
6: a treaty?

I never expect that this person will be my fiancé. Is this some kind of joke or a prank? Oh well, I wish it is because I really can't believe this. He was sitting opposite to us, next to his father.

"Remember me?"

I was startled by his sudden asking. I didn't answer him and just shifted my gaze away from him.

"You know each other?" his father suddenly butts in.

"Oh well, she just the girl that I save—"

He didn't manage to continue what Caden was saying when I cut him off with a kick on his leg. He groaned under his teeth so he won't be so obvious.

I widened my eyes at him when he looked at me. You should get what I mean in just a kick and a gaze.

"What I'm trying to say is, she was the girl that I accidentally bumped at the mall the last time. Yeah, that's it," he alibied.

"Oh. . ." our parents reacted.

"So, we're here to talk about Caden and Cassandra's marriage," Michael remarked.

I'm having goosebumps whenever I hear that word. I grabbed the glass of water and took a drink.

"I am planning to have an engagement party for them that will be held next year, maybe after Cassandra's nineteenth birthday. I want them to get married before Caden reaches 21. We're also planning to held their marriage after Cassandra graduates in senior high school," Michael explained further.

Wow, so I'll be going to attend college with a married civil status. That's great. I rolled my eyes and sighed after hearing those ridiculous ideas.

"Why does it have to be that early and seems to be in rush? They're still young. I didn't expect that arranged marriage is still a thing until it happened to our daughter," Mom stated.

"Well, it's my father's wish. That before he leaves this world, he would witness his favorite grandchild getting married."

My forehead wrinkled by hearing that. So, Caden's grandfather is dying? Oh, am I bad for saying that?

"But why does it have to be my daughter? Aside from. . .our debts?" Mom queried.

Glad that you asked. I'm also curious about it, for real.

Michael smirked, "You'll know about it soon."

I rolled my eyes after that. Playing mysterious? Why won't he tell us everything straight? Rich people really sucks.

But I have this feeling about what Michael said. That there's really a genuine reason behind all of these and he doesn't want to tell it yet.

The three elders continued talking about that shitty marriage idea while eating these expensive meals that Michael ordered for us. Meanwhile, both Caden and I just kept on being silent like we don't hear anything at all. We're both showing no interest on that thing and I understand him on that part.

I think we're on the same page to the part that we're just forced to be dragged here and just following what our family wants.

But I was wondering why this guy was looking at me and everytime I caught him looking at me, he will immediately avoid my gaze. It makes me feel uncomfortable and irritated. Is this jerk annoying me?

"As I end this meeting, I want you to know that I want Cassandra to live with us."

We're all so surprised from what he announced.

"What?" we asked.

"Just think of it as a practice and get-to-know-each-other stage for the both of them so they would feel comfortable in their wedding," Michael explained.

I massaged my forehead and heaved a sigh. Seriously? I'm gonna live in their house?

"But, Dad—"

"So, I have to go. I still have some appointments today. Thanks for coming to day and nice meeting you."

After Michael said that, he checked his wristwatch and shook hands with my parents.

"Caden, I'm heading first."

"Y-Yes, Dad."

Then Michael stood up from his seat and walk away. After he left, my parents and I stood up from our seats and going to leave. I noticed that Caden was still sitting and not moving.


We stopped when he spoke.

"May I have Cassandra for a while?"

My forehead wrinkled from that. What does he need from me? I just exchanged gazes with my parents wondering the reason why.

"I just want to talk to her," Caden stated.

"Okay. Roma, we're heading first. I still have some work to do. See you at home," Mom told me before she left with Dad.

I followed them with my gaze until they went downstairs. After they're gone in my sight, I shifted my attention to Caden.

"What?" I grunted.

He's just staring at me then he spoke after I raised my brows.

"You know what? You really look familiar. Like, I've seen you somewhere a long time ago."

I gave him a disgusted look. "You're weird."

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, nevermind. Have a seat," he offered as he gestured his hand to the seat in front of him.

So, I went back to my seat where I was sitting earlier.

Caden sarcastically smiled at me. "I never expected that you're my fiancée. The girl that I'm gonna marry someday," he sarcastically stated.

"And your unlucky guy," he added.

I gave him a glare. "What do you need?"

He forced a smile and heaved a sigh.

"By the way, good thing that you didn't continue what you're saying earlier," I told him.

He raised his brows. "Seriously? After you kicked my leg? I got what you mean to say."

"Good. I thought you're slow-witted. So, what now? What do you need from me?"

"As far as I can see, you don't like this stupid situation. Unless you like me."

I smirked then scoffed. "Are you dumb? I don't like you. And you're right. I don't like this stupid situation as well."

Why did he assume that I like him? Is he nuts?

He cleared his throat. "Okay. Good. I just want you to know that I have an idea of how we can break this stupid engagement."

I was thrilled and enlightened from what he said. "For real?"

"Yup. Of course, you will help me to do this plan."

I wrinkled my forehead and I felt curious about it.

"Okay. Spill it."

Caden leaned forward and put his arms on the table, then gave me a serious expression.

He sighed, "Okay. Here it goes. I already have a girl that I like."

My brows raised and I nodded while waiting for him to continue spilling his ideas.

"Her name is Kiara. I liked her since our sixth grade. And if I have someone that want to be with for the rest of my life, it was her and nothing else."

Ah. . .so this jerk was actually madly in love.

"And then?" I asked.

"She doesn't know about my feelings about her."

"And then? Why you didn't tell her?"

"Uhm. . .because," he scratched his nape, "You know—"

"You're a coward."

Caden seemed embarrassed and shifted his gaze away. So, this is the story of this jerk. I really don't get this kind of people. What was so embarrassing and scary about telling your feeling to someone that you like?

"So, what does it do with me?" I queried.

"You must help me confess to her."

I widened my eyes at him. "What? And why would I do that?"

Why? Are we close for me to do that? Besides, what would I know about those sorts of things? Love and confession? He's just going to use me for his cowardness.

"You're going to help me whether you like it or not. This is where our freedom depends, Cassandra," he insisted.

"How would this benefit me, huh?"

"Well, when we succeeded and Kiara became my girlfriend, I can ask them to let you go. No marriage will be going to happen. Because I'm going to pay your debts with my inherited assets. How was that? Just think of this as a give and take, Cassandra. Help me and I'll pay you back."

I paused for a while to think. He has a point. So, what now? Should I agree? Then I saw him got something on his messenger bag. And it was a paper.

"What's that?" I asked as he put it on the table.

"A treaty."

"What? Treaty?" Then I grabbed it and read.

"Yep. I made it for us to sign for security. It's an agreement between us and we must keep it a secret. We can't let anyone knows about it, even our most trusted person. Because there's a possibility that our treaty would be ruined and both of us will be dead. Is that clear?" he explained.

It's a bit impressive. It looks like he planned all of this for this day. Is he a Boy Scout before?

"Wait. I have also a condition before I agree with that treaty," I stated.

His forehead wrinkled. "What?"

"Of course. I won't agree with that instantly. I'm not that insane to do that."

He heaved a sigh. "Okay. What is it?"


"What are we doing here?" he asked.

I brought him in an internet café and we're standing right in front of it.

"Do you know how to play DOTA?"

"Of course. Why?" he answered.

"I challenge you into a one-on-one match. If I won, you'll confess to that Kiara right now and pay that five million and that's it. Okay?"

He thought for a sec. "And if you lose?"

"We will follow your treaty. I'll sign there up and I'll do what it says. If you're going to win against me," I replied confidently.

He smiled, "Sounds cool. I still have time anyway."

He looks confident, huh? Is he underestimating me because I'm a girl? Well, I'll prove you wrong.


"What the—son of a shit."

This is not good. This is unacceptable!

"You lose. . .again," he told me while he's on the other PC.

This is beyond belief! My gaming strategy was fine and I used my best heroes. But none of them won against him! He's a monster. No way!

"Another one! This time, I'm gonna win this," I objected.

I won't accept this! Never! But then, I saw stood up from his seat and went to me.

He heaved a sigh. "We spent almost one and a half hours in this game. And I already defeated you thrice. This is over."

"Besides, I still have some things to do aside this. Anyway, nice game. You're impressive enough because you killed me even four times," he added.

I won't be over this. It will be hard for me to accept my defeat. I felt like my pride has been shattered.

I can't believe that he's ending every game in 30 minutes and the entire game, he just had four deaths. While me, he killed me twelve times within just 30 minutes of every game! Unbelievable!

"What now? I think this is enough, right?"

I glared at him. "Okay, fine!"

I accepted my defeat against my will. It made my heart feels tight and heavy.

He gave me the paper and a pen and I aggressively signed on the treaty, signature above printed name.

"Great. So, see you around, Ms. Roma Cassandra Martinez," he sneered and gave me a sarcastic smile.

And then he left me after he got the paper.

This is the first time happened to me in my entire life as a DOTA player. I could feel the rush of anger flowing in my entire system. I want to go violent today! I'm shitting and screaming inside!


"Oh, Roma. You're here. What have you talked about with Caden?" Mom greeted as I arrived at our living room and she was with my siblings.

"Nothing important," I replied.

"Roma, Mom said that Caden was really handsome. For real?" Reine blurted.

I sighed with a groan and rolled my eyes. "No!"

I don't want to hear that name. It made me feel furious and my blood boil.

"He is! And also his father. . ." Mom giggled.

I was disgusted and just shook my head. I can't take them anymore so I quickly went to my room and let myself fell into my bed, then I grabbed my phone.

I remembered before he went away, he exchanged numbers with me.

"Just in case we need to meet. So, be alert."

Be alert, my foot. Hmm, I thought of changing his contact name on my phone. I thought of a very nice name while staring at his number.

Aha! I know.

"Stupid Jerk. There!" I whispered while typing then saved it.

I will never accept my defeat against you that easily. I'm gonna get better so next time that I'm going to challenge you again on a match, I'll flawlessly defeat you, Caden.