
Mr Hottie

Suddenly.... There Came In A Tall, Slim Guy, wearing black spectacles. uniform shirt looked as classy as it could, like it had been made for him. the jeans were bit loose due to his skinny legs. With all of this the messy hair made him look super hot.

Racheal Couldn't Stop But ENJOY THE VIEW." damn, he's hot. "

little did she realize she uttered the words a bit loud instead of speaking in her head .

The girl behind Racheal heard it and started giggling. Suddenly Racheal came back to the reality.

Racheal : (embarrassed) Huh.

Vink : (smiling) no worries, it stays a secret .

Everyone Settles Down.

The Teacher Enters The Class And Racheal Is Asked To Introduce Herself .

Racheal : Good Morning Everyone, Myself Racheal Bliss, I am new To the City Phoneix. Ekk.. We I guess that's it. Thank you.

Class Giggled On Her Intro.

The Boy Smiled a bit on this.

Teacher( Kami) : Very well Racheal, myself Mrs Kami, I will be taking ur English .And these r ur classmates. have a seat now.

After 2 Hours... (Bell Rings)

Mrs Kami Leaves The Class.

Children Murmuring... Suddenly A Boy Moves to Racheal's desk and asks..

Smith : Racheal, So which sport do u play?

Racheal: I Can play whatever u want me tooo.All Sports Are Equal I guess. I like Skating as my personal favorite.

Smith : Cool. myself Smith. so which school are u from?

Racheal : Minder High, I used to study in minder high .

Before Smith Could Speak Something As A Reply,There Comes a voice from behind.

The Same hot guy...

Krish: Smith, Are You Even Coming Down To Play ? or too busy with her?

Smith: Wow, Wow Boy, Coming.

Racheal : Hey u, Mr Jerk! Think Twice Before You Speak.

Krish : Nah. U continue with that process girl, people r too busy to think twice.

Racheal : Whatever!

Smith : Ok Ok, Stop You Two.

Shut up Krish. Let's Go.

Smith & Krish Leave .

Racheal : thinking to herself : So Mr Hottie Has A Name, Krish. Too Arrogant this one is! Hope he never messes with me. Even though he is hot but he is mannerless.

Tode : Hey, Racheal, Wanna Have A tour of school?