
Some Slice Of Life (1)

Lily, and the twin, turned to see their new guest, and were a little surprised, but quickly that surprise turned into nonchalance from Luna, while Aurora had a lewd expression, and Lily had an appreciative look.

The guest in question was beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure that sent Aurora's imagination to overdrive, thinking of ways, she would spend the night with her.

Lily was no better off, being entranced by the guest's beauty. Luna was the only one, who seemed to not care, while her eyes were on the guest, her thought were reminiscent of the ice cream she had earlier, and was wondering if she will ever get the chance to taste it again, as soon, as possible.

The guest, floating before them, had striking caramel skin tone, violet coloured eyes, with black long hair cascading on her lower back, a heart shaped face, with small red lips, and beautiful long neck.

She was wearing casual black jeans, a grey sweater, with slippers. And on her back, was a huge broad sword, that dwarfed her. But she was giving Lily and the twins curious gazes, as if the broad sword weighed nothing on her back.

But as soon, as Lily saw the carved up crimson horns on her forward, and a tail wiggling behind her, she understood why. Demons are known for their overpowering strength, even before the introduction of abilities from the system.

After a minute of appraising each other, Lily finally replied "What we are doing doesn't concern you, now if you will excuse us, we have important things to do, before the heroes come here."

After saying that, she turned back, to the fiend still in stasis 'Now Luna" she telepathically told Luna, who nodded and outstretched her hand, towards the fiend, her eyes glowed for a moment and the fiend unfroze.

It resumed it's attack before, he had been frozen, making it hit the empty air. It realised something was wrong, as it's prey wasn't there. It looked down, where it sensed the presence of Lily and the twins, and a fourth prey all huddled together. It's smile widened further than it should possible.

While still on the air, it created a large grey energy sphere like object. It was like grey threads spiraling Inside, and continually increasing in size.

No one moved a muscle, not out fear, but amazement, it was really a beautiful sight, if you ignored, the hatred buried within, as it glowed illuminating the entire forest.

"You should be glad, that this fiend, is allowing you lesser creatures, to witness, the might of my greatness before your pitiful deaths.. hahahahahahahahah-"


Behind the fiend, the demoness, had unsheathed her broad sword, and was now tightly holding it, above her head. It had an eerie dark-purplish aura, around it, infecting the air, turning it foul.

She brought down the sword, slicing through, the grey sphere energy. Not stopping her sword, she continued until the sharp edge of the blade, made contact with the fiend's head, still sliding down, cutting it's body in half.

Both the grey sphere energy and the fiend, got infected by the dark-purplish aura, and withered into nothingness. The demoness sheathed, back her sword, disintegrated, and materialised before Lily and the twins.

She outstretched a hand, with broad smile, and said "Now that there's nothing to disturb us, I would like to properly introduce myself, my name is Azuri, what are yours?"




All were stunned speechless, not because of the power the demoness displayed, but because of the wasted effort Lily made to keep that thing alive, only to be slices into nothingness, before she could get her answers.

'Aurora do your portal thingy, we are leaving.' Lily telepathically commanded.

She was pissed, but was not in the mood, for another fight, so she opted for the easiest method. It's to leave, and cool her head, and hope to never meet this demoness, ever again. The twins sensed her frustration, and didn't say anything else.

Aurora moved to the side, and ripped the space open, leading to Lily's apartment. Without another word, they entered, and closed the portal, after they all had entered, leaving the demoness, confused, wondering what she did wrong.

Lily went to the couch, and slumped down, in the middle and exhale. The anger in her heart, settling down. The twins also sat down, each taking a side. Aurora on her left, and Luna on her right.

She noticed, their eyes had changed, ever since the link. She wondered if her eyes. "Hey Luna what are the colour of my eyes?" Luna without turning to look at Lily, answered "Your irises are now golden, like mine and Aurora's usually are, but the sclera are still black."

Lily absent-mindedly nodded. She then proceeded to cut off the link. The twins didn't like the feeling neither did Lily, she felt closer than ever to the twins, when she was linked to them.

Lily closed her eyes trying to figure out, what was her next move from now on, and was disturbed by a voice behind her.

"Hey! you guys just left, without saying anything, did I do anything wrong?" The demoness questioned.

A vein popped on Lily's head, just when she was calming down from her anger the object of her frustration, had followed her. She hid her anger, behind a sinister smile, and turned her head back towards the demoness, staring at Lily's dead father.

She had squatted down and inspecting, as she poked at the ice, her eyes shining, intrigued. She looked up, when she felt three pairs of eyes, on her. She saw the same nonchalant, borderline bored expression from Luna, a stoic expression from Aurora, but her eyes, were on her heavy chest, no where else.

Lily was giving her goosebumps, with that inviting smile of hers. It seemed like a smile hiding fangs, until she let's her guards down, and it she will be struck. With a broad smile on her face, she asked a question, while standing up "Who's in there? He or she seems to be dead. I can't see clearly, because the ice is very thick."

Lily's smile almost broke, when Azuri stated the obvious "No shit, his dead! His encased in ice for fucks sake. And his my father. Now moving on from that useless topic, what is it you want from me, and why come in my apartment uninvited, instead of using the door? I mean it's there for a reason."

"Hehe- there's no need to be grumpy. I just happened to see your groups might, when you guys fought that thing, and I would for you guys to help me save my family."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all! Hehe- did you guys think, I was some kind of stalker, believe me when I say, I have been told that before. But I promise you, I am not."

"Of course your not, you just happened to see us, follow us, and invited yourself in someone elses home unannounced, just like any sane person would." Luna rolled her eyes, and replied sarcastically, as she lost all interest in the demoness.

She turned back to the front, slumped back nicely, and gazed at the ceiling, and lost herself in the thoughts, of tasting more ice cream, and all kinds of it.

Azuri's broad smile, twitched, and she narrowed her eyes, at Luna's back, when she heard the sarcastic reply. Lily chuckled, when she realised Luna's words got to the demoness. All the anger, she felt went away.

"And what makes you think, we will help you?" Lily asked.

Azuri moved back, her attention to Lily, she scratched the back of her head, and thought of something, as her violet eyes brightened.

"Because guys, are good people." She replied with such confidence, that Aurora became stupified, and Lily laughed her butt off.

"Pfffhhahahaha- hahahaha... Hahahaha.."

Lily's mocking laughter made Azuri realise her blunder, her face flushed with embarrassment. She looked downcast, and played with her hands, to distract herself, from Lily's mirthful laugh.

The more Azuri thought, about it, the more foolish, she thought. Who would risk their lives out of the goodness of their heart. It was just that her mother used to tell her, about the many human heroes, who are known to save other people's lives, without expecting anything from them.

Maybe she had been wrong, because not only did this person have a dead person, in her home, she didn't exactly look human to her. Not like the one's she saw when she roamed around in different places.

"Okay, that's enough! What do you want, if I want to make you willing to help me." Azuri, with a serious expression, hiding the fact, she was still in fact, embarrassed.

A sly smile, creeped in on Lily's lips, as she replied "I want four things, if you want my help. The first thing, is money of course, who doesn't like money. The second thing, is your going to let me tame you. Third, you're gonna have a date with me. Then lastly you have to endure spanking from Aurora."

"Money is no issue. I don't know what you mean, by tame. A date is a no go, because I already have someone I like. And lastly, why do I have to be spanked, I did nothing wrong, right?"