

Everone gasped when they're saw how Rica De la Fuentabilla slap the pityfull girl on the ground.The girl didnt make to stop her sobs,she even dont have the brave to fight.Shes too weak.

"I really hate idiot"Rica mumble.

She flip her hair and walked out of the crowded people.She even dont mind the stares of the others.Sexily and with a poise she make her exit inside the mall.

It must be a good day for her,because at last her parents gave her a permission to use her credit cards again.

She wish for this day because she almost a week without shopping.

But everything ruined when that stupid girl blocked on her way.Her frappe fall and a good thing is that the frappe spread on the girls white skirt and not on her.

Because if the opposites happen,she will

kill the girl,seriously.

Her driver open the car for her,she slid on the back seat and open her cellphone.

She sighed when she saw the news about her.

"Rica De La Fuentabilla,cried because of a rude girl"

She almost burst into laugh when she saw it.

"Really huh?"

The Fake news is now spreading and it makes her more famous.