
Undeads are walking: Blue Blood

It is the year 20XX and something bad happened to Earth and humanity, but much worse to humanity to be precise. The thing it has happened, it is known as a zombie apocalypse by the modern generation. The second volume of the series Undeads are walking is here. This volume will be focussed this time on the journey of four teams. One team of survivors and two Vikings creating rampage all over Sweden. Second team consisting of scientists getting captured in a cannibal African tribe. A third team of Indian singers getting blocked on a record studio in India. And a last team, being stuck on a village in Serbia with a psychopath. Prepare your guns. Undeads are walking!

Septic_Red · Sci-fi
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79 Chs

Viking's Way - Part 8

A few moments later, Sigurd and Charlotte, after they entered the building they have left in order to scavenge after something useful for their journey. Sigurd puts the radio on a cashier desk, while the survivors of this group and the Vikings, are gathering around to Sigurd who takes out the batteries from his flashlight, and puts both of them into the radio device.

Miraculously, the red button of the radio starts to light up, which means it is turned on, and it is working. The team erupts in smiles and cheering, mostly Edla and Artur, thinking they will be able to signal for help. The radio it is on, and it can "capture" the attention of the Military and get help.

"Hello!" says a person on the radio, in English with a Dutch accent. "Can someone get my cal on the radio? Over."

"…Hel-Hello." says Sigurd on the radio after he looked around him, hoping somebody will be taking the radio, but nobody did this job. "We are a group of survivors, trapped in Vaksala. Please, send help! Over."

"Is someone there? Oh, God!. I cannot believe this technology from the years of nineteens is still working fine as yesterday. Oh, um… We are the army. A patrol in Samara, requested to eliminate the threats of this place. Are you all fine? Over."

"Yes, we are fine." responds Sigurd on the radio. "There is absolutely no way to send a helicopter after us?"

"Not risking with sending an advanced vehicle, only picking up a handful of people." says the Soldier. "Get to Samara, and you will be staying fine. Sorry, but I gotta go away. Over." he closes the call.

And with this, their transmission is over, and this is their last conversation on the radio.

Sigurd turns off the radio. He looks at his team members.

"We must go to Samara." say Sigurd to the people. "This is our only hope of surviving, understand?"

"Yes!" replies the people of that group, and the Vikings.

They equip their backpacks with supplies and weapons they were scavenging the apartment. The group of six people, leave the store, walk on the road that leads to the exit of this town, Skolsta. They take a road with lots of crashed cars, corpses of humans, animals and zombies, crashed helicopters and some military vehicles being destroyed by something powerful such a zombie from Class F.