
Undeads are walking: Blue Blood

It is the year 20XX and something bad happened to Earth and humanity, but much worse to humanity to be precise. The thing it has happened, it is known as a zombie apocalypse by the modern generation. The second volume of the series Undeads are walking is here. This volume will be focussed this time on the journey of four teams. One team of survivors and two Vikings creating rampage all over Sweden. Second team consisting of scientists getting captured in a cannibal African tribe. A third team of Indian singers getting blocked on a record studio in India. And a last team, being stuck on a village in Serbia with a psychopath. Prepare your guns. Undeads are walking!

Septic_Red · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Priest of Death - Part 17


After a while, the three survivors, located on the sixth floor now, they heard zombies incoming toward them, so all three are getting ready to welcome them with their guns. Dragan, Milan and Goran are all using three kitchen tables as some sort of barricade to protect themselves from the zombies. Dragan is having on a single arm a handgun with seven bullets because his hand is starting to hurt more as he is using it. Milan is holding an assault rifle aiming at the stairs where the zombies should appear. Goran is having on his hand the only submachine who is still working.

" If the weapons break or run out of ammo, we run. Understand?" says Dragan to his two friends.

"Yes." responds the two friends of Dragan.

At the entrance of the hallway, first zombies are appearing, only three zombies who are looking like males wearing some weird looking torn clothes and all three without any pants. Dragan shoots four bullets at these things, three of them hitting the heads where the brain is located, while one bullet got the ear of a zombie who was on the back of the other three. That zombie gets immediately shot by Milan who managed to shoot ten bullets to hit two zombies on the head, killing them.

Zombies continues to come and come, and the trio starts shooting their weapons toward their heads. But this fun did not last long because they ran out of ammo and run from that place. When the ammo end, Milan abandoned his weapon, while Dragan and Goran are leaving with their weapons. The three survivors are feeling relieved they have managed to kill a few zombies and having an advantage on their run because of the table that are acting as a blockage to slow the zombies.

The group is running toward the last floor, taking the other side of the stairs because this structure is designed to have two sets of stairs, one on the left side of the building, and other on the right side. On the eight floors, the three people see there is a little furniture laying on the hallway, they decide to use two of these big pieces, a desk and a bed, to block the side o the stairs they have taken. When they looked on the other side, they noticed it is also locked with furniture, and this made all of them feel relieved because of this.

"Thank God." says Dragan.

Then, the group decide to run to the rooftop, where there is supposed to be some kind of fire escape stairs. But, when they found the door to the rooftop, they observe it is locked with a lock. This is making their task of escaping much more difficult.

"Shit." says Goran. "We need a key to unlock it."

"Or not." says Dragan looking on his right side, and there he notices the fire escape is at a window. "Follow me." he runs inside of the room, followed by Goran and Milan.

Inside of this apartment they've entered, there is only a room, a bedroom, and there, they found in the bed the corpse of a woman, who was eaten by zombies as the survivors have seen the opened rib cage of the poor woman. Goran has observed anything else, a revolver, in the hand of the woman. Dragan and Milan are trying to break the window, while Goran is quickly looking at the weapon. He opens the bullet part of the gun, checks the bullets and counts it. "There are only four." he says to himself. Goran starts looking for anything in this room, while Milan and Dragan are busy to break the unopened window.

After a minute, when Dragan and Milan have unlocked the window, by throwing a small coffee table into it, they are opening the window wider for them to escape through it. They are climbing the ladder to fire escape one by one. As they are climbing the ladder, zombie growls and yell could be heard coming on the last floor.

When all have managed to get on the ground thanks to the fire escape, they all run from this apartment and from the wave of zombies who haven't managed to squeeze in the apartment yet. While they are running from the wave of dozens of zombies, the gang doesn't notice Sava, who is leaving the apartment, with an angry reaction. He aims its finger on the group who is having one hundred meters advance.

"Get them!" yells Sava.

And the zombies from this area are following the order of Sava. Walking, running, jumping or crawling after the three survivors who are thinking to flee this place.

After about five minutes of running for their lives, the group enters a small building, where there, they quickly dodge another three zombies who were close to get them. They continue to run from that small store, and on the left turn. The three survivors, being out of ammo, and outnumbered 1 to 40, their only logical choice at the moment is to run and avoid these dead creatures.

They soon arrive in front of a military truck who is blocking their way. Milan sees a few weapons in the cabin, and he quickly goes there to see if any of the weapons from there can work. Surpassingly, he found a machine gun, which he grabs it and starts to shoot to the upcoming wave of zombies.

"Come to me sons of bitches!" yells Milan, ignoring Dragan and Goran who are getting on the military truck, and search for a suitable weapon to kill these infected mutants.

"Wow." says Dragan taking a grenade launcher and five grenades from a crate. He loads the grenade launcher, and aims to a wave of zombies. "Thank you for video games." and he shoots a grenade to a wave of zombies, blowing them up in a second, making their bodies into a pile of burn meat and bones.

"Let some for me." says Goran taking a rifle and starts to shoot the wave of zombies who are on the top of the buildings, about to jump on the survivors. He pulls the trigger once and kills a zombie from three hundred meters. The thing falls from the rooftop and landed on its head to a car, smashing the car and his whole body.

Goran continues to shoot the things from the top floor, Dragan shoots the four grenades to the zombie waves, and Milan continues to kill the things with the machine gun. The wave of zombies is put down in about five minutes. About a hundred or more than this have been killed.

When this was over, and the gang took a pause, they leave the military truck, loaded with weapons and walk out of there, going to see if all of the things they've killed have been successfully neutralized. They check their bodies like shots in the head, torso, and legs. Goran was checking the pockets of some zombies who were having a rich person aspect. He did find a Rolex on one and he immediately put it on his hand. As Milan ventured further from the two teammates, he observes a few more zombies approaching their location, of slow walking type.

"Got attracted to the noise." says Milan aiming his machine gun to those creatures. He recently loaded with more ammunition.

He was about to pull the trigger, then, he observes on the machine-gun visor, how a car is sent on the air, toward him. Milan, seeing a two-ton vehicle flying towards him, he dodges the thing, which was close to hitting him. And by dodging, he rolled to his right, taking cover on a military barrier. The thrown vehicle lands on the ground, then it rolls for a few meters, hitting Goran as he was looking for a wallet in a dead corpse, injuring him severely.

Goran got hit by that car, put to the ground, while the car continues to roll for a few more times until it hits the walls of a complex building who is about to collapse any given time.

The two people, have seen the car how it finds a friend of their, and they quickly walk toward him to see if the dude is alive. Dragan and Milan are close to him, they look at the man who is barely breathing, has it's entire to face a mess, a few bones from its torso leaving the interior of its body, blood coming out all over the place, and eyes almost leaving the sockets. The two people were shocked to see one of their dear friends, being killed like that.

"Goran, no…" says Dragan on the verge of crying.

"Help me." says Goran wheezing for air and coughing blood. "Help me!"

Milan, seeing his friend has no way out or to be rescued on these conditions, he decide to aim his machine gun to Goran's head. He closes its eyes, like Dragan did. Milan says "Sorry, friend." and he pulls the trigger once. He did see how the bullet got through the head of Goran, and how the person they knew for long has been killed like in a second.

Dragan, after he saw the dead face of his friend, with a bullet on his head, he could not contain it anymore, and he screamed in madness. Milan however, he takes a deep breath, turns around, he screams of madness like Dragan, and shoots the zombies who are coming toward him. A wave of more than fifty zombies are coming, together with two other zombies that are considered Class F, a dangerous class who is able to use objects in combat to their advantages.

The two people did not have time to mourn their good friend, they continue to sue the weapons to defend themselves from this upcoming wave of dead creatures. Dragan continues to launch grenades on a fast speed, enough to destroy their bodies. Milan continues to shoot the remaining ammunition from the machine gun into the wave of the upcoming zombies. They fight and fight until the upcoming wave of zombies has been decimated. All but the two F classes who are still walking toward them.