
Undeads are walking: Blue Blood

It is the year 20XX and something bad happened to Earth and humanity, but much worse to humanity to be precise. The thing it has happened, it is known as a zombie apocalypse by the modern generation. The second volume of the series Undeads are walking is here. This volume will be focussed this time on the journey of four teams. One team of survivors and two Vikings creating rampage all over Sweden. Second team consisting of scientists getting captured in a cannibal African tribe. A third team of Indian singers getting blocked on a record studio in India. And a last team, being stuck on a village in Serbia with a psychopath. Prepare your guns. Undeads are walking!

Septic_Red · Sci-fi
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79 Chs

Viking's Way - Part 13

The night is about to approach on Sweden, and these nights are going to trouble for the humans to survive because zombies on the night, are creatures capable of anything. On the base at Samara, Ronald and with a few other soldiers are postponed at stations of protecting. Ronald stays at one tower with another soldier, who wears a military jacket with the label of "Chris McGarish". The soldier is a fat man with muscles, long beard and short black hair. The man wears a pair of glasses to help him see, and has on his back a machete.

"The night is about to come." says Chris preparing his sniper rifle he has on the left hand. "You are ready?"

"Yeap." responds Ronald finishing the preparations of the machine gun he took from a chopper and installed on the tower. He looks over at a damaged machine gun, which is on the other side, and on the floor of there is what used to be a soldier, but with the legs missing. "What was able to kill that soldier?"

"Anything if you ask me." says Chris looking at the gates who were recently repaired and have their electric fence prepared. "Zombies have evolved so much, it makes me wonder if the man who did that is still alive."

"What would you to do to him if you find out he is alive?"

"I would literally skin him alive, throw salt at him, and fed to the zombies." says Chris in a normal voice. This did not scare Ronald.

"I would crucify him in a big group of zombies." says Ronald.

"Ey. That sounds boring." says Chris honestly.

Then, before Ronald could say something, they hear a roar, not far from their location. Chris immediately takes the sniper rifle, he looks through the scope and looks around him. After a few seconds, he stops from moving, and looks through the scope at a building, at probably about four hundred meters from their location.

"Dude. We've got a big one."

"What?" asks Ronald to Chris. "What type is it?"

"I don't know. But I am not taking my chances." says Chris letting the sniper rifle a bit down, loading with a bullet, and aiming at the same place where he saw the creature. "Imma headshot that motherfucker."

He aims the sniper rifle at the direction and place where the thing's it is. Chris aims properly at the head of the creature, and with the night about to approach on the next almost one hour later, he notices this thing has a metal thing on his head. But without thinking much, Chris takes a shot.

The bullet flies at a high speed from the watchtower, travelling about a hundred of meters from them. The bullet hits the thing head, but surprisingly, the metal thing from that huge zombie protected from the bullet. The bullet hit the thing from the head, and it flies to the opposite direction, hitting the wall of a building. The huge thing yelled after three seconds to process what was happening.

"What the fuck?" asks Chris looking worried at the scope of his sniper rifle.

"What is it?" asks Ronaldo a bit worried.

"That thing did not die." say Chris. "He has a helmet or something hard on his head."

"What?... but how?"

"I don't know. But I have a hunch this man was police and somehow became a deadly zombie class."

Chris loads another bullet on his trusty sniper rifle. He shoots the bullet at the same direction and same place. It has the same result, hitting the metal part, and ricocheting to the wall, but this time it hit a window and a zombie who was inside that building. Chris would never know he did an impressive kill with that shoot.

That huge zombie leaves the place, and he runs to the watchtower where Chris and Ronald are staying. While that zombie continues to run at a speed of at least 8 km/h, following by three other zombies who are at a speed of 2 km/h, Ronald takes the machine gun and prepares to shoot the things coming here.

"They are getting closer." says Ronald grabbing the machine gun and aiming at the huge zombie with a helmet on his head, coming closer and closer to the watchtower. "When you are ready."

"Now." says Chris after five seconds when he loads a new bullet to his sniper rifle, and aims at the left leg of the creature. "You take the small ones. While I take the big one."

"Got it." responds Ronald.

Chris shoots the third bullet. Flying at a high speed, the bullet hits the left knee of the huge zombie, who, upon hitting, falls on the ground with hole body on his front. Quickly, Chris loads another bullet and shoots the thing again, this he hits the neck of the creature, back side to be more precise. When the thing got shoot, it did not move any more, it stays still at the same place, making Chris feel a little confused.

Ronald on the other hand, he puts the machine gun to his use, and he mutilates the upcoming small wave of zombies who are running to their watchtower and base. He killed the three zombies, plus other twenty coming here.

A few minutes later, a confused soldier come to the watchtower of these two people, and he asks them almost out of breath and with an Ak-47 in his left hand.

"What happened?"

"We had uninvited guests." responds Chris on a joke. "We had to shoot them down because they were uninvited."

"Good thing they were small…" says the soldier looking at the small zombies on the road which Ronald killed it with the machine gun he possesses.

"Look at the other one." says Chris to the soldier, and he hands him the sniper rifle to see the huge zombie at one hundred or so meters away from the base. He smiles at the kill he did, like a father when he sees his son winning his first salary at the Son's dream job.

"Holy shit." says the soldier letting the sniper rifle slowly down to Chris arms. "We have to inform the higher ups about this." And he runs from the watchtower to the base where the Boss of this squad sits and plans the defend and tries to make communications with the group of survivors coming here.