
Undefeated Champion: Rebirth of the Retired Immortal

Demons, angels, beasts, and gods. Otherworldly creatures were no match for him. Crowned as the undefeated champion, Ike never understood the struggles of the weak. He was born a legend, an exceptional one at that. However, all the glory that came along with it quickly became naught as, at the peak of his immortality, he realized that immortality wasn't a gift, but a curse. An endless curse. With that in mind, he utilized every bit of power in his body to grant himself one wish. The wish... to die. Though, rather than dying, he instead woke up in the body of a high school student who, surprisingly, had the same name as him. Unlike the fear and awe his name inspired in the past, it now screamed out something else. Irrelevant. Pathetic. Prey. With only two paths in front of him, would he choose to live a normal life, the life he had desired at the height of his immortality, or would he choose the path he had trekked in the past, only to end up regretting it once more? With otherworldly creatures lurking in every corner and the sudden reappearance of this mysterious Colosseum, Ike knew he was going to be in for a wild ride. A wild ride that might see the rebirth of the undefeated champion. _______ Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. Credits to the artist. Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e

alienfrommars · Fantasy
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50 Chs

How are you so sure I didn't do it?

"Whoever you are, I don't think you will be a good addition to our organization. Your views… will never align with ours."

Ike didn't want to think about the accident that caused the death of poor Ike Lobo. Even if there were times it would pique his curiosity, he convinced himself that it was not his business. He took the accident as simple as a tragic mishap; his bad luck was at fault.

However, after meeting the infamous president of the student council, Ike couldn't rid of Yama's remarks in his head. It stuck in his mind, making him think about it all day.


Ike snapped his eyes to the current lapse upon hearing the bell ring. All his classmates didn't even wait for the last teacher to stop speaking as they rose from their seats, taking their things back to their bags or simply chatting with others.

This had been the sight that Ike had quite grown used to since attending school. The recurring sound of bells at different times of the day indicated different meanings. Looking back at Ashley's and Bernis's empty seats, it felt a little strange.

At a time like this, those two would be standing beside his desk with Ashley chatting with him nonstop while Ike organize his things. But those two weren't present today. Not that he was worried about them, but more like he had gotten used to the cycle.

'Whatever,' he thought, dragging himself up from his chair to prepare to leave.


Ike didn't dwell in Bernis's and Ashley's absence that long, thinking about some of Yama's statements. Walking out of the wide gates of Laguna High, Ike's train of thought trailed off along with his steps. His eyes slowly veered to the two figures standing from a distance.

There, Ashley was waving at him with the biggest smile.

"Aren't they in a crisis?" he wondered to himself, watching Ashley jog her way to him while Bernis followed behind. "You look a little energetic for someone who is dealing with a person's death."

"What?" Ashley scrunched up her face as soon as she stood before him. "What do you mean, I look energetic? Did I kill him, huh?"

"I didn't say that."

"Then are you expecting me to bawl my eyes?"

"Would be nice to see you in tears."

"Gosh!" Ashley clicked her tongue continuously, shaking her head, sizing him up from head to toe as if criticizing his entire existence.

"Anyway, don't tell me you two had been waiting for me?" Ike shifted his attention to Bernis, knowing this guy would answer him directly.

"We still need to fulfill our duty," explained Bernis briefly. "We'll walk you home."

Ike darted his eyes between the two, secretly biting his tongue to refrain from saying anything.

"Sure." He nodded. "I'm not in the mood to argue."

Having escorts just because of a certain bully named Desmond Larza was a result Ike didn't wish for. However, after arguing with Ashley and Bernis back then, Ike realized how pointless it was to stop them. Hence, to save himself the trouble and energy, he would let these two regularly walk him home.

"You should take the bus," Ashley spoke, walking side by side with Ike. "I mean, you usually walk your way home for half an hour. If you take the bus, you'll reach your home in just ten minutes. Maybe a lot faster."

"With how busy my schedule was, this is the only exercise I can have." Ike kept his eyes ahead, maintaining a poker face. "Before getting out of the hospital, the doctors kept telling me to stick to doing exercise. Moreover, I live alone. So I am not in a hurry to go home."

"Is the accident that bad?"

"They said it was a miracle I recovered through therapy."

"I see…" Ashley rocked her head in understanding, shrugging.

After that, she didn't say anything to keep the conversation going, just like she would usually do. She was the annoying type, and by now, Ike already figured she was the type who didn't like silence. Ashley would talk nonstop until either Ike or Bernis would react or reply. But now, she was quiet — oddly quiet.

Ike cast her a side-eye. "I am almost intrigued why you are so silent. Was this because of the President of the Student Council you looked up to like a divine being?"

"Tss." Ashley chuckled in ridicule, rolling her eyes at him.

"You don't need to hide it." Ike raised his chin, eyes on the empty street. "Even if you begged me, I won't join the student organization. First of all, it seemed it was chaotic. I refuse to invite such chaos into my life. I'd rather watch everything unfold from the sidelines with popcorn and a 3d glass."

"Heh. Problem is, it's not that."


"I don't care if Yama rejected you. Although it annoys me that I feel like he is undermining my judgment by meeting you and spouting nonsense." Ashley let out a deep breath, huffing, eyes ahead. "But I'm not that shallow to be disappointed."

"I see…"

Another wave of silence descended upon their shoulders, making her slide her eyes into the corner.

"Won't you really ask me what bothers me?" she asked out of curiosity, even though she already guessed the answer.

"I don't want to pry."


"No wonder that guy said my views will never align with the student organization. I hate prying just as much as I dislike excuses. The student council seems to be a handful of curious people, poking their nose here and there," he continued with the same mien. "I don't care what bothers you, and I don't feel sorry about it."

"Gosh… you are quite harsh, you know?" she frowned, gazing down. "Why am I even fighting for a jerk like you?"

Ike's steps slowed down, arching a brow, eyes on her.

"Do you have any idea that you are the suspect in a murder case?" she grumbled, sighing helplessly. "Gosh — how can you be so clueless? You said you refuse to invite chaos into your oh-so-perfect life, but that personality of yours is akin to a magnet of trouble. You are frustrating."

"I'm a suspect of what?"

Ashley stopped, facing him squarely. "Some ridiculous ideas are rising because of that personality of yours, and I have to fight people because of it. But look what I'm getting in return. Is this how you treat a friend?"

"Why would you fight people because of me?" Ike cocked his head to the side, fluttering his eyelashes ever so tenderly. "I don't understand."

"Because — wow… this is frustrating."

"How are you so sure I didn't do it?" Ike asked before she could say any of her nonsense, and then cast Bernis, who was initially walking behind them, a look. "For me, it's a little strange. Between me and your colleagues in the council, I'm certain you two knew them longer more than you know me."

He looked back at Ashley squarely. "How are you certain I didn't do it?"