

Hey, my names Jin Kangwoo and am 22, I guess you can say am fit but, some people would say am a normal guy, and they wouldn't be wrong, until one day when I died by a truck, after that I got transported into some place, somewhat like a void, where I am now, I saw someone.

Jin Kangwoo: hello is someone there?

???: Hello there you must be Mr.kangwoo, my this is my first time every seeing a man as handsome as you.

Jin Kangwoo: Oh thanks I guess. so what's your name.

Love: My name is Love, it is nice to meet you.

Jin Kangwoo: Love. So is there any reason why am here and not dead.

Love: Well you are dead but your soul is intact here and you will be transported into another world.

Jin Kangwoo: Transported huh, seems alright.

Love: Huh?

Jin Kangwoo: what.

Love: well when I transport people into other worlds they seem to ask a lot of question and tend to panic, so am surprised your so calm and collective right now.

Jin Kangwoo: Well it's just a waste of energy to be panicking so might as well deal with it.

Love: Well your right, am impressed, well the other matter is that since your being transport into another world you have 4 wishes of any choice, so you should think wisely of what you pick.

Jin Kangwoo: Ok then 4 wishes, well is it fine to just make one wish.

Love: Are you positive?

Jin Kangwoo: Yes I am.

Love: As you wish, so what is your 1 wish?

Jin kangwoo: My 1 wish is to grow with no limits to each category like speed, strength, reflexes, things along that, but I have to work hard to achieve it, like training per say and that leads to unlimited growth.

Love: Oh Your quite a smart man Mr.kangwoo, some people would ask for super strength or super speed, etc. Well Other than that is that your final wish, no details left out?

Jin Kangwoo: yes that's all.

Love: Ok then, I will send you to an unknown world.

Jin Kangwoo: Ok then.

Love: Bye, handsome.

Jin Kangwoo: Hm?

Love: transports him into another world.

Jin Kangwoo: "sits up from the ground". huh guess I was transported already, but in a forest. "stands up"

Jin Kangwoo: Hm? (I hear somebody.)

??? 1: I think I hear someone.

??? 2: Me too, should we check it out.

??? 1: I guess but I hurt my leg. So if we're going to check you have to do it first then I'll do it after.

??? 2: Ok. "jumps out of a direction while holding a sword". who's there!?

??? 1: "does the exact same thing, but slower"

Jin Kangwoo: (what's a bunch of girls doing in the forest with swords? What world did) don't worry am not a threat.

??? 1: Mesa, do you think he's good.

Mesa: I think so, he's not holding or carrying any weapons it up to you Alice.

Alice: I think he's fine, I guess "puts down the sword"

Jin Kangwoo: Hm? (I see someone with an booan arrow)

Jin Kangwoo: "walking near them"

Mesa: Hey stop there! "holds her sword up"

Jin Kangwoo: "catches a arrow that was about to hit "Alice"

Alice: ?!

Jin Kangwoo: Did you know a person was following you guys.

???: jumps down at where she was hiding at. well guess you blew my cover, guess I'll just have to kill you, and take the girls fast.

Mesa: What the hell!! It's the famous killer "Light", (because she kills her victims fast.) we have to run!

Jin Kangwoo: Oh that's nice a killer at hand, you can be my warmup.

Alice: Warmup!?

Mesa: Warmup!?

Jin Kangwoo: You guys can just rest on that tree over there because that girls leg is bleeding.

Mesa:"lays Alice on the tree" but what about you.

Jin kangwoo: Don't worry I can defeat her.

Light: Don't take me so lightly, I'll bury you into the ground.

Jin Kangwoo: "looks at her with an expressionless face" are you capable of burying me.