
Birth of the Spirit-tier weapon (1)

Chief stood frozen with shock written on his face. It was unexpected and surprising… Well, how could it not surprise him when Draven, all of a sudden, touched the heated Claw with bare hands, and when he thought Draven had some tricks… It actually burned, and the sizzle alone made him nauseous.

Yet, the shocking thing did not stop, as the blue flame suddenly materialized on his palm and engulfed the flame from the heated object, eventually wrapping the claw with its blue flame!

But… but… the consequence was so dire.

Dire enough for his eyes to widen like his eyeballs were about to come out, and his queasy stomach was acting up.

After all, what he was staring at right now was an excruciating and repulsive sight to see.

Draven's hand, covered by the intense blue flame, was becoming a skeleton hand. If it was only a slight transformation, such as his flesh and nerves suddenly disappearing, it would have been somewhat tolerable.