
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasy
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132 Chs

Aiden's Soul Power

Selena did not answer his humble and polite question as she continued to give him a fierce glare. Selena was hesitating about whether she should attack the man but was afraid Aiden might have died from it. Trouble would come afterward and she was too lazy to handle it.

Frank visited her earlier and talked about a lot of things. She came to realize what the world was, unlike Draven's narrowed explanation. It explained Frank's experience, after all, and Selena could feel the grief and sufferings Frank had gone through.

Frank also warned her not to create trouble, since the world became more complicated as powerful people doted on their sons and daughter the most. Hence, Selena could not kill the man in front of him.

"What brings you here?"

Selena asked without having a polite or demanding tone. It was only a casual question. However, Aiden, for some strange reason, felt fear and intimidated as Selena's chilling tone caused a mess in his senses. His every hair stood on end, while Aiden gulped an ample amount of saliva while answering her question.

"Ah! I only came for Draven and nothing else. I did not expect others' presence here, and I apologize for that. Anyhow, I wanted to tell you that you are gorgeous despite being a kid. Can I ask if you have an older sister?"

Aiden surprisingly got interested if Selena had an older sister. After all, he could have not dated a twelve-year-old kid. He was surprisingly got interested in girls, which was unusual since he was not even moved by Isabella's beauty.

"Are you insulting me?" Selena's pair of eyebrows tightened while her crescent shape eyes became round and turned crimson, as though they became a blood moon. "I'm not a kid. And just so you know, I don't have an older sister!"

Aiden stood frozen on the spot. His mind stopped working when he received a threatening, intense glare Selena directed toward him. He remembered something when he feels a glare from Selena.

A vague memory awakened in his mind. He remembered the time he made a mistake and his mother's glare at him, which made him cry in fear. This feeling made him remember his trauma, which made him want to run away. However, when he remembered his motives for coming here, he held back and apologized again to Selena.

"Anyhow, why are you seeking Draven?" Selena turned her head and pointed her finger at Draven. "As you can see, he is currently asleep. So if you have something to inform him. Inform me and I will tell him once he wakes up."

Aiden was filled with relief when he came to realize Selena's negative emotions lessened. He wanted to take this chance, and spoke, "To tell you the truth. I came here to beat him up. After all, this guy causes a lot of trouble and is the only thing to prevent it from causing destruction. I wanted to take a video of him getting beaten up and send it to the person he had trouble with."

Aiden swallowed a plentiful amount of saliva while peeking at Selena's reaction. However, Selena was flabbergasted when she heard the reason, and she immediately broke into laughter afterward. Her laugh made Aiden awkward, as he joined her with a light chuckle.

Aiden saw Selena holding her stomach from the excessive laughter, and could not help but find her too adorable, and a desire arose. He wanted to grab her checks and pinch them.

'She is too cute.'

"I like you!" Selena exclaimed while pointing at Aiden. "If only Draven was not awake, I would let you have the freedom to beat Draven to my entertainment. I know you will not kill him since I don't sense a killing intent from you, but only a vast hostility toward Draven. Anyhow, you should come back tomorrow and beat Draven here."

Selena then looked towards the only sofa in the apartment, where it could even be a wonder if it still had foam. It might have been rugged and difficult to sleep with.

"Or maybe, you will sleep here. See that sofa over there? You can sleep there, but only before the sun rises. Or maybe you can beat him up once he will wake up at any minute."

However, Aiden hesitated and Selena saw it. Selena frowned for such a puny human dare to hesitate on her offer. Aiden should be grateful enough since Selena invited him to her humble abode but Aiden seemed about to reject it. Selene was offended and thus decided to chase this man out, but an interesting idea suddenly popped up in her head.

"Hey! Stop thinking about it. It seemed you don't want the offer I made," said Selena.

"N-No, it's becau-."

"Don't worry about it." Selena shook her head. "Anyway, I wanted to know if you have supernatural powers. And what is this Path all about?"

Aiden was stunned when he heard her questions. 'How could she be ignorant about the Path? Where in the plane she lived?' Aiden wanted to ask her how she could be unaware of the Path's existence but held himself back when he saw Isabella's don't ask look. He gulped his saliva and explained what the Path was.

"Path is an existence who revealed itself after a year cataclysm happened…"

Aiden's explanation continued for half an hour, and Selena was already back to meditation. To be honest, she should have been already aware of Path's existence since Draven have already explained its existence to her.

However, she did not even continue to listen's Draven's endless explanations as she thought Draven was only babbling nonsense.

"And that's it!"

Actually, Aiden was also lost in thought when he explained the Path's existence. He was not even aware he was recounting Human history, and he had only realized Selena was not even listening after explaining a bit of the Path. He lightly rubbed his cheeks as he felt awkward and shame.

However, he could not blame Selena though since he was getting too full of himself. Thankfully, Selena opened her eyes and placed her attention on Aiden once again, diminishing the awkwardness.

"You did not answer my first question," said Selena.

Aiden was taken aback, and his eyes rolled upward as he tried to remember Selena's first question. He was quite embarrassed when he realized he forgot about it. Selena wasted no time, as she questioned him once again, causing him to be filled with relief.

"I'm asking if you have supernatural power."


Aiden suddenly has the idea to show off his power. He first gazed at Draven before looking at Selena. He was skeptical if Selena would reveal his abilities to Draven, but he remembered Selena's support of humiliating Draven. Hence, he was reassured Selena would keep his abilities a secret.

Without wasting time, Aiden murmured and his soul power awakened.

"Soul Power, First stage, First phase, Beast arm"

Aiden's arm slowly changed while thick, long hair grew as it covered his arm. Selena was startled and felt disgusted by the scene while holding herself back from vomiting as she did not want to interrupt Aiden. Aiden was wholly focused on his arm transformation, so he did not realize Selena's thoughts.

Aiden right arm now changed as it completely differed from the normal human arm. Its claw and hand became bigger and looked formidable while its claws extended and became sharper. His arm became bulkier while it was completely covered by thick, dense purple hair.

Aiden wanted to impress Selena with his new profound strength, but Selena's sudden voice startled him.

"Try receiving this!"

A crescent milky white beamed tore through the air as it dashed through Aiden's direction. While he felt his impending death, he instinctually moved his beast arm and met Selena's attack.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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