Getting to the thirtieth floor, the highest floor of the building, Selena's eyes rolled wide open in surprise.

She was astonished at the sight of the floor. Only three rooms could be seen in this large. Looking at her expression, Lauren smiled, "This room," pointing to the first room on the floor,

"That's the CEO's office. No one is allowed to go there without his permission." Selena nodded, she was still in awe at the area the room occupied.

"This one there is the Vice president's office, that's Mr Graham's." Selena heard Lauren say and she turned her attention to the office with her mouth agape.

"Are you saying Mr Graham is the Vice president of this company?" Of course she knew that Mr Graham would be someone significant here since he was the one the CEO directly sent to her, but thinking of him being the Vice president of this company, she just couldn't imagine it.

Lauren, gently smiling at her reaction, "Yes, not only is he the Vice president, but I think he's also a best friend with the CEO."

"Wow!" Selena whispered.

"Well, that last room is the secretary's room..."Lauren said.

"Secretaries' room?" Selena cut her off curiously.

"Yes, we're usually three working there, but ever since the CEO fired his secretary, we have just become two."Lauren started walking towards the room and Selena followed behind.

Getting to the front of the office, she opened the door and ushered Selena in. "Good morning, Miya," Lauren greeted her and walked towards her desk and sat slightly on the desk with her arms crossed around each other.

Looking up from what she was typing on her laptop screen, "Good morning, Lauren," shifting her eyes to the woman that had just walked in with Lauren, "Good morning, I'm Miya and you must be..."

Understanding her gestures, Selena smiled sweetly before replying, "I'm Selena Riley. It's nice to meet you."

"Welcome to the crew..."Lauren didn't allow Miya to finish her sentence before she cut in.

"She's not working as a personal secretary, she's a current intern. Mr Graham just asked me to help her get familiar with the company."

'Oh,' Miya's lips curved in a 'O' shape. "Well, that's okay. I hope you'll learn a lot and enjoy your time in the company and prove your worth. You could also end up being employed after your internship if the higher ups termed you worthy just like me."

"Really? You did your internship here?" Selena's curiosity piqued.

"Yes, we both did and we'll be happy to help you if you need anything." Miya answered honestly.

After the light and lively chat with Miya, Lauren led Selena to the remaining areas that she needed to know in the company. "Well, I don't think you'll be starting chat internship today. I guess Mr Graham only wanted you to know the company rules and areas, but did he tell you when to start because he never told me anything except help you around." Lauren asked.

Before Selena could answer, they both heard a familiar voice. "You did well Lauren." Selena and Lauren turned their gaze to the owner of the voice as they saw Jorge approaching them steadily.

"Thank you Sir," Lauren spoke as Jorge stood in front of them.

Nodding his head, he turned to Selena, his gaze on her. "You'll be resuming tomorrow. I just wanted you to know your way around before starting."

"OK Sir, Thank you, I'll report here first thing tomorrow morning."Selena said and bade goodbye to Jorge and Lauren.

"Let's go Lauren, We have a meeting to attend." Changing to a serious tone, he started walking away.

Selena left the premises of the company as she strolled down the street. Her day was successful and she was thankful for that, but her happiness turned to worries and fear when the memory of her Nightmare played in her head. She still couldn't understand the meaning of the dream and what scared her the most was her having no idea of what was chasing her. Why does this dream not relate to anything she could get a clue about?

Deeply lost in her thoughts, as she couldn't shake this feeling off her mind.

"Just forget it, Selena, it's all a dream." She scolded herself as she boarded a cab, telling her destination to the driver. She relaxed in the backseat.

Getting to the silent road that led to her and Kayla's house, the driver maintained an average speed. Kayla Scott, Selena's childhood friend, is two years older than Selena, but their bond had become stronger over time, making them more like sisters than friends.

She was the only friend that Selena loved visiting and didn't mind staying at her place for days. Their connection and ideas on different things just seemed right together as both of them would laugh and cry over the same thing.

Selena smiled thinking of her best friend. It had been weeks since she saw Kayla due to Kayla's busy schedule, but now she couldn't wait to see her and share her good news.

"My God!" Selena exclaimed as an incident happened. A black car almost ran into them and if not for the driver's expertise it would have resulted in a fatal accident. The driver, quick to notice the black car coming in their direction at full speed, turned the stirring wheel towards the left direction.

Barely escaping hitting the car, the driver hit the break and sighed with relief. Selena also sighed with relief, she couldn't imagine getting involved in an accident just after her internship was accepted. She got down from the car, sighting the black car, she walked towards it in anger.