
Undeads are walking: Blue Blood

It is the year 20XX and something bad happened to Earth and humanity, but much worse to humanity to be precise. The thing it has happened, it is known as a zombie apocalypse by the modern generation. The second volume of the series Undeads are walking is here. This volume will be focussed this time on the journey of four teams. One team of survivors and two Vikings creating rampage all over Sweden. Second team consisting of scientists getting captured in a cannibal African tribe. A third team of Indian singers getting blocked on a record studio in India. And a last team, being stuck on a village in Serbia with a psychopath. Prepare your guns. Undeads are walking!

Septic_Red · Sci-fi
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79 Chs

Priest of Death - Part 3

In a random house, an empty one, the group of four survivors, have managed to get inside and hide in there. Dragan, Milan, Goran and Zoran are all fine, not bitten by any of the rising creatures or hit by a bullet of the angry villagers. The gang is looking confused and desolation to these villagers who were willingly to kill them because they brought their sick friend, who they did not help and let him turn into one of the zombies.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." says Zoran looking at his friends in whisper. "W-Why is this happening to us?"

"I don't know." says Dragan to Zoran taking a peek on the window to scout the villagers who have started a lookout team on the entire village. "These people are controlled by that human." he feels pain to his hand he got touched hard by the Priest. "That son of a bitch…" he says looking at his arm.

"That thing is not human." says Milan shaking, staying on the chair and looking on the floor scared shitless. "T-The thing… The thing is a zombie."

"Milan?" asks Zoran approaching Milan. "Are you alright?"

"N-No. I saw the Priest bite mark. It is of a zombie. I am sure of it, guys!"

"That Priest is a zombie? Then how he can talk and move?!"

"I don't know!" says Milan trembling. "H-H-He is going to kill us."

"The man will not kill us!" says Zoran grabbing Milan by its shoulder and looks straight to his eyes. "He can't catch us! Alright? That thing will not find us and he will not kill us!"

They remain in silent, looking at each other, nobody knows what to do at this moment. They are staying in this house, hidden and waiting for the moment they will be able to escape the village. But, before a minute could pass since all of them have retaken their position, they hear a screaming coming from outside, it belongs to an old woman.

Dragan is looking at the window of house. He looks to the direction where the screaming was coming from, but he couldn't see much because outside is night, and the screaming came from a house who is at about one hundred meters from them. Dragan looks at the house and observes how a few villagers, from the scouting group are running to see what is happening. He cannot see clearly who have entered the house, but he turns around to his people and tells them.

"Okay. I think we can escape now. While everyone is focused on their thing."

"What happened?" asks Milan to Dragan.

"Someone must've died or gave birth. I don't know. There is an old woman who is screaming for villagers to come inside of her house." Dragan takes from a table what it looks like to be a bad at touching, but at seeing, he is not sure because of the dark and this house has no light source. "Shit. We have to find some useful weapons. Otherwise we are screwed."

The other survivors couldn't find anything as useful as what Dragan has found. But they've still had their small knives from store, hidden in their vests, that were used to cut packages with supplies to be arranged in the shop. The group of four people, are leaving slowly and silently the house, then they are walking on a silent position, like crone to hide themselves on the high weed in the garden of the house. The survivors are looking on the sky, notice the clouds are looking a bit grey in the dark, which means a rain will inevitably come at any given moment.

The group is walking slowly toward in a garden owned by a farmer. as they are walking, they are very careful to not step on the crops of this garden. They continue walking until they arrive at a small pond where there is a man. A man on his thirty, sleeping on the pond with a bottle of beer in his left hand. The man snores like a chainsaw, making the survivors almost have a heart attack when they saw him.

Upon seeing the man, the four people came to conclusion to leave this drunk bag at the pond and continue their sneaky walking outside of the village. While they were walking the sleeping, man was muttering in his sleep a girly name and snored.

Leaving the pond, the group, seeing there isn't anyone near them, they are going on the street and they run to a house which it looks like it is abandoned, due to the fact it is not lightened by a candle in the interior. The four people, are entering on the front door, then they walk inside the house to the other side of the three-room village. They are leaving on the other side, and run into the forest, to the one where they came from earlier. Now the group, is walking toward the street, to see if they are lucky to find a vehicle on the street. Or at least something with wheels.