
Undeads are walking: Red Rivers

It is the year 20XX and something bad happened to Earth and humanity, but much worse to humanity to be precise. The thing it has happened, it is known as a zombie apocalypse by the modern generation. Zombies have taken now all of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, only safe regions with a big population density are South America and North America, but for how long will they be? That is the question. Thankfully most of the artificial islands created by ”The Organization” are now the only last hope of humanity to get a string of a comforting life they used to have three months ago before all of this infection started. The third volume is going to take into two different continents, Africa and Europe. There will be three parts which will depict the story of different groups of survivors who are running for safety from the hands of these mutants who are getting stronger each passing days. First part will focus on a community in a remote village from Arges county, Romania, Europe. Second part will focus on a rapper and his bodyguard hiding in a Brothel in Tirana, Albania. The third part will focus on the story of a group of eight people who have missed an extraction from Parienyatwa General Hospital in Zimbabwe. Keep the gates safe. Undeads are walking.

Septic_Red · Horror
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78 Chs

Rap'On - Part 1

"This was supposed to be my biggest debut…Not the end of my normal life."

On a normal night, in a normal music festival in Tirana, a well-known city by the people who live in Albania, locals and tourists have come to this music festival to watch their favourite singer from Eastern Europe perform one of their favourite songs. And on that festival, all the people have entered without being checked. Which it will turn out to be a big mistake.

All the people that have come to this music festival were all looking healthy, energetic and excited to see their favourite performer on the stage to sing their favourite song. But, there was one person who attracted a few visitor's attention. That person was a skinny man, with a bandage on his left wrist and looking pale like he had made a transfusion before he came into this concert.

Some members of the staff asked if the man was alright, but the man insisted he is fine. He also states that he was bitten by a dog on his way here, hence why he has a bandage on his left wrist. And the staff, seeing the man is looking a little better than they thought (plus he slipped one thousand Albanian lek to the big guard without looking), decided to let him in the festival, among thousands of people from all around Europe. The bitten man is unaware from the disaster it will happen in the few moments.