
A Lot More To Explore

James is seen in the restroom. Staring into the mirror, as it offended him.

He zips the zipper of his trouser and sighs. He washes his hand in the toilet sink, dried it, and then continues the stare into the mirror.

"You can do this, Kancial"

He closes his eyes. Remembering who he has at his Earthly, and luxurious home.

Raven. He's all he has ever dreamed of.


"I can't believe all that's in the refrigerator is alcohol. He expects me to get drunk?"

Jane closes the refrigerator releasing a disappointing sigh, now knowing that her husband does get drunk.

The first night she saw him in their home, he seriously looked like he doesn't care about alcohol, he still looks like it though.

Besides, throughout her two-day journey, she has never seen him open the refrigerator to get a drink, so that might be a good sign. Right?

Other men use this type of alcohol to get their wives that are refusing to have sexual intercourse, drunk and then they take advantage of them. Some of the women may be ignorant. Some may drink it knowing fully well the type and out of curiosity. Some may want to give it a try. While others, still stand on their refusal.

The refusal part is the worst, because the men may get drunk and end up raping their wives, which is not a good thing to expect in a well-prepared marriage.

"Giving it a try won't hurt, right?" Raven sighs through Jane as she opens the bottle. The smell hits her nose like a wrestler's punch.

She pours it into the small shot on the table and raises it to look at the content very well. It looks more like water than anything called alcohol.

Is this water? Why is it in an alcohol bottle? If it's water, then why was the cover sealed?

If she takes this she might do some stupid things she ought not to and it might lead to a serious problem. Especially if she does it with another man.

It probably is the best time to avoid all those if she doesn't want to get on the bad side of James. He's gonna blow if he caught her red-handed.

It's just better to...

The phone on the desk near Jane starts to vibrate, dragging her attention to it. She takes the phone and stared at it with her heart beating wildly.

It's James.

What has she done?!

Raven controls Jane and the suspicion of the alcohol-like bottle in front of her grows, just by narrowing her eyes at it.

She quickly pours the white content into the sink before answering the call that's making the phone vibrate like it wants to explode.

That's how when couples call their spouses, their love is to have an effect on the phone when ringing. Their phone call should be different than any other person, that has the contact of their spouses.

{A/N: I mean, think about it, sweethearts! I'm not married, I would have thought about it too!}

"Ummm... Hi!" Jane says, making the young masculine creature on the other line chuckle.

Her voice sounds cuter in reality than on phone, to be honest. But one thing he knows for sure is that everything about his wife is cute and beautiful.

"How has your day been?"

"Authentically missing a presence. Your presence"

James knows her voice is sad when he hears her talk. So he knows when she's happy.

Her voice isn't good. It sounds like she saw someone shot her biological mother in front of her not quite long.

"I will soon be home, Woman. Be patient with me. The main problem and reason why I came here has nearly been solved entirely, we just need a little touch and then I'm back home"

Nearly entirely solved? What has he been doing for the past nine hours, thinking about his future life?

Or is that how a company is hard to lead? Why is he making things hard for mental thinking and the company things an ordeal?

"I pray so"

The way she replies makes the stomach of James growl loudly. Kancial backs down and lets the real spirit of James take over.

His head raises slightly, making his mouth twist in authority and in preparation to give a company speech.

"Woman... I..."

Jane sits down on the plastic chair in the kitchen when she hears the voice of James change dramatically, to a sorrowful voice.

"I am very sorry for yesterday... I know this isn't the right way to apologize and-"

"No, James, It shouldn't-"

"Will you just listen?" his voice seems annoyed already.

She keeps quiet, giving him the sign to keep talking.

"And... I am, by far, a terrible, person, for not making what I plan out yesterday a success. I feel broken right now because of that, so I am very sorry"

Why are all these taking sudden acts again?

"I'm sorry for making you bleed yesterday, I know you haven't faced a punch in your life before, I am sincerely sorry for that. I wasn't there to..."

He pauses as the James everyone knows, that hates apologizing to people even when he's wrong, starts to erupt once again, taking charge over Kancial.

"Keep you safe. I regret it... I'm very sorry"

The Creator watches and chuckles on his throne. So Kancial can't even open his mouth to tell her he's sorry? He's letting the real spirit of the man talk for his mistake?!

If he is to punish him, he will make Raven choose the punishment. Cause right now, in her heart is a boiling pot of water.

The Creator uses his finger and touches the hot pot of boiling water, and immediately...

The boiling process reduces drastically with just one touch.

The thoughts of Raven return to the normally happy and beautiful thoughts that always pass her mind in peace and love. Care for anyone in the world.

Seems like a month will be too small for her to remember everything about herself.

She has a lot more to explore on Earth.