
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasy
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132 Chs

Entrance Examination (1): The changed.

A day passed as Aiden and Isabella got discharged from the infirmary. They now stood at the ceremony line together with other schools, as was evident in their difference in uniform. The enormous square formation was divided by numerous lines, which were formed together with twenty different schools.

The lesser of them was the Zeka high school, which was the top amongst them with the higher standard, as was evident by their numbers. Currently, all the students faced the empty platform while most of them peeked in the same direction from time to time.

It was the direction where the Zeka high school formed its line. The haughty faces of the students who was basking with countless gazes caused a lot of envy from their observer. After all, it was natural for the Zeka high school to receive so much attention when they have the highest awakeners among them.

Among the seventy-five students who were formed together with only two lines, there were 19 awakeners, which the number took two or three different schools amounts of awakeners combined. Therefore, it was not surprising they received so much attention from different schools.

In addition, the aura Aiden and Isabella radiated clearly revealed their bearing which appeared to be a cream of the top on the already top high school.


A manly intimidating voice reverberated from the platform, exactly where the speakers were placed. It was the General who appeared at the platform from the back, and the students focused their gaze on him.

They watched the general stand at the platform with overawe gaze. After all, the general exuded an aura that every awakener they met paled in comparison. As though they saw a tiger, which they differed from a domestic cat.

The General swept his gaze to each student, and the student he landed his gaze on felt goosebumps all over their body. They felt naked under his gaze, as though even their soul was scrutinized. However, there was only a single person who appeared unperturbed by it, it was Draven who calmly met his gaze.

The General paused his gaze at him for not a second, so the student did not capture this moment. Time seemed to stop since even though not a second passed under their competitive gaze, Draven felt it was over a minute. He was not intimidated, but it did not mean he was calm and collected inside.

His mind had been accustomed to the aura of Frank and the Goddess even before she reverted back to her child body. Hence, he was calm and met the General's gaze, but got panicked once the General did not continue his sweeping gaze.

'Interesting,' the general thought while continuing to sweep his gaze to Aiden and Isabella which was the same as Draven, calmly meeting his gaze without feeling intimidated.

'Good seeds! Probably because of Frank. They might have accustomed by his leaking aura.' The general smiled at them.

However, since all the students gazed were unto him, it did not stop the other students to glimpse his smile which was directed at the Zeka high school students. They could only grit their teeth while constantly telling themselves to improve and beat them at their own game.

"Stand up straight! A future soldier or awakener of humanity should not appear unsightly!" The General roared as it startled all the students while following his command. "Chin up! Shoulder back! Stomach in!"

They followed his command whether what their gender they were. The Girls' breasts became prominent once they followed suit with the general's command. Some horny boys pleasured their eyes, while some sternly followed the general's command with their sharpened gazes. They came here not to play, unlike the horny boys who were scolded by the general.

"Let me introduce myself! I'm the general of the Zeka country, named Jax. I'm an alumnus of the Federation Awakener's Academy. I am here to scout those students who had potential based on the school's standard I have here." The General took out an empty piece of paper. "That's right! None! I will be the one to test those students who are deemed by me worthy to become a student of the Federation Awakener's Academy!"

Surprisingly, the General was contagious by the playful disease Frank, causing the students to wonder if the General was right on his head.

"Let's forget about it. What are all of your knowledge regarding the upcoming college entrance exam?" The General asked.

The students thought he might be playing with them since the college entrance exam had been the same every year. It was a simple combat tournament that would duel every student depending on their Path role. There was also a practical test to determine the knowledge of the students regarding math, science, history, and most important of all, the dungeon.

One of the students from another high school raised his hand and the general give him permission to speak by nodding his head.

"It is divided into two sections, namely practical test, and battle performance. Program aside, the first test would be practical and followed by battle performance which was a duel amongst the students, and the scout would then pick their desired students based on their performance."

The student answered neatly without stuttering as though his social ability reached a higher level compared to a teacher. The General kept nodding in approval until the student finished his explanation.

"You are right. However, there is a slight change for the battle performance test." The General's stern expression brought a lot of tension to the students. "The Government wanted to level up their awakener's standards. Hence, the battle performance test will happen in the Dungeon!"

His last sentence made the student's mind turn blank. Even Frank who had been watching from afar was stunned. After all, it had been a tradition that students would duel and duel until only a single person stood at the top.

However, the current battle performance test would naturally involve the life and death of the student and it was completely foreign for the students who had grown under the turtle shell.

As much as the students wanted to rebuke, they could not for fear of offending the General. Hence, the general lengthened the silent atmosphere before he continued.

"That's right! Recently many dungeons have been appearing globally. And just a few days ago, A D-Grade City degraded to an E-Grade city after an A-level Dungeon appeared." The General shook his head. "Let's not talk about that. Anyway, there is a dungeon near here, which will outbreak since its expiration date is nearing. Although the boss could choose to return from his hometown, we are talking about the low-level dungeon."

The General continued, "The skeleton General who could compete against Phase 5 awakeners is the boss, hence all of you need to defeat it." He then smiled devilishly. "Are you up to the challenge?"

His declaration was the last sound that reverberated throughout before it was replaced by the silent, dumbfounded atmosphere. After all, how could they react to the sudden twist of the event? As though, a person was forced to accept the reality when he did not even anticipate it would happen.

Even Aiden, Isabella, and Draven were stunned, for they have already anticipated it would be a duel tournament. However, later they realized it was actually entering the dungeon which they did not expect.

"Of course, you all are not fighting alone." The General smiled in assurance. "You will be fighting along with a balanced team. A defensive role Path, an Offensive role Path, the rare support role Path, and so on and so forth. Therefore, all of you should expect that you will have to fight together with a teammate you barely know!" The General guffawed in amusement.

The students shook their heads as they gazed at every student who also seemed to sweep their eyes in every direction. It did not long before it landed in a specific direction, where there were most awakeners of the batch, the Zeka high school.

"What about those unawakened?" The student who answered the General's question earlier asked. It was clear he was unawakened and wanted to rely purely on his wisdom and intelligence to be accepted in the awakener's academy.

Enjoy the mass-release ;)

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