
Under Lock & Key

Mafia Story / With Regular Updates **Serious Assault, Strong Language, Mature and Dark Themes Throughout - 18+** Short Story Description: Jaxon Gray is New York's hottest businessman, gangster and mafia king. A terrifyingly harsh man that claims to be 'impossible to love' due to his dark nature, murderous choices and suffocating demeanour... That is, until he meets the sweetheart known as Faye Woods... The perfect victim to fulfil his selfish plans. Faye and her best-friend Michael, both were bullied throughout high school and were unfortunate enough to be left without parents. They struggle to make ends meet as they work in a run-down cafe - praying for something to go right for them for once... Jaxon lands himself in Fayes hold, quickly deciding that she would be the perfect target for his master plan... One altercation leads to another, as he decides to kidnap and threaten the innocent girl - which he claims is the only one right for the job - before he forces her fully into his hectic world filled with crime and darkness. Could someone so cold survive around someone so warm? Could a criminal actually love or be loved? Or will the monster hidden within be impossible to beat... read at your own risk to find out more! *********************************************

Beed910 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

*****Jaxon's POV*****

"Bring her to me!" I tell Seth on the phone, after being informed that they had all eventually returned back from their day out.

I glanced over the two brand new iPhones that lay on my desk - one black and one gold. I picked up the gold one, unlocking it in order to enter mine, Seth and Nicos phone numbers.

They might need them at some point.

Moments later, I hear the approaching sound of footsteps down the hall, before the door to my office swings open, revealing the four. My eyes instantly meet Faye's as she quickly diverts her gaze to the floor and follows the others in.

Seth and Nico sit comfortably on the sofa, as Mike and Faye remain close to the door unsure of what to do with themselves.

"Sit." I gesture to the two empty chairs across from my desk.

Mike glances back at Faye, before being the first to move towards me - his eyes eventually landing on the shiny new phones in front of him.

"How was your day?" I ask dryly, looking at Faye to answer my question once she is seated.

"Y-Yeah... it was good I guess." She shrugs, trying to remain cool.

"Did you get everything for tomorrow?" I ask next, as she briefly nods this time.

"Good." I smirk, enjoying how easy this whole thing had been so far - a serious walk in the park - thanks to her.

"Ok then... moving on to the next point of business... I take it by now that you have both already noticed these shiny new phones." I pick them up, feeling like I was dangling a carrot in front of them.

They stare at the phones in silence, before returning their eyes to me as I place them back down on the desk and clear my throat-

"My team have already bugged them so don't try anything smart, I'll know that you're trying to escape before you can even get the chance to call or text anybody about it!" I warn before continuing-

"I've added the three of our phone numbers incase of emergency. We have also went ahead and created you both new social media accounts - as a fresh start if you will. I fully expect you both to use these phones wisely or I'll make your lives a living hell is that clear?" I speak slowly, as Faye stares down at her hands the whole time that I speak.

"Crystal." Mike confirms, always being the more confident one of the two, as I nod and stare at Faye for a response.

"I said... is that clear?!" I grit out, not enjoying her silence as her eyes eventually lift to meet mine again.

"Yeah sorry." She nods, as I smile and lean back.

"Perfect then! The bridal consultant has already sent me pictures from today and I took it upon myself to make that your first post on Instagram... we need to make this believable." I state, as Faye's eyes widen in sudden confusion.

"Here." I hold the phones out to them, as Mike takes the black and Faye takes the gold.

"What?! So did she actually already fucking send you pictures of Faye in her wedding dress?!" Mike rages, gaining my attention as I squint at him, not fully understanding his point.

"What?" I question his random sudden outburst.

"You aren't supposed to see the dress before the wedding that's total bad luck!" He complains, throwing his hands up as though it was common knowledge.

I glance at him briefly, before turning to see Faye as she remains silent - picking at the sides of her nails anxiously - a habit that I had only recently noticed.

"If it makes you feel better, I don't know what the fucking dress looks like. Go on the damn phone and you'll see what pictures I am talking about!" I move next to retrieve paperwork from my drawer, as Michael wastes no time in taking the gold phone from Faye's hands - unlocking it.

"Oh those are cute!" He speaks up moments later, as I place the paper and pen on the desk - returning my attention to them both as Mike shows Faye the pictures.

It was a picture of Faye holding a sign that reads 'I found the perfect dress at Bella Boutique' and smiling then another off guard picture of her looking through the racks of dresses in the appointment.

I don't know why they cared so much about me seeing the damn dress anyway since the wedding wasn't actually that legit, but if that's the rules then so be it.

"Im glad you're both satisfied... now I just have some paperwork for you both to sign." I cut them off as they finish clicking through their new phones curiously - locking them and setting them back on the table .

"Would you both like to read the contracts or I can just give you a brief summary?" I state, noticing Faye's hands shake slightly on her lap as she glances at the official documents.

I wish she wasn't always so damn nervous... I've been nothing but nice to her so far!

"I want to read it!" Mike straightens up, trying to act professional, as I roll my eyes and hand him his papers.

I wait a moment, seeing his concentration run out after the first couple of sentences...

"Yeah a brief should be fine." He coughs awkwardly, handing me the papers back slowly before we hear Nico and Seth laugh from the corner.

Michael shoots them both a look, before returning his attention back to me...

"This section states that you will both be looked after financially for the rest of your lives. This next part states that we will invest in your New York cafe which you will both run. This part states that if both sides of the marriage agree, then a divorce will be a possible option in the future. The rest is just a lot of shit to be honest." I shrug, leaning back in my chair, watching as they both glance at one another cautiously.

"Sign the back." I instruct next, as Faye surprisingly moves first to pick up the pen.

She offers me an unsteady look, before releasing a small sigh as she turns the paper and signs the line without any protest. She hands the pen to Mike who follows her lead and signs his paperwork before he gathers them up and hands them back to me.

"It's settled then. You can both go now and prepare for tomorrow." I state, waving my hand to excuse them both with a smile.

"Oh wait before I forget! There's one last thing! It's actually bad luck to see the bride the night before the wedding so... sleepover in my room?" Mike requests, as Faye smiles for the first time beside him.

My eyes narrow for a moment in thought, not trusting them both fully yet... but I guess they've had plenty of chances to run before...

"Fine if that makes you both happy but do not, under any circumstances, leave this house." I point at them both warningly, as they nod and grin in excitement.

"Yes sir!" Mike salutes, before grabbing Faye's hand and dragging her towards the door - with their new phones in hand.

"Let's go do our fake tan!" I hear Mike say as they rush off down the halls, noting how excited he seemed for the wedding.

"That went well." Seth comments, as him and Nico both move to sit at my desk.

"Yeah you couldn't have picked a better woman for the job!" Nico compliments, as I lean back in my chair knowing he was right.

Faye Woods was soon to be Faye Grey and I couldn't wait to see the look on everyone's faces at the Russo party... there was a storm coming... and I was ready to stand in the centre and watch the chaos unfold.