

"What exactly are you" Nemia asked inquisitively. "I've never heard of a General Crusader before. What kind of class is that?"

Mike began to explain his powers. That he had Holy magic, swordsmanship, and his other skills. Nemia never heard of most of his skills, but was shocked to hear he could use Holy magic. She thought only paladins and clerics could use Holy magic. She needed to take him to her cities elder!

"We should form a party. It would make it easier to track one another and we can help each other get stronger." As then extended a hand and a screen popped up.

[Form a Party with Nemia? Yes/No]

This came as a surprise to Mike. It really seemed like this universe had a game like system build into the very laws of the universe. He selected yes. As soon as he did he could see some of Nemia's stats.

[Mage Nemia Lv 1]

[Str .3]

[Dex .4]

[Con .3]

[Wis .6]

[Int .8]

[Cha .2]

[Skills: Fire Magic Lv 2, Mana Control Lv 2, Dark Magic lv 1 and Magic Sensory Lv 3]

He thought she had some impressive skills, but no idea what they were.

"Is Holy magic that rare" He had asked Nemia. She had jumped down from the roof to the main street and looked around. Making sure there were no zombies so they can walk peacefully.

"When the zombies invaded from space, our only Starport was overrun by zombies. The clerics and paladins of our world banded together, even if they worshiped other gods, to lead a Holy March to cleanse the Starport of undead."

She paused for a moment as they walked down the street. She held her staff at the ready. Seeing this Mike did the same and pulled out his sword.

"What's wrong" he asked in a whisper.

She remained silent and held her staff closer to her. She looked around for a second before telling him to stay here and ran off. She ran into one of the houses near them. Mike could hear Nemia doing something inside the house, but something else caught his attention.

He could feel the rumbling of dozens of foot steps coming from around the corner. He held his sword tighter as he weighted for what he assumed was a horde of zombies.

He was right.

A few seconds later almost a dozen Goblin Zombies showed up with a larger Goblin Zombie in the middle.

[Goblin Zombie Lv 1] x10

[Hobgoblin Zombie Lv 1]

The Hobgoblin Zombie stood nearly a foot taller then the rest. It no longer had the palish green color, but an palish orange instead. Even being an undead it was much more muscular then a normal goblin. Though parts of it skin was torn showing its bare flesh. No blood poured out, but there was a weird purple coloration around each wound.

The Hobgoblin Zombie started to push the other zombies out of the way. Mike thought it was interesting that the zombies had minor sentience and weren't just mindless beings. As the Hobgoblin Zombie came to the front of it's group it turned to one zombie, grabbed it arms and ripped it off the zombie.

Mike was appalled seeing this. The Hobgoblin Zombie proceeded to tare the flesh off the arm he removed. Once most of the flesh was gone the zombies hands started to glow in a purplish green and black aura. He moved its hands along the bone causing it to melt slightly. It had fused the joints together forcing the bone to remain straight. It positioned the hand into a clasp to grip and turned the end of the humerus into a fine point. By grabbing its melded hand it held the arm like a bone sword.

"Well this is new." He looked around to see where Nemia was, but couldn't find her at all. "Looks like I have to fight this Hobgoblin Zombie."

As soon as the Hobgoblin Zombie had its bone sword made it charged at Mike!

He gripped the bone sword and swung horizontally at him. Mike moved his sword to his left side to block the wing. The two then swung back at one another blocking each swing, but Mike was slowly getting pushed back. He noticed that he was being pushed back and had an idea. He quickly side stepped allowing the Hobgoblin Zombie to fall next to him.

He saw his opening and slice at the back of the zombie. As soon as he swung the Hobgoblin Zombie positioned it sword behind it's back blocking his swing!


Mike had jumped back to get some distance between him and the zombie.

"I bet that thing has a higher [Swordsman] level then I do. This is going to be harder then I thought. AND it hasn't even been two hours."

He changed his stance and had his sword pointed toward the zombie. The Hobgoblin Zombie also changed it stance. The undead held the sword in one hand an flexed its other hand. As it flexed the flesh around each finger tightly pulled back revealing that sharp claws.

"Yup. This won't be easy."

For a second Mike thought he saw the Hobgoblin smirk before it charged!

The undead had its none sword raised and its claw hand ready to stab him. Mike was ready for this charge. As soon as the undead ran towards him he turned and ran into the closest house!

He entered the ruined house and saw a table turned over and other furniture in ruin. A sly smile appeared on his face. After a second he heard the undead's foot steps and got ready.

The Hobgoblin Zombie rushed into the room with its weapon out.


A table was launched at the monster! It was hit against the wall and pushed the table off. As soon as it did Mike had jumped up pushing the table back into it with one leg and swinging his sword into the undead. The undead had barely blocked the attack with its sword.

Since he had the creature pinned he had a chance to hold it back. He hoped. He removed his left hand from the sword to grab the wrist of the undead. The flesh of the undead wasn't nearly as cold as it thought it was. It was room temperature, but the flesh itself was rubbery. Seeing his opening he plunged his sword through the undead's neck!

As soon as he did the Hobgoblin Zombie managed to get some leverage and push both the table and Mike off of it! As he was thrown, Mike tried to cut all the way through the undead's neck, but was stopped at the spine. He landed on his back and watched as the head of zombie hung solely from the spine. It fell sideways towards it shoulder, but still stared at him.

With it's head nearly cut off it slowly shambled towards him. It had both its bone sword and claw raised. Mike gripped his sword tightly and lunged the tip to the head of the undead. As soon as he got close the bone sword and claw came down with a violent force! He was pierced by the sword through his body and the claw was in his back, but he got his target! His blade had pierced the brain of the undead.

[Hobgoblin Zombie Lv 1 Killed: 250 exp]

The Hobgoblin Zombie's body slumpt over on him. Mike couldn't hold the weight and fell to the ground and coughing out blood. He was stuck in a weird position. The bone sword still impaled him while the corpse of the zombie held him down. He used all his might, or what remained, to lift himself up off the ground. As he did he felt his body getting stronger as he realized he unknowingly activated a new [Holy Magic] ability.

[Holy Magic: Empowerment Lv 1] while active this skill will increase your strength by .2 for 10 seconds.

Mike had made it to his feet and pushed the undead off of him. He noticed himself becoming cold and dizzy as he was losing blood from the sword. He clenched his teeth as he pulled out the bone sword! He almost yelled, but kept his voice inside. He could feel the bone sword cut more of his body as he pulled it out. As he stood there with the sword pulled out of him, his vision began to go dark. He had lost a lot of blood. He used what remained of his strength to heal himself. He could feel himself get dizzier. Not just from the blood loss, but how much mana he was using to heal himself!


Just he was about to lose consciousness the house he was in shook violently as something outside shook the earth. His vision darkened more as he stumbled to the door way. He looked out and noticed a large fire in the middle of the street.

[Goblin Zombie Lv1 Killed: 50 exp] x11

He didn't even notice the screen that popped up. All he saw was almost half a dozen figures rushing towards him as he blacked out. Mike went in and out of consciousness. Every time he opened his eye's he saw different things. The first time he saw that he was being carried somewhere in the city. He would blink and the next he would see a handful of figures fighting and yelling out to one another. The last time he opened his eyes he saw that the sun was setting as he was being carried up some stairs. Large cathedral like doors stood at the top before he lost consciousness again.

Nemia stood over Mike's body in a small room. He was asleep on a bed on the ground with another older Demonkin on a stool next to him. The older Demonkin had pale grey skin, long white hair and beard, orange eyes and 4 hours coming out the top of his head flowing backwards.

"How is he elder?" Nemia was actually worried about Mike. Even though they had just met, it was the first time she's met someone from outside the city since the zombie invasion.

"He's fine child" the elder spoke. His voice was old, but wise. "He is just suffering mana depletion. He used up too much of his mana. He just needs some rest. Now tell me. Where did you find him?"

"He was in the Oaken district. He was fighting some Zombie Orc's when I saved him by distracting one. He showed great swordsmanship and says he can use Holy Magic."

The elder slightly widened his eyes at hearing this. He knew all the clerics and paladins on the planet were killed.

"Did he say what class he was?"

"He said he was General Crusader. I've never heard of it."

The elder rubbed his beard as he pondered for a moment. It wasn't a class he ever heard of and he was a shaman. One of the rare one's on the planet.

"Did he say anything else? Where he came from or what he was doing here."

"He said he was here to save the planet and universe" Nemia had answered truthfully, but even she doubted her words. This Michel Durpin had shown out of nowhere, didn't even know where he was and stated he would not only save the world, but the universe. He was truly a weird human.

The elder just nodded and remained sitting. "Well let's hope our guest wakes up soon. I am very interest in hearing his story."